"I really want to find trouble and fight something..."

After Tao Yu finished playing with his new talent, it can be said that he was extremely swollen at this time.

Even if I meet a saint, I want to give him a big blow first.

[Inherent Time Control] After three deifications, it can achieve the time-stopping effect. It can be said that he is a good player in both offense and defense!

If you attack, you have to intervene in the enemy's position. If the opponent is strong, there will be a lot of extra consumption.

But if the defense is only prepared to dodge, it can directly have the effect of teleportation, and the consumption will be relatively smaller.

These guys in the inherent barrier were already defeated, and it was hard for them to beat him up and break the barrier, which always made Tao Yu feel a little uncomfortable.

Always want to hit something.

"Where can I have a safer fight?"

Tao Yu flicked the coin casually, and there was really feedback!

Now that I have learned more about destiny through the [Destiny Dice], this divination ability has indeed become more and more handy.

"There are opportunities in both the gray fog area and the outer ring area..."

As Tao Yu laid out some props in more detail, he also received corresponding feedback.

But right after, click~

The dozens of bamboo sticks that Tao Yu used for divination broke immediately!

"Anti-divination disruption? Good guy, are you targeting me specifically?"

Tao Yu raised her eyebrows, seemingly a little surprised.

If there is just a fight, it may be that you are actively looking for trouble or you may encounter an opportunity to intervene.

Divination is all about ‘fate’.

But the sudden interference in divination is probably a kind of protection specifically for myself!

Although it is impossible to pinpoint the source, there are only so many troubles that may cause special targeting on me now.

Later, Tao Yu did not trace the source, but made several determinations based on itself.

According to the identity determination, the target of interference is ‘Klein’.

"The Efes family is the most suspected, followed by the Bai family, and then others who are interested in Long Yin'er and the others..."

However, Tao Yu also felt a little strange. Based on the current value shown by Long Yin'er and the others, and their future possibilities, it shouldn't be worth targeting a strong person like him, right?

After all, Long Yin'er's bloodline provides one more possibility.

It can be seen from the fact that Long Yin'er has not broken through the disaster level yet. Although the demon dragon bloodline is strong, if it is inherited well, disasters can be expected. Being cultivated as a core child of the family does not mean that it can help the Efes family improve itself. grade.

If it was the Bai family, the most they could say was that they wouldn't dislike it.

"Good guy, are you on top? Do you know what it means to stop losses in time?"

Tao Yu clicked his tongue and shook his head.

No matter how you look at it, dealing with him just for Long Yin'er feels like a loss-making deal.

Even if it's just the strength that he showed before...

However, although Tao Yu is confident in his own strength, he already knows the strength of the members of the Eifes family.

But he is not careless. He still needs to be alert, otherwise it will be funny if he overturns.

"Now that the limit state time-stop is added, my fault tolerance rate has undoubtedly increased a lot. Let's just see what happens. It should be necessary to monitor me, right? Or find an opportunity to lure me out?"

While Tao Yu was thinking, he went to the rail car and bought a ticket to the outer ring area, bearing in mind his identity as 'Klein'.

Let me give you some paths and opportunities...

The ancestor of the Ephes family has now put on a set of simple robes. He has also finished bathing and changing clothes. Although he still looks a little skinny, his temperament has once again reflected the magnanimity of the strongest man in the family. .

It's just a little stained with twilight.

"Hey, you really let me down. You can't even do such a small thing well."

Ancestor Ephesus sighed. He did not expect that so many things had happened to the family during this period, and that they had been dealt with in such a disgraceful way.

"But you can find a way to deal with Huo Laogui on your own, and there is no need for me to take him away. So, this is it, but I don't have much time. Whether it is divination or seduction, you can find a way on your own... …”

After all, he is also a dying person. After beating these unfilial descendants, Ancestor Ephes is still ready to shine in his last life.

"He himself has good anti-divination ability, so we must be careful in our disturbance to avoid being noticed."

"Yes, but he probably didn't expect that the ancestor would take action. He should have relaxed his vigilance after we compromised on the matter last time."

"Why don't we lure him out directly in our name? Anyway, there is no proof."

But while they were still discussing, Bol, the white-faced and beardless head of the Eifes family, suddenly touched his headset and was slightly startled.

Then he quickly spoke

"Ancestor, I just got the information. He took the rail car in the direction of the outer ring area. He didn't hide anything."

"Huh? What are you going to do in the outer ring area? Or take the rail car?"

"I have sorted out some of his action tracks that I could capture before. He really likes riding rail cars and going to some gourmet restaurants. It should be purely a personal hobby."

"Normal trip?"


Everyone's eyes lit up slightly.

In the second ring area, every area is covered by disaster-level supervisors. Even with the starry sky ball from the Xing family, it cannot cover up the fluctuations for a long time.

But it doesn't matter at all in the outer ring area!

"I don't have much time, I can't miss this opportunity, tell me where you are now."

Ancestor Efes was also decisive and stood up without any hesitation, and took a sphere on the table.


"Now, you can treat him as dead and do whatever you want."

Ancestor Efes looked very calm.


The others also felt sad when they saw the ancestor stand up.

They also felt a little uncomfortable that the ancestor, who was about to die, burned his life for the family.

But perhaps, when they enter this field, they will be like this...

"Don't worry, although he is very strong, and it is not ruled out that he is stronger than me, but I don't even want my life, so I can naturally drag him down..."

As he finished speaking, Ancestor Efes also took out a statue of the evil god and showed it to everyone.

This made their faces change slightly.

No matter what force it is, they are quite afraid of the evil god.

But at the same time, it is not too repulsive to use it when necessary!

"Although the evil god is disgusting, if it is used in the right place, it is just right to use it to cut off the opponent. Even if he wins in the end, I will definitely make him contaminated, hehe..."

The face of the ancestor Efess is particularly gloomy. Under the influence of the aura of the evil god statue, he looks very gloomy.

Then, before the aura dissipates, he directly retracts the space equipment again and pushes the door open to go out!

After taking a last look at the family's forest garden and reminiscing for a while, the ancestor Efess faded silently into the air, leaving only his last voice

"The family will be handed over to you in the future..."

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