"So that's it..."

Tao Yu looked at the information fragments in the dream communication, and his expression was not very surprised.

Sid is the external affairs director of the Efes family. Although the relationship between the Efes family and the Bai family is somewhat similar to the subordinate relationship between Treya's family and the Sun family.

But the Efes family also has some independent choices of its own, and it is even a member of the board of directors of the White Star Group.

In fact, there has been a secret exchange with the Xing family for nearly a hundred years, and even their subordinates have long helped the Xing family sell things.

It's just that unlike the open and aboveboard of the Dikalong family, the Xing family is stronger because of its strength, and the attitude of representing Xingyao City, so it is quite low-key, and those shops themselves are still owned by the Efes family.

In addition, some mutual help, mutual exchange of what they have and even borrowing people often happen.

Most of the time, the Efes family borrows masters from the Xing family.

After all, even if the Efes family itself counts their ancestor who has not appeared for a long time, there are only three disaster-level ones, which is similar to the specifications of the Yue family. Compared with the strength of the Xing family, there is a big gap.

It was normal for the Xing family to borrow some people to help them.

Even Sid himself suspected that the Xing family had masters who helped them ambush the disaster level of the enemy family, causing the opponent's top master to disappear and bring the two sides back to the same level.

However, although Sid was the chief steward of foreign affairs, these news were also guessed and only his speculation.

After all, even if such a secret event happened, he would not be notified...

"It was the Efes family that took a fancy to Long Yin'er's bloodline alone, no wonder..."

After all, although Sid did not know everything, and the information fragments were a bit messy, Tao Yu also made some speculations with the help of divination.

Although the Efes family was a vassal, they were vassals for the sake of their own family. They were definitely loyal, and very loyal, and were even willing to sacrifice the disaster level for the Bai family.

The last public action of their ancestor was to take the risk of spying on an independent mission world for the Bai family.

After spending ten years exploring that world, their ancestor successfully returned, but he announced a retreat as soon as he came back and never showed up again.

However, even if their family is very loyal to the Bai family, they themselves want their family to become stronger.

According to Sid's memory of worrying about the ancestor of the family, their ancestor seemed to have overdrawn a lot after returning from the exploration of the world, and their ancestor is approaching the age limit.

Although there has been no announcement within the family, Sid himself guessed that his life span has been exhausted.

"The abyss has abyss wear and tear. Even the immortal gods will slowly wear and tear. No matter how powerful they are, they have a lifespan limit, just like the swallowing of the abyss. It can only be delayed by various means but cannot be completely eliminated..."

Tao Yu thought of some news he had just received recently.

However, this kind of wear and tear seems to be of no use to himself who possesses [divinity].

"What is this [divinity]?"

At this time, Tao Yu began to examine his [divinity] again.

Because the strength is in place, Tao Yu also jokingly asked about some news about [God] and [Divinity].

Pure divinity is not incomprehensible, such as the conceptual gods divided by the world will, the gods with consciousness in the Naif world, and even some of the fragments of the abyss.

But even gods will be worn out by the abyss!

This made Tao Yu feel a little weird, and he always felt that his [Divinity] was a little different...

Took a look at his negative abilities, that is, now he has a white robe and [Power] to adjust, otherwise he would be on the side of the evil god believers.

Tao Yu vaguely felt that the divinity he possessed might be the divinity of the evil god...

"Who cares? It's OK as long as it's useful. I'm so kindhearted that I can't be an evil god. Don't waste your energy."

As Tao Yu completed his dream communication, when he wanted to use divination to disturb the situation, the coin in his hand suddenly stood up, which made Tao Yu raise his eyebrows.

"After all, it is a top family with multiple disaster levels. This anti-divination awareness is still quite strong. Has it been discovered... After all, Sid is considered to be very advanced among the middle-level. It seems normal to have bloodline soul guidance..."


With a thought, the coin shattered and turned into powder directly...


At the same time, in a forest garden in the second ring area of ​​the state capital, a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard in a room was looking at the high-speed rotating jade hairpin in front of him.

Next to him was a figure covered with a cloak, holding a crystal ball in the void in his hand, and muttering some incomprehensible tones.


The jade hairpin suddenly cracked, causing the white-bearded man to change his expression.

Then bang~

The crystal ball suddenly exploded, and the black-robed figure spurted blood and flew backwards.

"Are you okay, sir?"

Although his strength was much greater than that of the black-robed figure, the head of the Efes family hurried over and helped the other person up. He did not ask about the result, but was concerned about his physical condition first.

"Fortunately, this time there is trouble. It is a very difficult guy. Some information should have been leaked, but I have disrupted it as much as possible. Disruption is easier than straightening it out. He should not be able to go deeper later."

The black-robed figure wiped the corner of his mouth and lowered his hood. It can be seen that his eyes were covered by a black eye mask, as if he was blind.

"It's good enough to prevent more information leaks. Sid's sudden death was so unexpected, it must have been planned for a long time."

The head of the Efes family sighed.

If possible, he certainly wanted to have no problems with the information, and even find out who the person in the dark was.

But he had never fought an extraordinary intelligence war, so there was no way.

The main reason was that they were too caught off guard, and they were not fully prepared at all, so they could only come temporarily.

Now is not a conflict or war period, it is impossible to keep a high level of vigilance all the time. It is a great achievement for their family to have the current reaction.

The other party should have planned for a long time, and had prepared many props for corresponding assistance, and they were caught off guard in time.

"But I can't get any information from the other party, not even a rough idea."

"Are you not sure it's from Long Yin'er?"

The head of the Efes family asked calmly.

The big thing the family is planning recently is Long Yin'er, and it has been going smoothly so far, without much resistance.

To put it bluntly, Long Yin'er shouldn't be able to come up with such means!

Unless some other forces have taken a fancy to her, or even chased her from Tianlongzhou.

If so, it will be a bit troublesome, and it is likely to be a catastrophic opponent.

There seems to be no additional feedback from the Fire of Civilization recently...

"How is Long Yin'er's grandmother now?"

"Although there is a disturbance, from the spillover situation, it can be confirmed that she is dying, otherwise she would not rush to Baixingzhou now. When entering the city, I took advantage of the perception of the Fire of Civilization and spied on it."

The black-robed blind man wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and he was quite proud when he said this.

It is very difficult to determine the state of a catastrophic person.

Just like no one can determine whether the ancestor of the Efes family is dead or alive, the Efes family is deliberately confusing, so that people dare not act rashly.

"In that case, it's acceptable..."

The head of the Efes family was a little hesitant at this time. Now the family can only use two disaster-level ones. In addition to himself, the other one is still in the abyss.

Even in the home court of Baixing City, it seems a little unsafe.

After all, it is unknown what the specific strength level is for a secret attack.

We have to ask for external help...

The first person to ask for help is of course his own master, but he has not told the Bai family about this matter before, and it may not be a good idea to ask for it rashly now.

Let's go to the Xing family...

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