"It's really difficult..."

After studying for a day, he was about to go home and talk to his family about Tao Yu, who had been living in the gym these days. At this time, a look of emotion appeared on his face.

My own Wanliu Zhuang Gong has been introduced three times!

But now that we have the deified Wanliu Zhuang Kung as the foundation, we can't even learn the first form in one day. This is even with Smith constantly correcting and teaching at his side!

Sure enough, the difficulty of learning the five boxing techniques has increased dramatically. No wonder the practice of setting out the pile will be simplified separately to facilitate the acceleration of willing power.

"But I have vaguely grasped the context. I should be able to get started in two days at most."

My proficiency has improved visibly, and I have not encountered any bottlenecks or incomprehensible areas.

With a foundation in pile skills and excellent physical fitness, it will not be a problem to master all five boxing techniques.

There is also [Tenjin Gong], which has the ability to promote digestion.

This is Tao Yu's goal this month.

Although after awakening his talent, the interval between going to the abyss is at least five days, Tao Yu is still prepared to finish learning what he can and spend all his will power before entering the abyss.

Sharpen your knife and never miss the woodcutter!

Compared with the abyss, the environment in the current world is more comfortable, and you can also learn some skills.

"Hey, Uncle Tiger, why are you here?"

When Tao Yu came to the door of his house, he saw Uncle Hu and two people from the security team smoking and chatting at the door.

Third brother Tao Tong, who rarely goes out, also rolled out in a wheelchair.

The third brother also has [Dynamic Vision]. He also joined the security team before, still following the path of Uncle Tiger. Now he has a rare smile on his face while chatting.

"Hey, our great genius is back."

Uncle Hu saw Tao Yu with a cigarette in his mouth, grinned and waved to him.

"Uncle Tiger?"

Tao Yu trotted over.

"I heard that you went to the Walled City to learn skills? How is it? Is it going well?"

Uncle Hu looked at Tao Yu up and down and asked casually.

"It's very good. The owner and senior brothers are very enthusiastic."

"That's right, A-level talent is always enthusiastic."

After a few simple words, Tao Hu explained his intention.

"You have also heard about the Li family, right? In fact, I came here this time for this matter."

"I heard that, it scared me to death, you said."

Tao Yu listened obediently. It was obvious that they didn't come here because they suspected him of being the murderer or something. It should be about Blood Orchid.

"We already have clues. Yesterday you sent out the information about Blood Orchid. You did a pretty good job. I was a little negligent before."

Tao Hu first praised Tao Yu, and then talked about the current situation.

"At present, it is probably certain that the Li family was sold out by their allies. In fact, based on the relationship between the Li family, they can probably target several targets, but they are very cautious and none of them have exposed any flaws. After you sell the information, That should be the end of it.”

Tao Hu said it very straightforwardly, just as the curator Liu Yi had predicted.

The other party is not targeting the security team, it is purely a matter of distribution of interests of the Li family.

If the Li family sought cooperation from the security team as a whole and was eventually wiped out, they would definitely share the same hatred and even make the matter bigger so that the company's security department would intervene.

But now I don't bother to deal with the issue of uneven distribution of the spoils.

"...Originally, you would have been in danger, but fortunately you are still smart. The problem should be solved now."

"Hey, I also gave it to the gym owner and exchanged it for a few free skills. I've been living in the gym these days."

"Haha, you are quite smart. I am just worrying too much."

Tao Hu smiled and patted Tao Yu's shoulder. He felt that the boy had grown a lot taller and felt a little awkward when patting him.

Then he took out a watch from his arms and handed it to Tao Yu

"Here, this is a gift from Miss Sun. Congratulations on getting your A-level talent."

Tao Yu was stunned for a moment, and then quickly took the watch over.

Unlike the previous Pip-Boy pixel-style receiver, this watch is a distinctly silky smartwatch type with a lot of features.

"The two big figures in the Floating City already know about your A-level talent and the identity of your partner, and they passed on the message..."

Tao Hu cleared his throat, seemingly directly paraphrasing

"'We probably know what you are thinking. Actually, don't worry too much. If you are willing to come, we can keep you safe. If you are not worried, you can come over after a while. Try to improve your strength first and don't waste your talents.'"

It seems that the people who came back in the past three days may generally have average talent levels. Tao Yu's A-level [Dynamic Vision] is relatively eye-catching.

After speaking, Tao Hu handed a card to Tao Yudao.

"Because of your talent, they gave you 3,000 willpower as start-up capital. The guy in charge of your area tried to deduct it, but I beat him up."

Holding the wish card in her hand, Tao Yu felt a little emotional in her heart.

Compared to the Li family and Joseph's acting style, the two people in the Floating City are indeed much more grand.

Being aloof is indeed aloof, but people spend real money to win people's hearts.

There is no oppression based on strength or status.

The main idea is that under a heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

"Uncle Tiger is more confident, what? Is there a chance this time?"

Tao Yu also teased Tao Hu in turn.

And Tao Hu really grinned.

"It's not confirmed yet, not confirmed yet, I'm just an agent for the time being."

This really surprised Tao Yu. I really didn't know. It seems that Uncle Hu has always been in contact with the big shot who appreciated him!

Uncle Hu, who has a mechanical arm, can also be the deputy captain of the security team in Nancheng District, but this position must have background and connections.

After all, according to Tao Yu's estimation, if the deputy captain of the security team does not wear armor, he will be shot by a group of ordinary people in an open space. It is not enough to just have strength.

But this is also a good thing. Fat water does not flow to outsiders...


The tragedy of the Li family has been lively in the vicinity for half a month, but Tao Hu has already told Tao Yu about the attitude of the security team, so it is naturally impossible to make a name for himself. The suspected forces will obviously not reveal any "flaws". They just caught some petty thieves and those who deal in contraband that they usually don't care about.

Then the attention was gradually diverted.

The main focus of the people in the outer city is to fill their stomachs and survive. Many people with extra money are still being eaten up by "happiness" and don't have so much energy to eat melons.

As for the dead, look at the number of people who die in the teleportation square every day. It's all because of the people in the outer city who are holding on...


During the daytime training time, the Wanliu Dojo still has a neat sound of breathing.

Of the few people who originally followed Smith to have a private class, only Tao Yu and Zhang Wei are left. The others have joined the big team to start training.

Zhang Wei relied on his talent of [Endurance] D+ to grind hard and master the standing practice. He gritted his teeth and started to learn boxing. He chose the bear form that focuses on defense, endurance, and a bit of horizontal training.

Tao Yu has already started all five boxing methods. Now he still comes to the dojo not only to become proficient, but also mainly to replenish his body with the Qi-boosting soup.

Now his willpower has been almost used up.

Because of the increase in strength, the efficiency of willpower decreased, and the marginal effect that appeared as the physical fitness approached the upper limit, Tao Yu also felt that the efficiency of practice was decreasing at a visible speed every day.

"Hey, I have to find a way to make money again, and there is a way to continue to improve the limit..."

Tao Yu's monkey swung his arms and swung them, and a crisp sound was made in the air.

[Wanliu Ape Form·Revised] also reached the level of lv2. Although the willpower consumption of the five-form boxing is much greater than that of ordinary skills, Tao Yu finally pushed it to lv2.

Then the new changes that Tao Yu had been looking forward to appeared.

The five skill light balls combined and rotated with each other, and a new skill light ball was born in the middle!

Originally, the new ability that required ordinary five-form boxing to reach lv4 to have a chance to be integrated, because of Tao Yu's deification, it was satisfied when all reached lv2.

[Five-form integration] lv1: Integrate the five-form boxing of tiger, crane, bear, python, and ape, strengthen the blood and qi of the whole body, and can improve the physical limit to a certain extent.

If standing practice is a prerequisite for the Five Forms Fist, then the Five Forms Fist is also a prerequisite for the integration of the five forms!

This is just the normal version. Seeing that the deification requires 1,200 points of willpower, although there are only 2,000 left in the body, Tao Yu did not hesitate.


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