All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 97 The Curator's Thoughts

"Yeah, I have something to do when I come back. Let's take this time to digest it."

Tao Yu responded to Yi Wei's inquiry with a smile.

"Would any door reach level 3 during this period?"

Yi Wei said jokingly.

"So be it."


Yi Wei was slightly startled. He was just joking, but he didn't expect it to be true!

The other party was out of work before, and had sufficient dedication to practice with Willing Power, so it was normal for all the beginners to reach lv3 in one of them. Willing Power is so magical in the first place.

But didn’t you go to the abyss to make money?

Can you still find time to achieve this effect?

Is this an A-level talent...

But does [Dynamic Vision] have such a high bonus to the body?

Yi Wei was a little confused for a moment.

To say that [Dynamic Vision] is easy to get started with, he can understand it and can directly see and imitate movements.

But it takes more effort to train...

"I'm lucky, I did something for a big shot."

There are some things that don't need to be concealed, and even spreading the word can solve a lot of troubles. Tao Yu said it casually.

"That's really good luck... If a big shot in the inner city misses something, it will be enough for us to work hard for a long time."

Yi Wei also had a look of envy on his face.

There are many opportunities in newly developed areas.

It's a pity that he has awakened long ago and has arrived in the old pioneer area, so he has no choice...

"Brother Smith."

After Tao Yu entered the training ground, she saw Smith training freshmen on the cinder playground.

Judging from the situation of the small class, there is a high probability that it is another group of people who come here for free.

"Junior Brother Tao Yu? Haha, you came just in time. Come on, show me your skills."

Smith saw a smile on Tao Yu's face, and then turned around and said to a group of people in front of him who were about the same age as Tao Yu.

"This is Junior Brother Tao Yu I'm talking to you about. The most talented students in the previous batches of yours have not only mastered the Zhuang Kung Fu, but have also mastered all five boxing techniques, and even Hexing has reached level 3."

Smith's words also made many students present look at Tao Yu curiously.

Tao Yu learned skills here, and regardless of whether Smith was interested in his talent or not, he did take good care of him, so of course he would help him.

"Everyone should be from the newly opened area. Several skills in Wanliu Dojo are quite outstanding. If you can achieve the unity of five forms and even hold the energy and blood, this is the most helpful skill that can be learned publicly in our outer city. Don't waste this opportunity."

As Tao Yu spoke, he also casually put on the crane shape, but he didn't show off in any way. He just finished a set with the training method under the effect of accelerating the will power.

But even if Tao Yu didn't activate his fist or anything, the fight was quite satisfactory, and it still surprised Smith next to him.

"Junior Brother Tao, are you... level 4?"

Smith's strongest thing is the crane shape. It has reached the level of lv4 and can already create a charm.

So he still has some appreciation ability. Although Tao Yu's crane shape is only level 3, the deified charm is indeed here.

"Yes, I was lucky. I helped a big shot and made a lot of money. I have to digest it well this time."

Sooner or later, Tao Yu will have to learn the breathing method, and the five-shape-in-one will definitely become a star, and now he has given some preventive measures.

Tao Yu's words also gained the envy of everyone.

"Senior Brother Smith is busy, I'm going to practice."

"Go ahead, come on."

Smith's face was also full of smiles. He was already very talented, and now he was lucky enough to make a lot of money. It was foreseeable that this junior brother's strength could improve, and this relationship must be maintained well.


There must be some, everyone's thoughts and ideas are very messy, but Smith's reason allows him to easily suppress this feeling of jealousy.

Tao Yu came to the familiar canteen. He had long been familiar with the chefs in the canteen. The chefs in the canteen had long known his accelerated appetite. Tao Yu was also unscrupulous in his training.

The effect of qi-boosting soup is much better than eating cans. Although it takes a little effort, it is completely worth it.

No matter what, practicing off-duty is better than doing it on the side!

What's more, now that I have enough willpower, I don't feel any pain when I accelerate...

Tao Yu practiced until the evening.

Sweat poured all over his body, and all the water in the Qi-tonifying soup turned into sweat.

The training efficiency indeed exceeds that of training in the abyss.

You can feel the numbness in your body every moment, and feel the improvement in your lungs brought about by the basic breathing method after the second deification.

The feeling that every pore in his body seemed to be breathing when he moved his hands and feet made Tao Yu so immersed in it that he couldn't feel the passage of time at all.

"The five shapes merge into's really amazing."

A sigh came from the side, and Tao Yu also slowly stopped his movements, exhaled, and then saw the middle-aged man with a complicated expression next to him.

It is Liu Yi, the director of Wanliu Gym!

"Hello, curator."

"When I first met Smith, he said that you were in crane form level 4, but I never imagined that you have already merged into five forms. It's amazing, amazing."

Liu Yi looked at Tao Yu with a thoughtful look on his face. After a moment, he said to Tao Yu

"Brother Tao, I'm coming to find you. Maybe you have something in mind."

When Tao Yu heard this, he was really a little confused.

What number? Is Sun Shiqing back? Say hello to you? Or did he send a message and come back to say hello?

Or is it the person I fought in the mission hall before? Is the 'noble man' at the back coming out?

"Ahem, please let the curator speak clearly."

"You, you are still a little too impulsive, but it is normal for young people, especially those of our generation who are practicing martial arts, to take a breath of fresh air in their hearts. It's just that the trap you stabbed is a bit big this time, and they have already found me. "

Liu Yi shook his head dumbly, and his words also made Tao Yu understand the content of "knowing what he knows".

Then he nodded and said

"I asked the guard before doing it, and he admitted it on the spot, so there should be no problem."

There are not many detailed rules in the outer city, and they are all flexible. Tao Yu's few blows were harsh, but they were indeed compliant and reasonable.

"If it's just him, or even just the Wild Wolf Gang, it's not a big deal. You are also connected in the security team. The acting deputy captain of the Southern District even came to me alone and asked me to take care of you."

Liu Yi's words made Tao Yu stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Uncle Hu to come over specially.

I haven’t gone to see him yet. As the acting deputy captain of the security team, Uncle Hu’s main job now should be in this world, which is exactly the opposite of his parents.

"Well, Uncle Tiger is a very nice person. I wonder what happened this time?"

Tao Yu said as if asking for advice humbly.

"A pioneer of a new area in the inner city. Counting it at the same time as you. Although he was seriously injured and his future achievements will be affected, he is still from the inner city after all, and his network of connections is still there."

Liu Yi pondered for a moment, and then said to Tao Yu in a deep voice:

"But I admire your talent very much. If you are willing to join our Wanliu Gym, then I can work with your Uncle Hu to resolve this matter, and you may even have a chance to learn the secrets of my gym that are not taught! "

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in Liu Yi's eyes, and he looked extremely energetic, just like Tao Yu who was not sure about the [meditation technique] when he first mastered it.

Tao Yu could actually feel some of Liu's entanglements and good intentions.

He probably thought this matter was very troublesome, but when he came to see him, he saw the Five Forms In One. He may have felt that his talent was very suitable for this genre, and that his potential was worth investing in.

If this is normal, this is actually a good thing!

Because the income from working in the dojo is actually not low, for example, Brother Smith and Yi Wei are serving the dojo.

But now that Tao Yu has spread in the new development area, the opportunities and income there are obviously not comparable to those of the gym.

For Tao Yu, who has extremely high demand for willing power, it is impossible to trap herself here.

Looking at Liu Yi's eyes, Tao Yu couldn't help but sigh. He was a person who knew what was good and what was good. Even if the other person was like this because of his talent, it was still good intention, so he thought about it before saying.

"I am very grateful to the gym owner for his kindness. The gym has also been very helpful to me. I also like the environment of the gym very much. It's just that I need to help the two big shots in the floating city in the new development area..."

When Yi Wei and Smith were talking before, Tao Yu didn't say it directly, but the curator released this kind of kindness, and Tao Yu became more straightforward.

These words made Liu Yi's pupils shrink, and the expression on his face was a little awkward for a moment, but he stabilized after a moment.

"You two from the Floating City? That's because my temple is small. Congratulations."

Liu Yi didn't seem to take Tao Yu's rejection to heart at all. Instead, he showed a congratulatory look.

"No wonder they mastered it so quickly. If it was the two of them, it would be normal."

"When I came back, I still enjoyed practicing in the gym, so if there is any nominal job or something like that, I will definitely be fine."

Tao Yu reciprocated the favor. After all, he would definitely learn the breathing method at that time. In this way, having the status of being a direct descendant of the gymnasium would actually make the gym leader look good.

Tao Yu's words also made the curator look at him meaningfully, and then smiled and said

"Of course there is no problem. I even think that I can still regard you as a true disciple and have the opportunity to teach Wanliu Breathing Technique."

This expression made Tao Yu smile awkwardly.

It seems that I have been seen through...

To be able to stand upright in the outer city and become one of the most outstanding dojos in the outer city, sitting in the Hound City Walled City, the curator has also experienced strong winds and waves, so you can guess that it is normal.

The Wanliu Breathing Technique is a secret that is not spread in the outer city. Even in the inner city, it is not considered a bad street.

But for the two people in Floating City, it was really just a matter of words!

And the curator himself didn’t say he would die, he just said ‘there is a chance’. He is indeed a good person...

As for the ‘trouble’ he mentioned before?

What 'trouble'?

As Tao Yu said, the trouble is actually the other side!

"Does the curator know anything about the 'noble man' in the inner city? After all, Master Sun may come back to get the terminal in two days, so I don't want to bother him with all these things."

Tao Yu took advantage of the situation and asked again. He actually had some guesses in his mind, and the curator waved his hand indifferently at this time.

"You can't bother with everything. In fact, it's nothing. A broken-backed dog with limited achievements is just trying to save itself..."

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