All People Travel Through the Era

Chapter 77 Mysterious Knight (Second Update!)

This team of professionals above level 20 just came out of the space gate.

When they saw Wang Changhe and others, they immediately surrounded them.

"What are you going to do?"

Wang Changhe was timid, but he still yelled sternly.

Anyway, he calls himself the Young Master of Shuicheng,

How can you lose face!


In the foreign professional team, a knight looked at Wang Changhe blankly, and said: "We are the rescue team, where is Miss Mu Huang'er? Didn't you use the fixed-point teleportation scroll?"

It turned out that, just in case, after the fixed-point teleportation scroll was used, Mu Huang'er would also have her own professional support to prevent accidents.

heard that,

Wang Changhe and others suddenly realized that they were the ones who attracted them!


"I'm sorry, but sister Huang'er and sister Yang Yiyi didn't use the teleportation scroll."

A few girls spoke up,

The knight frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Where is the accident?"

"In the Black Mountains, it's about a few hours away from here...if you ride horses."

The girl answered.

After all, she was still a young girl with a very simple mind. When she heard that the knights belonged to the Mu family, she believed them.

"Well, we have to rescue Miss."

The knight said in a deep voice: "Come here, tell us the location!"


The girl spoke,

She looked fifteen or sixteen years old, and she was much more courageous than a big man like Wang Changhe.

"Wang Lin, be careful!"

"Yeah, Wang Lin is really brave, not like someone! Hehe."

"come on!"


Everyone spoke,

Wang Lin smiled.

At this time, for some reason, Wang Changhe had an impulse in his head, and he couldn't help but said, "Let's go together too!"


Everyone was stunned,

But Wang Changhe waved his hand and took the two members of his team, expressing that they would go to the rescue together.

"That's the best."

The knight nodded and gestured, and someone took out a scroll.


【Group Acceleration Scroll】

Quality: Blue.

Use level: 20.

Number of uses: 1/1.

Effect: Consume 50 magic points, apply group acceleration, speed +800, and last for 2 hours.

Introduction: A valuable artifact for traveling.


This is a precious consumable,

But the knight didn't hesitate, and directly crushed the scroll,

next moment,

Everyone in the team seemed to be stepping on the wind, and their movement speed increased many times!



The mountain topography is complex,

on the path,

Occasionally, giant beasts and monsters with blind eyes would attack the three of them,

After all, the size of human beings is not considered large in the heavens and worlds.

The giant beasts in the mountains are three to four meters high. Seeing three humans, the low-level heads will inevitably think that they are weak and launch an attack!


"Chi Chi—!"

in a clearing,

Yang Yiyi and Mu Huanger were sitting on the rocks to rest,

Holding the "Great Fire Sword", Wu Tian cut up several strings of animal meat and roasted them on the sword.

Same as equipment introduction,

This "fire sword" is really a barbecue artifact. Not only can the flame be manipulated at will, but also the temperature, flame angle and range can be controlled at will.

A few skewers of meat were quickly cooked,

Wu Tian took out "spices" and "cumin" from the storage space, and sprinkled them on top.

In a few seconds,

A scent hits the nostrils,

Wu Tian took a deep breath, and his stomach growled loudly.

"Tender outside and inside, fat but not greasy! This barbecue is top grade!"

Wu Tian boasted and sold himself,

Twist a small piece of meat and put it in your mouth!

"Oh! Exquisite!"

Wu Tian was speechless, and began to eat in big mouthfuls.

When Mu Huang'er and Yang Yiyi saw it, they hurriedly joined the "meat snatching" army. A giant beast that was about to attack the three of them just now became the food of the three of them.


Wu Tian moved his ears, and vaguely heard many footsteps.

"Someone is coming, human beings, and more than a few."

Wu Tian opened the mouth and said.

"People? Be careful!"

Mu Huang'er frowned, and put down the meat in her hand.

In a different world, professionals who are civilized according to the law must also guard against each other.

this is no joke

Although they are all civilized, but profit is at the forefront, and no one knows how many villains there are.

Shortly after,

A group of people entered the field of vision of the three.

There are knights, and there are other professionals.

The same thing is that the wind is surging under their feet, "propelling" them forward at extreme speed.

"That's the guardian knight of the Mu family!"

Mu Huang'er frowned, turned her head and said: "Sister Yiyi, little brother, don't be nervous, he is my knight!"


Wu Tian rubbed his chin,

Subconsciously...saved a file.

"Archived successfully!"

"Overwrite archive bit: 2"


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