Under the cover of the setting sun, the Gobi Desert seemed to be covered with a red carpet.

Jack drove the pickup truck around Las Vegas again and back onto the road.

"Are you okay? Didn't I say that I would be able to arrive before tonight?"

Tao Yu was sitting in the passenger seat, eating canned beef and talking lazily.

"How do I know it's so bad? Two flat tires."

Jack also looked speechless.

Because it was already noon when they came out of the base after solving the problem of the 'Corpse King', and there was not enough time for the two of them to climb out of the military camp and come back, so Jack simply took Tao Yu into Las Vegas to get some supplies, and then went outside After resting for a night, we set off again.

It took a total of three days and two nights to solve the problem and bring back a lot of supplies, which was considered very efficient.

Unfortunately, the environment in the Gobi is still not as good as the road. I broke the tires twice in a row and wasted a lot of time. As a result, I had to bypass Las Vegas in the evening and return to the road.

There will be a more complicated road ahead when entering Henderson, which will probably be difficult before dark.

Tao Yu just talked casually, while running the breathing method and using Qi and blood to stimulate strength to complete some strengthening. At the same time, he raised the charged watch to listen to what information the two channels had today.

"...there is another rainforest to the south. It is preliminary confirmed that the distance between the north and south of the Alien 01 fragments is about two thousand kilometers. It is roughly judged that the scale of Rainforest 02 in the south far exceeds that of Rainforest 01.

"The air is toxic and lacks oxygen, which is extremely threatening to ordinary people. Those who are not strong enough need professional equipment to enter. A blue gaseous planet can be seen in the sky. The flora and fauna are very strange, and it is extremely dangerous to the pioneers of the outer city.

"A tall humanoid creature has been initially discovered, with primitive tribal civilization. The world barrier has blocked all interactions at the same time, and has little impact on the outside world..."

Obviously, the north-south distance of the alien world is much shorter than the east-west distance, only two thousand kilometers. No wonder they have reached the south in a few days.

When Tao Yu heard this information, an outline emerged in his mind.

The characteristics of the world they were talking about were so obvious that Tao Yu also knew that it must be Pandora, a special planet with room-temperature superconducting ores!

Thinking of the floating city hanging overhead in Xingyao City, Tao Yu also knew that the technological elements of his world were not low.

However, judging from their regrets about getting the wreckage of the spaceship before, it should be more that they have the ability to directly use the fragments of the world, because the gray fog separates all the cities, and a single city has obviously long lost the ability to fully industrialize, and the entire industry The gap in the chain is too large.

Perhaps it has unique insights in aspects such as alienation and mechanical transformation, but it is probably far from comprehensive.

Relying on the movements taken from the abyss as a basis, transformation is better than manufacturing.

"However, it is still a room-temperature superconductor. Even if it is partially strengthened through some mechanical modifications, it is still quite strong..."

Tao Yu pondered in his heart. So far, they don't seem to have discovered those superconductors.

The monsters in the world of Avatar and the Na'vi are quite powerful in comparison, and are much more of a threat than the giant python.

A single giant python may not be weak, but the number is too small, and it cannot fight in a system like the Nami people, not to mention that there are human forces over there.

There are all kinds of high-tech combat weapons, and the air that is toxic to humans is also troublesome and requires professional equipment to enter.

What's more, there is an unknown plant-type 'god' over there.

Judging from the current comprehensive strength of the new development area, it is really unstoppable, and the gap is quite large.

There are also restrictions on transporting things from Star City to the new gathering place here. A person's general limit may be individual armor and motorcycles.

An infantry fighting vehicle probably requires a lot of people to work together to carry the parts and assemble them here, so the focus is more on the combat effectiveness of the individual soldier.

What's more, the location of the gathering place has not yet been determined, and the transportation task has not even begun.

The combined overall combat power of all the pioneers here is actually not that strong, and it is all supported by the two guys from the floating city.

I just don’t know what the two real limits of the floating city are, and if superconducting mines are discovered, whether more resources will pour in here.

"It's a pity. I don't know if there is a complete financial system here in the floating city. Now I can't make money by buying machinery at the bottom?"

Tao Yu kept thinking about how to bring benefits

"If we can really capture the superconducting mine in the world of Avatar, then there is a high probability that the mechanical system will suppress the alien implant system in the future... right?"

Tao Yu is actually not sure. He was not in finance before. It would be good to give him some advice. If it is really practical, his position will be liquidated in a matter of seconds. After all, the rules are in the hands of others. What will happen if you unplug your network cable?

However, Avatar's side is not an immediate problem for either the gathering place or Tao Yu.

"Even if I can go over now and occupy the superconducting mine, I still don't have the strength to hold on, and may even lose my life. Even if 'Eva' has the heart of the world, she won't be able to worry about it in the short term.

"Let's take care of the immediate situation first. Let's process Cao Shaolin's corpse for seven days to make the most simplified version, and then look for opportunities to upgrade it later.

"Then I will return and sell Jack, the 'chosen one', and then sell the information on the base coordinates. The money I get back should be able to support me for a while..."

Tao Yu planned short-term goals.

Jack, who was driving next to him, suddenly shuddered, then looked back at Tao Yu and complained.

"Are you thinking about something bad?"

"Hehe, let's think about how to spend tonight first, or go back directly in the dark?"

It doesn't matter if Tao Yu is alone, his eyesight is not afraid of the night, but Jack has to worry about it. If he has to drive, the city at night will be more difficult. If it is not necessary, it is better not to take risks.

"Let me see if I can get in touch first. This position should be about the same."

Jack adjusted the radio.

There are radio terminals on the pickup truck and the gathering place. They are not radio stations, but extended-range walkie-talkies. Now that we are close to the city, the internal frequency band should be able to connect.

"Is anyone there? Who is on duty today? Can you hear it?"

Jack continued to drive towards the city.

After a while, there was also a voice coming from the walkie-talkie, but the noise was louder, which should be at a more extreme distance.

"Zizi~Brother Jack, you are back. Tommy was on duty today. Something happened. He and Senk went to deal with it."

"What happened?"

Jack looked at the sky, which had become darker, and frowned.

"It's about the three guys who disappeared last time. Their companions showed up and said they wanted to negotiate."

Tao Yu was a little indifferent at first, but was a little surprised when he heard this, but soon he was relieved.

"They should have gone back to ask for help. Maybe someone is just about to come in and is nearby."

People from the outer city probably don't have much money to send out tasks, so this so-called companion is probably just helping out to see if they can get out, or distracting them to give them a chance to run away.

The probability of them risking their lives is not high.

Calculating the time, they should not have reached the cooling time yet, maybe they are just testing.

"What should we do then?"

Jack thought of the dead lizard man and looked a little solemn.

"Don't worry too much. It's probably that they are from the outer city. They are limited in strength and want to negotiate, otherwise they will come in directly. But you really need to pay attention and try to go back tonight. We pioneers have a low bottom line."

Tao Yu doesn't mind exposing his shortcomings. This kind of environment will inevitably lead to this result.

When survival becomes a problem, there is no point in talking about morality...


On the other side, four sloppy figures with all kinds of strange equipment and even frying pans were standing on the roof where Tao Yu came over through the rope, facing the hotel across the street.

Opposite them, Tommy and Senke, who were also armed with guns, and two other adult men from the gathering place were in a standoff.

Because of the zombies on the street below, the two sides did not shout at each other across the street.

It was just that Tommy and his team used the rope that was not removed to slide a walkie-talkie over.

However, it was a bit awkward and embarrassing that the guys on the other side, who were patched together with all kinds of rags, gathered together for a long time to study, but they could not connect for the time being.

Tommy and Senke on this side looked at each other in surprise.

"These are four idiots..."

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