Zombie world, new development base.

With the continuous influx of indigenous people, there is also continuous migration.

Now the radiation range of the new development base is getting larger and larger.

The pioneers are mainly concentrated in military bases, plus some important indigenous people and technical workers, including some corresponding gyms of the "Scripture Pavilion".

And more ordinary indigenous people are working as labor in Las Vegas, providing physical labor for alien breeding and willpower planting. With the water source and power system of the Hoover Dam, Las Vegas has now regained its vitality.

The overall population is mainly composed of Koreans from the demonized world, local survivors of the Great Beauty, and some residents who have traveled long distances from the martial arts world.

In addition, because the transmission device has been installed in place, a few strong people who have enough points and saved a sum of money have been transmitted to the base.

However, due to the energy level limit, the strongest person who came here is just the level of ordinary boundary breakers, and because the stronger the energy level, the higher the transmission cost, the few strong people who came here are mainly some top senior partners.

This is the most cost-effective option, and the individual strength is enough to stand on its own, with the highest cost-effectiveness.


As the light of the transmission device flashed, a figure in full armor took off the helmet on his head and held on to the side with a retching motion.


But after retching for a long time, nothing came out.

Next to the transmission array, there was a figure wearing a white robe of the floating city, who took out a tablet to register and swiped it.

"Xinwen of 'Redemption'?"

"Yes, meet Master Cheng Yu."

Xinwen recovered from the dizziness during the transmission, and then put on the helmet again.

The transmission itself can be adjusted multiple times. The new development area is not only limited to the energy level as a prerequisite, but now the target of each transmission itself also needs approval from this side.

For now, only pioneers from Xingyao City are accepted, but many restrictions have been relaxed, so it is not necessary to say that they must be allies and subordinates of the Sun family.

"According to your application, you want to learn internal force? And then you want to take root in the new development area for a long time? Do you have any plans? I remember that you are also a contracted partner of Baiguo Family."

Cheng Yu looked through the information on the tablet and asked some simple questions.

"Yes, I want to obtain the domain to see if I can find a way to continue to break through. In addition, I have deepened the contract with Baiguo Family again and will assist their industry here. However, I should still focus on the exploration tasks around on weekdays. I have to earn back the transmission fee."

Xinwen said it very easily, there was nothing to hide.

"Now we have discounts and priority activities for learning internal force. Your strength is enough. Are you interested in learning about it?"

Cheng Yu asked like a program.

This made Xinwen ask with some excitement

"I wonder what the activity is?"

The discount is okay, the price he can afford, but the temptation of priority is too great.

"After learning the inner strength, you can open a gym in the state capital. At that time, you only need to hand over 30% of the profits, which will decrease year by year. After ten years, you only need to hand over 10%."

Cheng Yu's words made Xinwen stunned for a moment, and then he said with a wry smile

"Forget about the state capital, but there is no problem with the inner city."

"The quota for the inner city is full, so you may need to queue up."


Cheng Yu knew that the other party was an old hand, so he didn't waste his breath to persuade him.

The top senior partner is indeed not weak. As long as there is no conflict of interest, he can go anywhere in the world and get a good position in the state capital.


Running to open a gym is a brand new system, which happens to have a "conflict of interest".

If it's not good, you may disappear from the world.

It's not easy to climb to the current position. Although the profit looks good, Xinwen has no intention of trying it.

You can earn money but not spend it...

But at this moment, a dragon roar was faintly heard in the sky.

The distant and low dragon roar came from a distance, attracting a lot of attention.

Cheng Yu also looked at the distant sky with some surprise, and raised his eyebrows when he saw the black spot on the horizon.

Then a voice came out of Cheng Yu's intercom

"Master Cheng, a flight unit has applied for landing. It is the 'Eight-armed Vajra' Tao Yu, who brought several Chosen Ones here."

"Another Chosen One, he should have relevant talents..., allowed to land."

Cheng Yu sighed, as if he was a little emotional.

In terms of the other party's performance, his strength may be above his own!

A person from the outer city, who climbed here step by step with his own hands, although he was lucky enough to get the internal force system and received many rewards and rewards, but this still seemed a bit exaggerated...

"'Eight-armed Vajra'? He is still a newcomer to our 'Redemption', and he has grown too fast."

Xin Wen also seemed to be a little emotional at this time. He thought that he was stronger than Qian Hao, but his strength was limited. He was already a very outstanding member in 'Redemption'.

I have heard about this newcomer before. Two old men have seen him, but now, in a blink of an eye, his strength is higher than mine!

Some people have become senior partners overnight through a chance encounter, and there are also people who grow faster than him!

But this kind of long-term speed of steady improvement is not justified by a chance encounter.

Then the two saw the alien dragon, with some black smoke like ink on its body, flashing its wings, raising hurricanes, slowly landing on the apron, and seeing a group of people coming down from it.

"There are also ninjas, and the jonins have the conditions to threaten me."

Not to mention Cheng Yu's sigh, Tao Yu came back from outside so loudly, it can be said that many people in the base are paying attention, and the few boundary breakers who were teleported here are also the same.

There are many scrutiny and judgment in their eyes.

Although the head of the beast taming family was injured, the successful assassination still shows that the other party has the strength to threaten itself.

To some extent, it can also be regarded as the same level, and it can also be regarded as a potential competitor.

The stronger the strength, the more resources you want to get, and some competition is inevitable.

Fortunately, the new development area is still in a period of vigorous growth, and the addition is large enough to resolve this potential contradiction...


Tao Yu led everyone down from the alien dragon, and Xiao Hei and the alien dragon were directly arranged in the open space next to the apron.

At this time, no one dared to come up and say anything to him about the alien flying dragon needing a rope.

Then he saw a charming and enchanting woman in white gauze, stepping on the light skill and floating in front of Tao Yu, bowing and saluting

"Meet the sect master."

The person who came was Zhu Yuyan.

With her skills and the little rich woman's care, it was easy for her to gain a foothold here.

With the suppression of the spirit seed, plus Tao Yu's original strength and the little rich woman's backing, this group of people in the demon sect did not have any other thoughts, and they diligently helped Tao Yu stabilize the rear of Dada Company.

With the strength of the martial arts people coming from the Tang Dynasty, before the teleportation was opened, the overall strength was definitely unique.

Even after the teleportation was opened, it was enough to stabilize the basic plate.

"These are the new Chosen Ones. Arrange for them to register and settle down."

Tao Yu reached out and hooked Zhu Yuyan's white chin. The latter raised her cheek with her beautiful eyes slightly closed, which reminded Tao Yu of the perspective of looking down at her.

There are still a few days left. If the little rich woman is not free, she can find them to practice martial arts.

"I will obey the order of the sect master..."

Zhu Yuyan's tone was soft, and then she simply summarized some things that might need attention recently and told Tao Yu about them. There was nothing to be particularly concerned about.

"However, recently two boundary breakers have contacted Song Que and Zhang Zhenren respectively, and it seems that they want to reach some cooperation, but they ignored it."

Zhu Yuyan talked about some changes after the transmission was opened. When mentioning the boundary breakers, her expression was still a little solemn.

In terms of realm alone, ordinary boundary breakers are usually inferior to grandmasters, but the panel is too strong. If they really compete, the grandmaster may not be able to take their blows.

"Really, don't worry about it. Just follow the steps to complete the professorship quota. The rest has nothing to do with you."

Forced slavery is inefficient. For the instructors of the 'Scripture Pavilion', the workload is usually relatively loose, or it can be said that scarcity makes things valuable, and too much squeeze does not conform to the yield curve.

The more powerful the instructor is, the lower the requirements are and the better the benefits are.

Because of this, Song Que and his team still have plenty of time to study their own things.

The main purpose of those boundary breakers to find them is to build private relationships and get some guidance.

"Oh, Mr. Tao, you are a full man who doesn't know the hunger of the hungry. You have finished learning here, but we are also very anxious..."

At this time, a voice came from the side, and a middle-aged man with a smile on his face and a little white hair on his temples was walking towards this direction.

There was no sign of transformation on this person, but he was also wearing a white floating city dress.

Although it also brought a certain sense of threat to Tao Yu, at this age and appearance, he is still from the floating city, and he can be teleported through the energy level limit. It is likely that he is an ordinary boundary breaker like the old lizard.

In the inner city, he is a top-tier, but in the floating city, he can only be considered average...

The people of the floating city have also killed two and beaten one. Now the filter of the floating city in Tao Yu's eyes has been reduced a lot, so naturally there is no pressure.

After hearing the other party's words, he just nodded as a greeting

"I know you are very anxious, but don't worry, the floating city has already had extra quotas to jump the queue, but there is no way for more people, after all, it is the eldest lady's intention."

The other party is not high and mighty, so Tao Yu will be relatively good-tempered, just pulling out Sun Shiyu's banner.

In fact, if it is just one person, it doesn't matter if you say hello and ask a master to work overtime.

But if there is a first one, there will be a second one, and he is too lazy to break this rule.

Are we familiar with each other...

Shaman, who had learned in advance from the intelligence at the front-line camp that Tao Yu was coming and had been waiting for this opportunity to "encounter" him, did not expect Tao Yu to be so confident and directly declined.

This made him feel a little unhappy. He thought that if he came out in person and spoke in a nice voice, he would have some face, but he did not expect that he would not be persuaded.

Do you know that even if it was really the injured idiot you killed, in the eyes of the floating city, he was just like this!

Although he thought so in his heart, the other party had indeed grown up now, and he did not want to offend him rashly.

Although he was born in the floating city, he was already past the age of being full of vigor and blood. This forced him to suppress his dissatisfaction and squeeze out a smile.

"That's what the young lady said. There's nothing I can do about it. Haha, I just said that. Don't take it to heart. There are not many people of our level who can form a team in the base now. If you have time, you can go out together..."

"Don't take it to heart."

But at this time, a cold voice came, and Shaman's heart shuddered. He turned around and saw the charming young lady standing behind him. Although her expression seemed a little cold, she had an indescribable charm.

He was startled and didn't dare to look at it anymore. He bowed and saluted.

"Hello, Miss Sun."

At the same time, he was a little relieved. Fortunately, he just came here to test and lowered his attitude.

In fact, if you calculate it, this person really has a certain probability of marrying into the Sun family!

The investment on him should all come from the Sun family. With so much investment, it seems possible that good meat is in a rotten pot...

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