"I was confused for a moment. That guy Sun Shiqing said he would free up manpower to deal with it, but he didn't expect to react so quickly. He is worthy of being the second-largest family in Xingyao in terms of actual strength..."

Tao Yu turned into a black shadow and left quickly, feeling a little stunned.

There have been many sparks in the state capital, and in the melee between several families that have made headlines recently, the disaster level of each family ranges from two to four, and the main event must be placed in the abyss. middle.

Just look at the Sun family's three disaster-level masters who directly attack Huanglong, and you can see that their comprehensive strength may exceed the Dikaron, Yue family, and Gu family combined.

"I was also a little misled by the Sun family's performance in the state capital. They didn't arrange for strong people to go there because they were afraid of touching the nerves of the state capital. In other words, it was because the Sun family was strong enough that they had more worries... "

But because of this, it seems natural that the Sun family is feared by Big Brother.

"Three people coming directly will probably cut through the mess quickly. Anyway, through the fragments of information on their side, there is no important force except the priests. Perhaps, this force directly suffered a fatal blow."

Tao Yu sorted through the fragments of information he had obtained. Although he could not confirm it, he felt that it was inseparable.

The 'priest' is indeed quite troublesome, but whether it is Sauron, Esdeath or Lao Mu, they have generally obtained the information that the 'priest' himself is not very strong and only studies the art of divination.

It is precisely because of this that the 'priest' has been cautious and worried about being beheaded.

Regardless of the level of divination of the 'priest', since he does not have enough power in his hands, he may have no choice but to lie dormant. With the top level of power being taken away, those small actions will not make much difference...


Tao Yu sparkled with lightning all the way, escaped into the shadows after entering the base, quickly ignored all obstacles, and returned to the Yin Kui Sect without anyone noticing.

Even among the sorceresses of the Yin Kui sect, no one knew that Tao Yu had gone out to do a lot of big things before.

"It's a pity that the masters of the Sun family are not able to stay here for a long time."

Tao Yu in the room thought with some regret, otherwise he could try to open up wasteland with the Burning Legion.

"But even though I mentioned the Burning Legion to them and seemed to take it seriously, they still didn't seem to understand the seriousness."

Tao Yu didn't feel this way before.

I thought that the Sun family would have a hard time mobilizing experts, but it turned out that they had just finished it, and already three major disaster-level enemies were behind them, which showed that their mobilization ability was quite good.

It's just that in their priorities, the troublemakers close at hand are more important.

No matter how far away the Scourge Legion is, there is also a world barrier to resist them. Those who come through the cracks are also resisted by the indigenous people over there.

"It doesn't seem to be imminent, but we still need to let them know more."

At this moment, Tao Yu's walkie-talkie rang, and the voice of the little rich woman came from inside.

"Are you back at the base? You didn't go out randomly, did you?"

The little rich woman's voice sounded a little urgent. Tao Yu was stunned for a moment and then immediately realized. It must have been those disaster-level people who briefly informed the situation.

She still knows that she likes to take risks and run around, and is worried about her going out.

"No, I'm at the base, practicing my skills with the witches. When will I come back? I want you to look good then."

Tao Yu calmed the other party's heart.

"Huh, that's good. You can continue to practice your skills. I'm coming back soon. Things are a bit troublesome. They have a very powerful disaster level. You don't want to go anywhere recently. Considering your current potential , I will definitely spend money to stop it if I have the opportunity.”

The little rich woman warned.

Tao Yu is not a direct descendant of the Sun family, he is highly talented, but his protective power is relatively lacking. If he really kills him, the rebound will not be as serious as Sun Shiyu and others. He is indeed a good target.

From the memory fragments channeled by Lao Mu, we can also gain insight into their purpose.

"Don't worry, I have extremely good disguise skills. I can show you next time."

"Then you wait first. After they finish their work, I will ask Aunt Lan to take a look. If she thinks you can go out, you can go out."

The little rich woman said another way.

"Then I'll go back to this world to rest first?"

Tao Yu felt that even if they already had a location there, they would probably have to wait a few days after a quick sweep, so it would be better to go back and relax.

With my current situation, I can still go back to Shining City to see my parents.

"Returning to the present world..., after you left, the fighting in the state capital became more intense. It seems that many boundary breakers died before. I think we should wait for it to calm down first."

After hearing what the little rich woman said, Tao Yu was a little curious and said

"How intense was the fight?"

"Disaster-level experts from the three families appeared frequently. Although they did not take action, their confrontations caused a certain amount of panic. They restrained themselves after being warned. A disaster-level fight even broke out in the pioneer area of ​​the state capital. Fortunately, we haven’t really broken our hearts yet..."

Hearing this, Tao Yu was a little surprised. You guys have already hit your head. Why bother?

"I'm sure it's not just me..."

Tao Yu simply threw the blame away, saying that he was already in the abyss. This was none of his business.

"Didn't you say you have a disguise skill? Let Auntie Lan take a look and make a judgment. She is good at detection. If she thinks it's okay, then returning to the present world and going out should be no problem."

The little rich woman spoke again, and Tao Yu did not reject it.

Originally, he thought that with his current strength, it didn't matter if he exposed the extent of entering the disaster level, anyway, the intelligence could not keep up with his progress.

But after the Sun family suddenly arranged this kind of firepower this time, Tao Yu prepared to stabilize his hand again.

The Sun family is already so strong, and has always been the first family of Xingyao, representing the face of Xingyao City. It has always been the uncrowned king. The strength of the Xing family will only be stronger!

I just have the potential to become a disaster-level boundary breaker, which may attract disaster-level hunting, ranking second only to the little rich woman and the two of them.

If it is now shown that it has just entered the disaster level, it seems that it is not impossible for the strongest person of the Xing family to come out and block the door directly.

"Be stable first, no matter what, now you have entered their sight."

It is good to no longer be a small transparent person in the past.

Some minor troubles will not come to me, and many problems can be solved without my statement.

Puli's son died, and he had to greet him with a smile when he came to his house, and he had to pay more for the transaction even if he knew he was talking nonsense.

This is a benefit brought by the improvement of status and position.

But at the same time, the attention I receive will be higher.

"It's not as bad as Sun Guangyao. I may be investigated by the other party for extraordinary intelligence from time to time. Otherwise, my anti-divination may also cause some new troubles. Well, I should practice more methods such as misleading and false intelligence recently..."

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