After leaving the storm and the sun began to shine on the dividing line in front, the faces of several people on the yacht named "Exploration" also showed joy.

"Finally, the sky is clear."

"It's not easy..."

"Brother Jack is really a lucky star."

Nanny Big Bear praised again, with little stars in her eyes.

"To be honest, although I have a ship-steering module, I am afraid that we will be in a shipwreck..."

Thomas looked relieved.

Because he has a ship-steering module, he is very skilled in driving and can control the ship to sail along the waves easily, but it can't withstand such a long time at sea in the storm.

It feels like the boat will be scrapped if it goes on like this.

"If there is a real shipwreck, it will be troublesome..."

Ye Rong also patted her chest and sighed.

Although she has the strength of a senior partner, whether in the family or in the pioneers, she can be called a strong person. People who recognize her on the street will call her "sir".

But if you fall into the water in a storm on this boundless sea, it is also very dangerous.

In the face of the power of nature, human power is so insignificant.

"We can raise the sail now. According to the star map, we are roughly here now, not far from the cockroach world, but the bad news is that we are running out of fuel..."

Thomas looked up at the starry sky. Even though it was still dusk and the sun had not completely fallen below the sea level.

But the astrological device on his head still completed a rough positioning.

And in his hand was a sketch of the nearby world.

Although this map was very sloppy and only had a rough outline, it was also supplemented and improved bit by bit by the pioneers in the past two years. Many places were big figures with flying abilities, or they were roughly confirmed with long-distance aircraft.

Perhaps there must be many islands on the sea that are not marked, but some coastlines on the mainland are relatively clear.

In the abyss, although it is impossible to locate in a large area, the "starry sky" of small-scale world fragments is still connected.

However, using astrological positioning will have the side effect of increasing pollution. In this regard, the best choice is for the pioneers who have been mechanically modified to complete the observation and then quickly compare them in the database.

Thomas, as a mid-level partner who is not mainly engaged in combat, is very important in the team.

"With the sail, if there is no more storm, it is enough, but there are still some problems on the return journey..."

"There is no fuel supply in the cockroach world. Although there is in the Fire Country, there is definitely no extra weight to carry fuel. We have to go back to the real world and carry it slowly."

Several people looked at the sea chart, talking one after another.

Tao Yu also glanced at it.

Not all of the Fire Country landed, but the integrity was much better than that of the other villages. At least most of the Fire Country landed, which was enough for Konoha to be self-sufficient, and all kinds of supplies were quite rich.

There were also many trees that could make sealing scrolls.

But in contrast, the Fire Country, which was originally on the sea, became an inland fragment, completely wrapped up by the cockroach world.

Now from the sketch, we can see that the place where the ship finally wants to arrive is a corner of the cockroach world, looking for a suitable place to land.

The nearest place to the Fire Country is about 400 kilometers away.

At first, the Fire Nation discovered that there were boundary breakers that went directly from the sky. They encountered a small number of cockroaches, but it did not cause any impact.

After realizing the strength of the Fire Nation, they mainly used appeasement.

But the occasional tests and transactions did not stop.

This team was not the first to go there, but there are still very few teams that will travel through mountains and rivers to the Fire Nation, and there is almost no information on sea charts and suitable routes on land.

But the teams that have successfully brought goods back have made quite good gains.

It was because they saw that people with similar strength nearby succeeded that they made this decision.

"I also got some detailed information over there with great difficulty. It was brought from the last team that successfully transported goods. The individual strength of that kind of cockroach is not weak. If the intermediate partner is attacked, it will also be in trouble. However, the configuration of our team is more than enough as long as we are not careless..."

Ye Rong said confidently.

Those individuals who rely purely on physical abilities are relatively easy to deal with even if the strength panel reaches the level of intermediate partners.

In addition, there are two senior partners in the team, so as long as you pay more attention on the road, there will be no problem.

In her eyes, the most troublesome part is how to impress Konoha to complete these transactions after entering the Land of Fire.

At present, many things in the Land of Fire can be self-sufficient, and they want to exchange at the lowest cost when doing business.

So the main purpose of this first visit is to check the location, familiarize yourself with the route, and get a deeper understanding of Konoha's intelligence.

"But don't be careless. According to some information I know, there is a team led by a senior partner in my circle. They disappeared on the way to the Land of Fire. When I returned last time, they had been delayed for more than half a month without any news, and now I don't know what happened."

Ye Feng still reminded everyone at this time, mainly to let everyone not be careless.

Everything is possible in the abyss, and vigilance is still necessary...

But at this moment, the radio broadcast on the ship received a distress signal, which seemed to have just entered the coverage of the other party's signal after leaving the storm.

'Zizi~zizi~, this is the 'Ya Ge', we encountered a shipwreck and need support...'

The ship was equipped with a multi-channel radio receiver, and Thomas, the mechanical guy, also checked which channel it was.

"The language is 'English' which is very common in World Fragments. The channel is VHF16. It should be an Aboriginal ship."

"But we can't rule out that it's a trap created by some pirates, or some pioneers who cut off the road."

Ye Feng's role seems to be specifically responsible for reminding some possibilities.

"Yeah, but it's possible that it's true. I've been repeating this statement all the time. It's been recorded. I don't know how long it's been since it was posted.

"There was no response to the message I sent, and I don't know what the situation is, but judging from the number, it should be a large cruise ship. What do you think?"

Thomas is just a member who is responsible for assisting. Although his importance is not low, the final decision must be left to the three senior partners.

"If it's a large cruise ship, there should be a lot of excess fuel on it, right?"

Ye Rong said with some uncertainty.

"That's natural. It's enough for us to bring some containers and fill our ship."

"But in the abyss, you still have to be careful. What does Brother Jack think?"

Ye Feng turned around and looked at Tao Yu again.

Tao Yu, on the other hand, closed his eyes and did a simple divination.



"I think we can take a look. Our team is not weak anymore. If we get closer first and then conduct a drone reconnaissance, we should be able to prevent a lot of trouble."

"I think that's okay too."

Ye Rong quite approved of Tao Yu's approach. Abyss really had to be careful, but if a luxurious team like theirs was always timid, it would really not be suitable for this business job.

There is no absolutely safe place in the world.

I have to worry about meteorites falling down at home...

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