"You look so radiant recently. I thought you guys would be uncomfortable with the personnel changes."

Misato Katsuragi looked at Suzuki Airi, whose face was ruddy and full of collagen, and said with some envy.

NERV's power was rapidly centralized. As an important member of the Operations Department, Misato Katsuragi's power was also rapidly expanding. Not only was she promoted to major and equal to Suzuki Airi, she was also Tao Yu's direct superior, responsible for the daily life and safety of the qualified.

Because of this, she had a lot of things to hand over, and she was so busy that she couldn't sleep well at night and had dark circles under her eyes.

Now seeing Suzuki Airi's skin was so tender, she felt a little gnashing her teeth.

Why can she sleep so peacefully?

She just encountered an apostle attack!

"How could that be? I think life is much better now. Anyway, you guys are here to take care of us if something goes wrong. It has nothing to do with our regular army."

Suzuki Airi said lazily, yawning lazily, with a bit of charm in the corners of her eyes.

In fact, as a multi-faceted spy, she has many other tasks besides serving Tao Yu.

Because of Tao Yu's exaggerated performance in the battle against the apostles.

It can be said that the attention paid to Takigakure Village has increased rapidly.

Originally, Suzuki Airi was working for the Human Completion Committee, and now a member of the committee directly asked her.

In particular, she asked about Suzuki Airi's control over Tao Yu, and ordered her to maintain emotional control at all costs.

Any means can be used.

This was naturally relayed to Tao Yu.

And Tao Yu had no good feelings for SEELE in the original work. He had the Dead Sea Scrolls, treated human lives as a joke, and caused human extinction events more than once!

This kind of lunatic organization just hasn't figured out its roots yet, otherwise Tao Yu, who originally wanted to get the original Dead Sea Scroll, was really going to go and greet them directly...

"Okay, where's that guy Namikaze Minato?"

"I'm here, Sister Misato."

Tao Yu walked out of the room with a smile and greeted him.

"Airi is a very bad guy, you must have been bullied a lot on weekdays."

"Yes, Sister Misato, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Currently, Misato is Tao Yu's direct supervisor.

"I mentioned to you before that I have to pick up another qualified person later. You may be partners in the future. Do you want to go together?"

Misato Katsuragi's words made Tao Yu pause, and realized that it should be Shinji Ikari.

I didn't expect that he performed so well, but that guy still called his son.

It was just because of the attack of the Water Angel that caused a slight delay...

In theory, there is no such reason. Ikari Gendō has left Ikari Shinji alone for so long. I really don't know what he is thinking.

"Since he may be a partner in the future, I must go."

Tao Yu's words made Misato nod. After hesitating for a while, she spoke

"He may also drive Unit-01 in the future."

"It's okay. If he has this awareness, it's actually a good thing. The pressure of saving the world is quite high."

Tao Yu sighed.

Misato was stunned by this, and then she thought that this was just a child. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart and felt some pity.

"This kind of thing really shouldn't be put on you at your age..."

"Okay, okay, let's go if you want to pick someone up."

Suzuki Airi felt a little speechless beside her. You actually believed this. Fortunately, you don't live together.

Then she said with a bit of bad taste

"You are his direct superior now, and you are also responsible for his safety, otherwise I can just stay at your place."

"Huh? You know the situation over there."

Misato Katsuragi looked a bit embarrassed, she usually doesn't clean up her room.

"Haha, tell me anytime when you figure it out, it's too tiring to serve this little ancestor..."

"What's so tiring about this, don't you have a work meal? You don't have to cook."


Suzuki Airi looked at Misato Katsuragi subtly, just smiled and didn't say anything else...


"This car is a bit old..."

Tao Yu sat in Misato Katsuragi's car, feeling that this style was somewhat out of tune with the current level of technology.

"This is a good car."

Misato Katsuragi said dissatisfiedly, and then stepped on the accelerator and started racing.

"The eligible people are all about the same age, you should have some common language."


Tao Yu thought about whether she and Shinji had a common language, and couldn't help feeling a little silent for a while.

This guy always carries a Walkman with him, so he must like music. However, I don’t think I can say anything about what music is in this world and this era. It’s a miracle if we have a common language.

How about a song that Star-Lord likes?

“But in order to make Unit-01 more obedient, it’s better to take care of it a little bit…”

Tao Yu thought about the communication between herself and Unit-01. Although most of Ikari Yui’s soul is only instinctive, the motherly love in her instinct is extremely strong.

I still want to argue with it when I want to kill the apostle, so it’s almost the same for Shinji to give some benefits…

As they chatted all the way, Misato drove directly along the highway to the Second New Tokyo.

Unlike the fortress attribute of the Third New Tokyo, the Second New Tokyo has much more residential attributes.

Rising sea levels after the Second Impact, coupled with the chaotic attacks, caused Tokyo to be scrapped, and the Second New Tokyo came into being.

Looking at the much busier streets, Misato also sighed.

"Originally, the construction of Third New Tokyo as a new city was completed, and it was the time to recruit people. However, after the previous battles, some residents who had already settled began to move out..."

The previous fortress mode of Third New Tokyo was actually not very attractive.

Then the apostles attacked later. Although Tao Yu drove the No. 1 machine to solve the target, he could not withstand the previous UN army's war. The situation was too miserable.

Even N2 mines are used. Even if the defense facilities of New Tokyo are indeed very good, no one wants to live in such a war-torn area.

"Found it, right there."

Misato had already checked the photos at this time and saw Shinji standing on the roadside.

Because they had already experienced the attack of the Water Angel, the railcars in the Third New Tokyo were still out of service. It took Misato two or three hours of driving to find Shinji Ikari.

However, although this is the son of her immediate boss, Misato Katsuragi herself does not have any ideological constraints in this regard.

He just lowered the car window and waved to Shinji Ikari outside.

"Shinji-kun, here."

Shinji Ikari also compared the photo of Misato in his hand and got in the car after confirming that it was her.

At the same time, he looked at Tao Yu in the passenger seat with some curiosity.

Tao Yu was about the same age as him, but with that damn witch bonus, she still gained Shinji Ikari's favor innately.

I even feel a little ashamed of myself...

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