【Ye Chen】

【Occupation: Chaos Lord

【Level]: 1 (Experience value: 152,547/10000)

【Strength: 10

【Agility: 11

【[Constitution]: 10

【Spirit: 138

【HP]: 7400/7400 (Benefit of the Immortal Demon Body)

【Mana: 13,800/13,800 (Chaos Lord profession has 10 times the mana)

【Talent: Immortal demon body, seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster

【Bloodline: None

【Skills: Basic Identification, Explosive Fireball, Fiery Rain, Frost Nova, Thunder Shock, Earth Elemental Shield, Summon Demon Wolf……

【Storage space]: 10 grids

【[World Coordinates]: None

【Evaluation]: A new professional with unlimited potential


"Shit! The experience points required for upgrading have increased a hundred times?"

Ye Chen was stunned when he saw that the experience points required for upgrading increased from 100 to 10,000.

You know, for ordinary professions, 10,000 experience points are almost enough to upgrade to level 10.

But for him, he could only upgrade to level 2.

It was really outrageous.


"The strength of the ultimate myth profession is so terrifying"

"The free attribute points gained by leveling up are equivalent to leveling up to level 15 for ordinary professions."

"It is understandable that the experience points required for upgrading are higher."

If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

Strong power naturally requires more experience points.

This is the balance of the world.

Moreover, from the perspective of strength improvement, the same 10,000 experience points are used for upgrading.

The second-level Chaos Overlord can definitely beat hundreds of ordinary tenth-level professionals.

Thinking of this,

Ye Chen was soon relieved.

A hundred times the experience is a hundred times the experience!

Compared with the strength improvement brought by the Ultimate Mythic Profession, this upgrade pressure is nothing at all


Without any hesitation,

Ye Chen immediately began to use the reserve experience points to upgrade his own level.

Experience points -10,000.

Experience points -30,000.

Experience points -50,000.

After consuming 90,000 experience points,

Ye Chen's level was successfully upgraded to Lv4.

Then, he did not hesitate to add all the 90 free attribute points obtained from the upgrade to the spiritual attribute.

This is the main attribute of the magic profession.

It is related to the upper limit of mana and the power of spells.

Its importance is needless to say.

Moreover, his legendary talent, the Immortal Demon Body, also relies heavily on the spiritual attribute bonus.

There is no doubt that adding all spiritual flow points is definitely the best choice

【Ye Chen】

【Occupation: Chaos Lord

【Level]: 4 (Experience: 62,547/70,000)

【Strength: 40

【Agility: 41

【[Constitution]: 40

【Spirit: 273

【HP]: 15,650/15,650 (Benefit of the Immortal Demon Body)

【Mana: 27,300/27,300 (Chaos Lord class has 10 times the mana)

【Talent: Immortal demon body, seeking good fortune and avoiding disaster

【Bloodline: None

【Skills: Basic Identification, Explosive Fireball, Fiery Rain……

【Storage space]: 10 grids

【[World Coordinates]: None

【Evaluation]: A new professional with unlimited potential


"With my current attributes and skill pool"

"Even if I face a level 20 epic professional, I can easily defeat him."

Looking at his brand new panel, Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

I have to say.

This feeling of rapid improvement in strength is really great.

I looked at my experience points. I was only 7,400 points away from upgrading.

After pondering for a moment,

Ye Chen decided to travel through the world.

Go to other worlds to fight monsters and gain experience points.

Anyway, I asked for leave from my class teacher today.

I don't have to go to school.

I'm free anyway.


"You need to think carefully about which way to travel."

In this world, there are two ways to travel.

Random travel and coordinate travel.

Random travel does not require world coordinates.

But no one knows what kind of world you will arrive in.

In history, many people chose random travel, and ended up in extremely dangerous and terrible worlds.

They were killed as soon as they landed, and never returned.

But there are also many people who traveled to some undeveloped worlds with many opportunities.

They soared into the sky.

It can be said that this way of travel has both opportunities and crises.

Coordinate travel requires world coordinates as a guide.

The advantage is that the destination is known and the risk is controllable.

However, the disadvantages are also obvious.

Most of these worlds have been visited many times by other predecessors.

The benefits have long been taken away.

It is difficult to gain much.

"For ordinary new professionals"

"If you are weak in the early stage, just choose the coordinates to cross the designated world, and the best choice is to develop slowly."

"But I have the ultimate mythical profession, and my strength is far beyond the reach of ordinary rookie professionals."

"There is also this supreme talent to protect you from danger and seek good fortune."

""You can try random travel to get more benefits."

Ye Chen analyzed in his mind.

Although the risk of random travel is not small, but with the talent of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, the probability of him being teleported to the world of death is zero.

In this case, he would naturally not dare to use the random travel function.

As Ye Chen made up his mind, the talent of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger was automatically triggered.

Three lines of words appeared in his mind:

【It's a very good fortune. Random time travel will start in five minutes and thirty-two seconds, and you can enter the unexplored E-level world, the Kulun Orc World. The probability of triggering a world mission will be greatly increased!】

【The lottery is medium-low. Now you can start random travel and enter the D-level world, the Savage World of Warcraft. You will fall into the lair of the Frost Tyrannosaurus and obtain the excellent treasure - the Heart of Ice and Snow, but you will be chased by the Lv30 Frost Tyrannosaurus.】

【Bad luck, give up random travel, buy world coordinates to travel, waste a few rules coins and a lot of time, and gain little】

…… ps: World level division: F (no extraordinary power), E (the world's highest power limit is the apprentice professional (level 20)), D (the world's highest power limit is the senior professional (level 40)), C (the world's highest power limit is the master professional (level 60)), B (the world's highest power limit is the legendary professional (level 80)), A (the world's highest power limit is the demigod (level 100)), S (the world where gods and immortals exist), SS (the world where immortal emperors and Daluo Jinxian exist), SSS (the world where saints exist)

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