"Let's rush!"

"Go together!"

Under the leadership of Qin Yang, the gods launched an attack on Mieyuan Beast!

Hundreds of spells threw at the Fire Origin Beast one after another, and all of a sudden, the space in the God Realm became distorted due to the powerful divine power!


The Extinguishing Beast let out a roar.

A black light burst out from Taotie's mouth, blasting towards the gods!

"Let's release the divine defense together!"

The Goddess of Darkness commanded the gods to launch defenses.

The divine power gathered by the gods barely blocked the attack of Mieyuan Beast.

Qin Yang stared at the Mieyuan Beast on the sun, and frowned.

As expected of a Mieyuan Beast that can destroy the God Realm, it can actually hold back the attacks of thousands of gods!

"Master, we need a stronger offensive!"

Setia flew to Qin Yang's side and said solemnly.

The current offensive is completely unable to defeat the Yuan Mie Beast!

"I will launch the most powerful offensive, and you will gather your divine power together on me! Help me survive!"

Qin Yang said to the gods.

"Good! We believe in you!"

"rely on you!"

The gods responded to Qin Yang's call one after another.


Qin Yang took a deep breath, and then stared at Mieyuan Beast with a pair of sharp eyes.

"The power of the sun is only once, I hope it will be effective!"

Qin Yang murmured.

Then the miniature sun in the body will bloom!

next moment!

Another sun appeared in the sky.

The size of this sun is exactly the same size as the sun that Mieyuan Beast is lying on!

When the giant sun appeared, the gods immediately exclaimed!

"Sun! Second Sun!"

"Is this the power of the sun god?"

"Unbelievable! Could it be that he has something to do with the Sun God?"

"Great! We will definitely be able to defeat the Extinguishing Beast!"

Qin Yang released his divine power.

Then yelled, "Quick! It's now!"

"it is good!"

All the gods gathered their power to Qin Yang immediately!

buzz buzz!

Countless divine power gathered towards Qin Yang.


The sun created by Qin Yang became more dazzling, and even bloomed with colorful divine power!


The Extinguishing Beast roared angrily and took a step back.

It senses danger!

Concentrating all the strength of the whole body on its sharp claws, it wants to tear the sun created by Qin Yang into pieces!

"Don't think about it!"

How could Qin Yang let Mieyuan Beast succeed!

He immediately controlled the sun and threw it at the Mieyuan Beast!



The Extinguishing Beast collided with the sun created by Qin Yang at this moment!

The terrifying power exploded in an instant!

It turned into colorful divine powers, rushing to the surroundings like waves.

"What a terrifying divine power!"

"Fast back!"

All the gods retreated one after another, so as not to be affected by the divine power.

Such a terrifying divine power can blow the weak gods away for thousands of meters!

"I don't know if it was successful or not?"

"The space in that area has been torn apart, should it be successful?"

"It's terrifying! The power of the new god is incredible!"

Everyone was amazed.

Qin Yang's strength made them extremely shocked!



The Extinguishing Beast rushed out of the torn space.

appeared before the gods.

Even with the bursting power of the two suns, it couldn't completely kill the Mieyuan Beast!

"It's not dead yet?"

"Damn it! The Mieyuan Beast is indeed the scariest monster in the world!"

"what should we do?"

Everyone suddenly panicked.

The strength of the Mieyuan Beast still shocked the gods in the God Realm!

"Elise, Alice."

Qin Yang said to the two women.

"Yes! Chairman!"

The Succubus sisters immediately responded.

"I will use up all my powers later, try to stay away from the battlefield! Let Setia protect you!"

Qin Yang said to Elise and Elise that their strength might be exhausted because of him too!

"Obey! Chairman!"

The two women responded.

"Well, I'm going!"

"Master President, pay attention to safety!"

"Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

After Qin Yang left a sentence, he immediately rushed towards Mieyuan Beast.

Now, Mieyuan Beast has been seriously injured because of the explosion of the sun.

Therefore, he must release the full calendar day to it as soon as possible!

kill it!


He sensed that someone was coming towards it single-handedly.

The Extinguisher Beast raised its head to the sky and howled!

Then kill Qin Yang!


Qin Yang took a deep breath, and the power of three different colors bloomed all over his body!

At the same time, Elise and Alice clearly felt that their divine power was disappearing, and it was transmitted to Qin Yang!

"Gods fall! The world collapses!"

Qin Yang spat out a few words.


His divine power surged again!

Then quickly rushed towards the Extinguishing Origin Beast!



The three kinds of divine power instantly turned into a rainbow and shot towards Mieyuan Beast.


Three strands of divine power shot into the giant mouth of Mieyuan Beast!


The Extinguishing Beast was instantly banned in place!

As if time stood still, the huge body of Mieyuan Beast paused between heaven and earth!

"This!? What happened here?"

The gods asked incredulously.

And in the next second!



The huge body of the Extinguishing Beast exploded!

Turned into dust, scattered in the God Realm!

"The Extinguishing Beast... is dead?"

"We made it!"

"We really hit it off!"

"Incredible! We won!"

shouted the gods!

And at this moment!

The world was suddenly wrapped in darkness!

"How is this going?"

The gods looked around in disbelief.

Until when they saw the Dark Chaos Beast, they showed unbelievable expressions.

"Dark Chaos Beast? Why is it here?"

"`||What is this for? Why is the retreat completely cut off?"

The gods were puzzled.

At this moment, the Goddess of Darkness declared to the gods: "The Extinguishing Beast has been defeated! The God Realm cannot be left alone for a day! The gods need a leader! Everyone, am I right?


"It turns out that this is your real purpose!"

"Goddess of Darkness! You are so cruel! You actually want to be the ruler of the God Realm!"

The gods shouted angrily.

"Me? Of course not me!"

The Goddess of Darkness said with a smile, "The one who is in charge—is him!"

The Goddess of Darkness points to Qin Yang in the distance.


The gods hesitated at this moment.

Qin Yang, who defeated Mieyuan Beast, seemed to have the qualifications to become the ruler of the God Realm.


"We are willing to surrender to the God Lord!"


A group of gods express their loyalty to Qin Yang!

Naturally, it was Elise and the others.

"what about you?"

The Dark Goddess asked the rest of the gods.

After the battle with Mieyuan Beast, all the gods lost their power.

Therefore, the Dark Chaos Beast can easily kill them!


The gods hesitated.

However, in the end a choice was made. (Wang's good)

"We are willing to surrender to the Lord God!"

"We are willing to surrender to the Lord God!"

The gods expressed their loyalty to Qin Yang one after another, and they had no choice.

And this is the best choice!

"The right choice!"

The Dark Goddess smiled, then turned to look at Qin Yang.

Said, "Everything has come to fruition, now, you just need to ascend the throne of God! Become the master of the God Realm!"

Qin Yang glanced around.

Looking at the gods who surrendered to him, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Qin Yang's mouth.

Whispered to the Goddess of Darkness, "I didn't expect that you still have this skill."

"What? Don't you like it?"

"Then I will do what you wish and be the Lord of this God Realm!"

"Be the ruler of the God Realm!"

After some years.

Thanks to Qin Yang's efforts, the God Realm is thriving.

It turns out that being the Lord of the God Realm is not that difficult.

The only thing that tormented him was... Li...

"Master President, it's time to pay the rations! Today is the Goddess of Darkness and Setia..."

"Hey! Chairman, don't run away!"

"Elise! Stop chasing! I'm out of stock!"

The book is over!.

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