Tao Yu has some impressions of the world of Black Robe Pickets. It is quite different from the traditional superhero series, and the superheroes in it have a very prominent "humanity".

Compared with the traditional selfless and upright superheroes, they are closer to real "people", and they are still in the category of relatively low moral standards, or it is very similar to the situation where ordinary people suddenly gain powerful power, which leads to psychological distortion. .

Very ‘down to earth’.

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of artificial superheroes, and they are generally youth versions of DC superheroes.

However, although they are all youth versions, the strongest ones among them are still very powerful.

Take the top T0 motherland, for example. Its flight speed can surpass the fastest fighter planes, its baseballs can fly out of the atmosphere, it can withstand megaton strategic nuclear bombs, and it is almost impossible to kill.

In terms of damage scope, Cyclops can also make up for it, which is a very standard disaster level.

It's still the kind that is built with hardware such as defense, speed, and strength.

However, except for the people of the motherland, there are no other superheroes in the disaster-level range. They all have their own characteristics and obvious weaknesses.

"The key is that the motherland has a high probability of being counted as a luck thief. After killing the Burning Legion, he still has the potential to improve. However, other superheroes, even if they are promoted, will probably be difficult to become disaster-level in a short time..."

Tao Yu also had some predictions about the situation there, but because of the world fragments, it was not convenient for him to do divination. He had to go there before he could try it.

"The Dread Lord Tinavis is a standard disaster-level one. General Zaka is stronger than him, but he shouldn't be a threat to me now. Therefore, among the top-level combat power of this Burning Legion, the disaster-level combat power should be at most Just the number of hands..."

In the case of limited disaster-level combat power, if the people of the motherland are really willing to save the world, they still have the ability to deal with it.

However, Tao Yu also felt a little headache when thinking about the Super Seven team with almost all members making fun of them.

The superhero of that world...

But most of them are villains...

They may have fought hard at first because they wanted to protect their 'own world', but as time went on, they felt that they would join the Burning Legion...

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look. I'll come back to care for you when I'm done."

Tao Yu teased Sun Shiqing for a while, then she blended into the shadows and left quickly without going through the main entrance.

Through the Supreme Lord of the Rings, I vaguely grasped the location of the Ring Spirits and called them to approach quickly...

"Wow wow wow wow~, your world is really strange."

Shenhai, who was wearing a close-fitting combat uniform, looked at the handsome men and beauties of the elves, and his eyes lit up slightly.

However, after pretending to be in the original world for so long, Shen Hai's acting skills are still quite superb. At least in terms of performance, he is still more gentlemanly and decent, without revealing any flaws.

"Perhaps, now that we have been dragged into the abyss, we all feel the same pain, but this time you come to ask for help, we have to discuss it."

Aragorn said to the deep sea with a sincere face.

He still has a good impression of this superhero from the world next door.

He is handsome, strong, and willing to sacrifice his life to protect the world, taking risks to seek help. He is impeccable in every aspect.

Aragorn is not weak in strength. He is based on the divine creatures of this world. In terms of pure physical hardware, he can reach the standard of a jounin. His own fighting skills are not bad, but when it comes to competing with the deep sea, he is only half-matched.

Moreover, Shenhai also said that his home field is the ocean.

So Aragorn also knew that he was no match for the opponent.

"This time I came here, I narrowly escaped death. I only found the opportunity because of the attraction of my companions. I don't know what happened to them. Hey."

Then Shenhai showed an envious look and said

"Your world is better. Most of the Burning Legion has been blocked. I don't know if we can accept our escape."

"Of course you are welcome, but how to save your people from the Burning Legion requires a long-term plan. Representatives from the Trail Blazers are here, plus a few people from our White Association, we can have a good discussion... "


In fact, Shenhai didn't care much about rescuing people. This time, he almost wanted to hang on.

How dangerous those Burning Legions are!

You finally risked your life to escape here, you are crazy...

But as Aragorn arrived at the Barad-d'Ur Fortress on the edge of Mount Doom, and after arriving at the wide stone open-air conference hall, Deep Sea's eyes lit up.

The two beauties with their own characteristics caught all his attention.

Oh my God!

I never thought there was such a beauty in the world.

A graceful and charming woman, her body is pure and charming at the same time. Every part of her body is beautiful, and her pair of ruby-like eyes bring out a sense of enchantment.

The other has graceful blond hair, as if she had stepped out of a painting, with an air of dustiness.

Deep Sea is the standard 'King of the Sea', and he considers himself to have read countless people, but compared to the two in front of him, the others suddenly turned into stinky fish and rotten shrimps.

At this time, Sun Shiyu was holding Galadriel's arm, constantly turning his head and whispering to her, covering his mouth and laughing softly from time to time.

Sun Shiyu was very proud, but she would naturally respect Galadriel, the ancient and powerful elf queen.

Similarly, although Galadriel is stronger, he knows the potential of the pioneers and will take the initiative to get close to Sun Shiyu. It can be regarded as a two-way rush.

"Hey~, you can praise his strength~"

Sun Shiyu's eyes flickered a little.

And Galadriel next to her also had a wave of eyes, noticed the problem in her words and smiled

"It seems that he hasn't told you yet..."

Tao Yu has shown his strength several times in the Middle-earth world, but the ones who really know him well are actually Galadriel and Gandalf.

Because the gap in strength is too serious, other minions, even Aragorn's level, are all blank, and perhaps only a few people in the Hidden Cloud Village can barely know something.

And Galadriel and Gandalf are definitely not shouting all over the world, Tao Yu also specifically reminded them.

It's just that Sun Shiyu came here publicly as Tao Yu's lover, and Tao Yu also said it remotely, but she didn't let Galadriel hide anything from her.

As a result, just a compliment to Tao Yu's strength made Sun Shiyu discover the highlight.

"He did say it, but he didn't say it so clearly. Hey~, no wonder~"

Sun Shiyu thought about the improvement in her strength after the last absorption. She originally thought it was the effect of the special training method he taught her. Now it seems that the gap in strength between the two sides has widened again.

I am a little unwilling. I was obviously stronger before, but I was surpassed so much so quickly...

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