"You did it first."

Tao Yu said with a smile.

"Bingso Silver Needle, this is extremely poisonous, so you can be really cruel."

Tao Yu came to Li Mochou, whose acupuncture points were controlled, and looked up and down at his trophies.

I have to say that Li Mochou is actually quite good-looking. Her skin is white and pink, and she looks healthier than the slightly sickly pale Little Dragon Girl.

Although the headlights are not as big as Cheng Lixue's, they fit her figure perfectly.

"How about helping me raise bees and I won't kill you?"

Tao Yu stated his conditions. It was a fair deal, and he would save his life in exchange for a part-time job.

But the shock in Li Mochou's heart has not dissipated yet.

She has been in the world for many years, and it is not like she has never met a master.

But the finger force in front of him directly shattered the ice soul silver needle, and in turn controlled himself instantly, but it was too overbearing.

"I've seen Yiyang Finger, and it's far inferior to your finger strength. What kind of martial arts is this?"

Although Li Mochou asked with a bit of shock, her voice was a bit coquettish.

"Martial arts moves also depend on the person who performs them. Do you think you have seen them all just by watching a few fish using their Yang Finger?"

Tao Yu glanced at the other party sideways, and then continued to ask

"What's the answer? I'm not very patient."

However, Li Mochou didn't speak at this time, but Cheng Lixue came over, looking at Li Mochou with a red face, and whispered to Tao Yu.

"Actually, actually I think you can use other methods to make her obey. I will help you then..."

Tao Yu felt a little speechless when he heard this kind of talk about tigers and wolves, and looked at this problematic chivalrous woman.

This heroine, your thoughts are very dangerous!

"I think she started to want to use a poisonous needle. She wanted to kill you."

Cheng Lixue's face turned slightly red.

Although Li Mochou didn't know what suggestions this beautiful heroine was making to Tao Yu, she was keenly aware of the problem.

I'm afraid he still has some other methods that he hasn't used yet!

At that moment, his attitude softened and he said softly

"It was my fault before. As compensation, I am also willing to keep bees for Young Hero. However, I have not cultivated jade bees for many years, so my methods are somewhat unfamiliar. I have a junior sister living here, so why don't Young Hero bring her here as well?" I will be your companion and help you raise..."

"She didn't offend me. It's no problem if you can convince her. But you are not familiar with the technology. I can ask them to train you again."

Tao Yu looked at this guy who wanted to tear off his umbrella when he was caught in the rain and drag his junior sister into the water. He didn't know whether he was really evil or thinking about the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra.

"If you act honestly, I can teach you martial arts stronger than the Jade Girl Heart Sutra."

Li Mochou felt that her thoughts were being read, and she was slightly shocked.

But when she heard Tao Yu say that she would stay and study with her junior sister, she was secretly happy.

There are many mechanisms in the ancient tomb, and as long as you find an opportunity, you will definitely be able to get out of this state.

"So, relax and let me unlock your acupuncture points later."

Tao Yu reached out and pressed Li Mochou's forehead, feeling a touch of softness on her fingertips.

Li Mochou's heart sank slightly, knowing that the other party must be trying to do something.

But in order to get out of trouble, we can only try to relax our minds and let go of our spirits.

Feeling the mental resistance on her fingertips lowering, Tao Yu also smiled, then closed her eyes and suddenly opened them.

For a moment, Li Mochou felt that Tao Yu's eyes were extremely bright, as if they were glowing with light.

The Nine Yin Manual [Soul Transfer] was used simultaneously with [Domestication] to directly implant a spiritual seed into her body.

The spiritual seeds are imprinted with some 'rules' written after the deification of [Soul Transfer]. Even if they leave the control range, the spiritual seeds can still operate according to the regulations.

"What, what is this?"

Li Mochou's acupuncture points were unlocked, but she still had a headache and held her head, looking at Tao Yu's expression of surprise.

"It's just a means of control. Do you want to feel it?"


Li Mochou didn't answer, but Cheng Lixue next to her suddenly turned red, and her legs rubbed together, not knowing what she was thinking.

But fortunately, Tao Yu's reverse mental seed suppression prevented her from showing any ugly appearance.

His own spiritual seeds have always suppressed Cheng Lixue's body's reaction, but this will not be effective only for him, and sometimes it will be a bit embarrassing.

Then Tao Yu looked back at Yang Guo and Mikasa who were full of curiosity. After thinking about it, he directly used punitive measures against Li Mochou.

She immediately groaned, covered her head and fell to the ground.

The Taoist robes and hair on his body were covered with fallen leaves, and he seemed to be extremely uncomfortable. He bit his silver teeth secretly without letting out a painful roar.

Tao Yu admired this kind of willpower.

Originally, he just let the other party feel it, but Tao Yu quickly took back the control and casually said

"This is a punishment. Make sure you learn beekeeping skills and wait for me here."

Tao Yu's words made Li Mochou, who had just gotten up and turned pale, reveal a hint of bitterness.

"But I didn't know that there was such martial arts in the world. If I had just chosen to resist, would you still have succeeded?"

"It's difficult. You may need Cheng Nuxia's help then."

Tao Yu's words made Li Mochou look at the red-faced Cheng Lixue next to him. He always felt that this was not a good thing. It seemed that it was good now.

"Okay, I'll ask my boss to take good care of me in the future."

Li Mochou bowed to Tao Yu.

"Well, if you want to express your apology, you have to..."

Cheng Lixue whispered a reminder from the side, but Tao Yu pressed her mouth down and started whimpering...


Xiao Longnu saw her senior sister whom she had not seen for a long time, and looked at her face which had not changed much, but she actually felt a little happy in her heart.

Xiao Longnu has lived in an ancient tomb since she was a child and is not familiar with worldly affairs. Her senior sister is one of the people she has the most contact with.

It's a pity that because of the master's death, Xiao Longnu has to keep her senior sister away.

In fact, she was only slightly interested in the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra. Practicing martial arts was purely a matter of inertia and the master's orders and arrangements.

"Junior sister, I've been troubling you for the past few days..."

Li Mochou couldn't help but sigh secretly when she saw her junior sister who was still so innocent.

After discovering that she had been controlled by others all her life, she also felt that the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra seemed to be just that, and could not help her get out of the predicament.

"Miss Long, this is probably what happened..."

Tao Yu gave a brief explanation to Xiao Longnu and Grandma Sun.

Xiao Longnu already knew from Grandma Sun that Tao Yu's martial arts were very powerful, but Grandma Sun's explanation of the specific high-strength method was too exaggerated.

But I didn't expect that when I turned around, I caught the senior sister. She should be about the same age as myself, but her martial arts skills were still above hers.

I originally wanted to find a chance to defeat him and fulfill my master's last wish, but it seems that I have no chance.

"...So now I can guarantee that Li Mochou will no longer harm others, and will no longer care about the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl. I implore Miss Long and Grandma Sun to make her familiar with beekeeping. Of course, this will also be paid. As far as I can find The information left behind by Wang Chongyang is known, he actually..."

Tao Yu briefly explained the "Nine Yin Manual" carved by Wang Chongyang in the ancient tomb, and regarded it as reciprocating the favor.

"If Miss Long and Granny Sun are willing to come together, that would be great. Although our place is a bit chaotic, with your skills and the help of the friends I asked for, safety should be worry-free."

But just as Tao Yu finished speaking, Li Mochou took the initiative to help Tao Yu.

"Junior sister, the reason why I came here this time is that big things have happened in the world recently. Giants have appeared in the north, Tianyuan has appeared in the East China Sea, and now the martial arts conference is coming..."

Li Mochou also told the reason why she came here this time.

It was because of the recent changes in the world that I felt uneasy, so I thought of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra again.

No matter what, improving one's strength in troubled times is the right way, and the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra is about to become her demonic obstacle.

Unexpectedly, his new boss actually found the Nine Yin Sutra, which was more powerful than the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse now…

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