All People's Guild: Recruit Succubus Sisters At The Beginning!

Chapter 74: Shocked Crooked Country Guild! Harvest Loot (To Order)

"how can that be...….."

The president of the Kimchi National Association stared at the screen dumbfounded.

Although the picture had already disappeared at the moment it was engulfed by flames.

But his mind still clearly remembers what happened just now.

The guild members he sent out were all wiped out by the opponent's adventurer!

"Is this the strength of a seventh-level adventurer? Impossible!"

The president of the Kimchi National Association shook his head in disbelief, which is completely wrong with what the information said!

【You have received a private message!】

Just then, he received a private letter.

【Park Dong-seok, how are you doing? Have you dealt with the adventurers from Qingyang Guild yet?】

Seeing the content of this private letter, Dongxi's face was icy cold to the extreme!

He yelled at the other party: "Xiba! The information you gave me was wrong! All my people are dead! Xiba!"

【What are you talking about? Park Dong-seok? All I gave you is the most authentic information! It was just updated a day ago!】

The other party was also fooled by Pu Dongxi.

His information was just updated a day ago, how could it be wrong?

"Xiba! Two of my seventh-level adventurers [five wood-level adventurers are instantly caught by each other. You tell the other party that Zhong is a seventh-level adventurer: Xiba, you are a Westerner!

Park Dong-seok was full of bad words, and he couldn't suppress his emotions.

Can't understand!

The fact that your own adventurers are all wiped out!

【How is this possible? Did you not act according to the instructions we told you? Didn't you deal with that human sword master first?】

"My people were killed by that human sword master! She only used one sword!"

Park Dong-seok gritted his teeth and said, 650, he is about to collapse completely!

After losing two seventh-level adventurers, his guild will only go to the end of destruction!

【How is this possible? She is really just an ordinary seventh-order legendary adventurer! With the strength of your guild adventurer, she should be able to deal with it easily! What is the problem?】

"How do I know! You want to compensate me for all my losses! Xiba!"

【Don't worry, we will figure it out. As for what happened to you, I deeply sympathize. Someone will be responsible for your loss later, I promise!】

The other party disconnected the call.

"Xiba! What a bad luck!"

Park Dong-seok punched the wall angrily.

He thought it was just a simple hunting mission this time.

But judging from the results, it directly plunged his guild into despair.

Fortunately, he was able to receive compensation, and his life was not considered hopeless.

buzz buzz!


A teleportation array appeared in Park Dong-seok's guild.


Park Dong-seok waited expectantly for compensation.

However, when he saw a three-headed vicious dog appearing from the teleportation array, his face turned pale in an instant

the other side.

Lena and Yuemo have returned to the guild safely.

"Back? Is everything going well?"

Qin Yang asked the two of them.

"Well, the Thunderfire Holy Sword has been forged."

Lena nodded.

And handed the Thunder Fire Holy Sword in his hand to Qin (ajcc) Yang.

Qin Yang didn't take it over because the sword exuded a fiery aura.

Not something he can touch.

"However, we encountered attacks from other adventurers on the way back."

Yue Mo added.

"Attack by other adventurers? Are you injured?"

Qin Yang asked worriedly.

Yue Mo shook her head.

"Rena took them out easily and brought back some loot.

Yue Mo poured some spoils on the table.

"so much?"

Qin Yang was a little surprised, the entire table was covered with trophies.

"Well, what should you do with these trophies, my lord, they are of no use to us. It's getting late, and I'm in the Schering Kingdom."

Yue Mo said.

"I'm going to rest too, the holy sword of thunder and fire has consumed a lot of my magic power."

Reina left first.

She doesn't have any interest in these trophies, she just wants to rest early and replenish her calendar.

"Then I'll keep the useful ones and sell the useless ones."

Qin Yang glanced around the many spoils on the table.

There are weapons and props.

But most of them are rubbish.


"This is?"

Qin Yang's eyes fell on a blue bead.

The aura emanating from this bead made him somewhat familiar.

The moment he picked up the bead, information flooded his vision.

[Legendary item - Frozen Orb: It contains a frozen spirit!]

"Frozen Spirit?!"

Qin Yang was a little surprised, he didn't expect to get a second frozen spirit in this way.

Just right!

It can help him increase the talent magic --- freezing by 1 level.

After completing the Snow Prophecy mission, it will be upgraded to the level of forbidden magic!

"Others seem to be useless."

Qin Yang continued to search for treasures in this mess.

Rare quality sword?


Epic-quality props?

Barely usable.

and also.………



Qin Yang discovered a special item.

He picks it up.

This prop looks like a piece of candy?

It also exudes a faint milky fragrance.

[Legendary props——Magic Candy: I ​​don’t know what effect it has! But I can eat it!】


Qin Yang was even more confused when he saw the introduction of the magic candy.

What the hell kind of intro is this?

I don’t know what effect? ​​But can I eat it?

Is this still a legendary item?

"Is it really okay?"

Qin Yang looked at the magic candy in his hand with some hesitation.

He always felt that this thing was a bit unreliable, and it would be difficult if it produced strange effects.

Qin Yang opened the candy, and inside were two ordinary white milk candies.


Qin Yang glanced at Bella who was lying on the side.

The abyssal dragon shouldn't eat bad stomachs, right?

And the introduction says it can be eaten, so there should be no big problem!

Let Bella eat one first!

"Bella, would you like some candy?"

Qin Yang handed one of the toffees to Bella.


Bella was attracted by the candy in Qin Yang's hand.

She stood up, flapped her little wings and flew in front of Qin Yang.

Then he ate the toffee in Qin Yang's hand in one bite.

Without any hesitation!

And the second after Bella ate the candy, Qin Yang received a shocking news!

【Your pet Bella has obtained the following effects!】

[Effect 1: It will now emit a milky fragrance! 】

[Effect 2: Its injuries can be healed quickly!]

"Quick healing?"

Qin Yang beamed with joy.

Although it will make yourself smell like milk, the effect of quickly healing injuries is still great!

Qin Yang ate another toffee in one bite.

【You get the following effects!】

[Effect 1: You will now emit a milky fragrance! 】

[Effect 2: Your injuries can be healed quickly!]


Qin Yang smelled his arm, and there was indeed a faint milk fragrance.


Suddenly, Bella came to Qin Yang's side.

It also sniffed Qin Yang's body.

It seems that it is the same taste as her own, which makes her have a good impression of Qin Yang.

Quietly lying on Qin Yang's lap, fell asleep again.

"Okay, this little guy finally won't reject me!"

Qin Yang smiled gratifiedly.

It seems that I am one step closer to riding a dragon warrior!

"Let's use this frozen pearl again!"

Qin Yang crushed the frozen pearl.

The next moment, a blue breath poured into Qin Yang's body.

Qin Yang could clearly feel that his aura was changing.

A cold blue breath rose from his skin.

Let the temperature around Qin Yang drop directly below zero!

Miraculously, this didn't seem to affect Bella who was lying on Qin Yang's lap.

【Talent Magic———Freezing! (Elementary) Upgrade!】

【Innate Magic——Ice and Snow! (Advanced)】


Just at the next second when the talent magic freeze is upgraded to ice and snow!

The air around Qin Yang instantly condensed!

You can even see pieces of snowflakes falling from the sky and falling with the wind.

"not bad!"

Qin Yang smiled slightly at this.

His strength has improved again!

"Master President, the moon has risen, you can use the magic circle!"

Qin Yang had just absorbed the frozen spirit when Elise called.


Qin Yang stood up and walked towards the room where the magic circle was arranged...

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