
"I am thirty-eight, and I won."

"Tch~ lie, I want to count them."

Just when the two of them were taking a breath after cleaning up the zombies.

The small iron door of the factory was opened from the inside, and then a fat black man carefully poked his head out and waved to the two of them.

"Come in, come in."

Tao Yu and Jack had just finished cleaning up the zombies when the fat man came over. He had obviously been monitoring and watching.

As the two of them entered, the fat man gently closed the small door, fearing that the sound would attract zombies from a distance.

"Hello, my name is James. I am an ordinary security guard in the laboratory. I am usually responsible for access control and other things."

The interior of this factory looks very ordinary, but you can see that what is stored is some food. A large number of individual rations and cans for big and beautiful soldiers are piled here on the shelves. It is not surprising that this fat man is so fat and strong. .

At least they don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

"How is the situation inside you? How many people are left? Is there an outbreak of infection down there?"

Tao Yu said inquiringly.

"There are seven people left. There were originally more, but those who wanted to break out have turned into zombies outside and been killed by you."

"You still want to break out with so much food? It's a real hell outside!"

Jack didn't expect that there was such a wealth of food here!

The original explosion was too misleading.

“Hey, you’ll find out when you come over later. I’m a security guard and I don’t know how to explain it to you.

"Anyway, no matter why you came here this time, we will cooperate with you in whatever you want. Now we have long lost contact with the higher-ups..."

James, the fat black man, sighed at this time and looked like he was in a bad mood.

This made Tao Yu frown a little. Such a arrogant guy only wanted to go out?

Something unusual must have happened in the laboratory below.

The entrance of the laboratory is parallel to a forklift garage. The entire forklift garage is equipped with lifts to facilitate the transportation of experimental equipment. It is very spacious.

However, as the elevator entered below, a sense of darkness hit us.

The dimness of the emergency lights made the place look a bit underworld, and there were already several people waiting at the elevator door.

And as the elevator door opened, the hair on Tao Yu's body stood up. His spiritual sense reminded him that there was danger here!

He even sent Tao Yu directly into bullet time, almost preparing to escape into the shadows while preparing to pull out a gun and shoot him.

But then he discovered that the source of danger was not the group of guys in front who came to greet the two of them.

Only then did he stop preparing to draw his gun.

As for the group of survivors who had no idea that they had escaped from hell because of the dim light, they gathered around and started chattering.

"You are so strong!"

"Shh~ keep your voice down, we have to keep our voices down here, otherwise we'll wake that thing up."

"Can you think of a way to take us out? We can help you get whatever you want."


Several people gathered around and talked to each other, looking a little messy.

"I want to know what's going on here? Why keep it quiet, and what is that thing?"

Tao Yu and Jack asked solemnly from the side as they left the elevator.

Jack, who was looking around and thinking about the last time he came here, was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then whispered to Tao Yu.

"What? What's the problem?"

He is still very convinced of Tao Yu. Although he is a pervert and has very problematic habits, he is very reliable and has a good figure.

"Well, let's listen to them first."

"That thing is a corpse king, and it is also one of the sources of this apocalypse. It was secretly transported here for study.

"But as the external power supply was cut off and the fuel of the internal backup unit was exhausted, it lost its restraint and is now locked behind the third isolation door..."

A middle-aged woman who may have been a researcher before and knew the situation here said in a low voice.

"Corpse King? Source?"

Tao Yu was a little surprised. He thought it was an ordinary zombie virus, but it turned out that there was also a zombie king? !

And to be able to feel a slight sense of threat here, I'm afraid it is indeed quite difficult, and it is definitely not the level of ordinary zombies.

Jack was also a little surprised on the side

"Source? When did you discover it?"

Hearing this, the researcher was a little embarrassed, and then said softly

"Two months before the full-scale apocalypse broke out. I was just a researcher. I didn't know it would be like this."

Upon hearing this, Tao Yu and Jack looked at the sky speechlessly.

Can I just say that she is really beautiful?

No wonder no crisis broke out in this laboratory. The problem occurred after the power outage. Their precautions were in place.

"It was only later that we discovered a lot of strange things through research, but someone should have spread it specifically. It is too exaggerated that the whole world broke out almost at the same time. There must be more than one such corpse king."

At this time, the researcher also explained the situation of human beings having moles.

This made Tao Yu hesitate. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the information he had obtained from the dead Lizilin Rich Woman.

'The 'luck thief' favored by the abyss...'

Why does the abyss favor the 'luck thief'?

At the same time, he thought of Cao Shaolin, this...

I don’t know if I am overthinking it.

However, these levels are not what I need to consider for the time being. If the sky falls, I will rely on my thighs. The purpose of coming here this time is to make money, just for that meteorite.

As for the Corpse King, you can understand it and decide how to act based on the specific situation.

"We came here this time because of that special meteorite. Our company wants to make a weapon that can quickly clear away zombies."

Tao Yu was going to get something first. After spending so long, there must be something gained, right?

But after hearing Tao Yu's words, several people looked a little embarrassed.

"Well, the place where the meteorite is is behind the third-layer isolation door. If we had that thing, we would have blown it out with fragments before..."

Hearing this, Tao Yu paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice

"The Corpse King has started to move. He won't hit the meteorite, right?"

That thing is really explosive. Can't I just spiral into the sky here?

"No, no, it's well kept, and a shock-proof box has been specially built, so there won't be any problems during normal transportation. Moreover, the Corpse King doesn't want to be stimulated by the outside world, and seldom moves on his own."

After hearing this, Tao Yu pondered for a moment. Now he can choose to go back and hand in the task directly. This kind of information harvest is definitely not low, but he still wants to try it himself!

In addition to the consumption of will power as the strength rises, the secondary strengthening of some skills that Tao Yu wants to start next is also a sinkhole.

The secondary consumption of [Basic Breathing Method·Modified] is almost 30,000 Willpower, [Bullet Time] is more than 100,000, and [Five Types in One] is more than 200,000!

The gap is here, and we can only do a lot of work.

"Take me over there to observe. I'll see if I can deal with the Corpse King."

Tao Yu's words made the faces of the group change, and then he said sincerely

"Don't, have you discovered why there are so few of us and no combatants? Except for those who broke through from behind, most of them died when that thing went out of control. The damage done by firearms to it is limited!"

"Headshots are useless?"

"It's probably useless. I remember that its skull is quite tough, maybe a little, but it must be a lot of hair."

The researcher recalled some uncertain data when he participated in the study and said, and then added

"None of us have seen anyone else fighting it. It was a confidential area with a separate monitoring room. We could only hear a lot of gunshots, and then they all died. After that, we lowered the isolation door."

When she said this, her eyes were a little wandering. Maybe there were still people who survived, but they cut off other people's lives in advance.

"Is there a ventilation duct over there?"

Tao Yu was also thinking about his retreat.

"Yes, but don't worry, it can't get through this."

"Take me to have a look first. I'll decide based on the situation."

"All right……"

The researcher was also a little helpless, and then took off his shoes and walked quietly in one direction. Tao Yu said to Jack

"I'll just go take a look. You know, I still have some special abilities."

Tao Yu's words made Jack nodded. He asked Tao Yu several times how he entered Cao Shaolin's room. Although he didn't get an answer, he now asked if the ventilation duct could be used to evacuate.

After Tao Yu carefully observed the size of the ventilation duct, he felt confident.

"I'll try to go in and have a look. If that doesn't work, I'll pull out."

"No, no, it's very fast, and the protective door will not be able to reach it in time."

Several survivors in the laboratory shook their heads.

"You don't need to open the door. I have a way to get in. Give me more relevant information and I will understand."

Hearing what Tao Yu said, several people also looked at each other, and it was the female researcher who came forward and said

"After we got here, we soaked it in liquid nitrogen to preserve it. During the research, we tested that the strength of the bones is comparable to steel, especially the skull. Ordinary bullets may not be able to penetrate it. Maybe it can be penetrated through the eyes."

The researcher said this. After looking at Tao Yu's reaction, he paused and continued.

"Furthermore, the flesh of the Corpse King is also quite tough. It is a high-quality buffer and is highly resistant to all kinds of physical damage."

Tao Yu also thought in her heart after hearing this.

Are bones as good as steel? That [Warlord Equipped with Guns] is a bit boring.

However, my [Basic Shooting·Modification] control is also very accurate in hitting the eye socket. If I really fight hard later and use the weapon [Giant Lizard Fang], combined with the blow that gathers the power of the shadow when breaking the invisible, I should be able to break the neck.

If it really doesn't work, you can still use your will power to recover and retreat.

With the new huge sum of seven thousand willpower arriving in his account, Tao Yu also thought he could give it a try.

"Okay, I understand. I'll go over and try. I won't show off."

"You can't come back if you try! This is the source of the apocalypse!"

The few people who were still hoping that Tao Yu and Jack could take them away were still trying to save themselves at this time.

No matter what happens, even if they live here, they still feel safe with two more powerful guys. Why are they rushing to die?

"Let's just say it's not considered a zombie."

Tao Yu smiled softly.


"That's no problem. I'm professional in dealing with zombies."

Tao Yu checked the equipment, tried out the new suit, loaded the ammunition, put down the backpack, and prepared to go into battle.

In addition, he also took out two Qi-boosting pills and put them in his mouth.

If you don't need to restore your will power, then you don't need it. The price/performance ratio is too low.

"Don't be afraid, this is my special ability."

After reminding them not to scream, Tao Yu immediately disappeared into the shadows in the dim laboratory, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, just like the smoke of ink painting spreading when it meets water!

This made everyone f*ck up.

Sure enough, human evolution didn't take us with it!

But if it was him, then maybe this problem could really be solved...


Tao Yu directly entered the ventilation duct in the mottled shadow world, and the reflections around him kept retreating, and the speed increased rapidly.

With the huge physical consumption and the Qi-boosting pills he chewed and absorbed, he passed through the ventilation duct and arrived at the other side of the metal door in the next moment.

Cao Shaolin's high spiritual perception could detect that he was normal, but a mere zombie...

When Tao Yu got out of the ventilation duct, he looked at the figure with fangs, sharp armor, hands raised horizontally, and wearing a Qing Dynasty official uniform and began to turn his head.

He almost cursed in his heart, isn't this an experimental subject?

Why is there this clothing! ? It's your bad taste when you captured it!

What zombie? What zombie king?

Have you never seen a zombie movie?

Why a zombie!!

This is Uncle Jiu's business!

Why not just use Arthas?

Looking at the dried bodies of the laboratory personnel here, Tao Yu felt numb in his heart. They were zombies that had sucked human blood.

However, after entering the bullet time synchronously and finding that the zombies were just sniffing something and not locking their positions, Tao Yu did not run back immediately.

"Escape into the shadows will not leave a smell. Is it catching 'life'?"

Now that I'm here, let's try it first...

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