All People's Guild: Recruit Succubus Sisters At The Beginning!

Chapter 80: All Focus On Qingyang Guild! 270W Contribution! (Ask For Order)

"How is it possible? Qingyang Guild has recruited the Elf Queen?"

When Li Yanhuo and others saw the figure of the elf queen, they also showed incredible expressions.

As guild leaders of level seven or even level eight, they know how powerful adventurers with mythical qualities are!

And basically there is no conventional way to obtain ~.

Or, there is a chance to drop it in the world boss-s battle.

Or, he is the chosen one!

Got a special task that can drop mythical adventurer recruitment qualifications!


They couldn't understand why it was the elf queen?

Obviously the elf queen cannot be recruited!

"Could it be?"


The president of an eighth-level guild had a clue.

"Do you still remember that the Qingyang Guild was the number one contributor to the previous world mission?"

"That's a world mission issued by the Elven Kingdom! Solve the crisis of monster invasion in the Elven Kingdom!"

"President Ye Lan, are you saying that Qingyang Guild was favored by the Elf Queen because of its outstanding performance in that world mission?"

"How is it possible? One world quest can win the favor of a mythical adventurer?"

"Why didn't the previous world quests?"

"Damn! If I knew I would go too! If my adventurer goes, the Elf Queen will be mine!"

The guild leaders can't believe that four world missions are enough to win the favor of mythical adventurers?

Then it is impossible for there to be only three mythical adventurers in the whole world!

Oh no!

Now it's four!

"I can't be sure, but it's possible."

Ye Lan shook her head.

It can only be said that this is just her guess!

"I didn't expect it! The Qingyang Guild has such a powerful strength! It's no wonder they are willing to join us!"

Li Yanhuo smiled wryly and sighed.

The Sunny Sun Guild with the Elf Queen may be stronger than the Bright Goddess Guild!

"Maybe this is his confidence! The fairy queen of mythical quality! She is enough to equal 30% of our combat power!"

"We don't need to be too depressed. After all, the Qingyang Guild is still the guild of our Xia Kingdom, and his contribution will also be included in the total contribution of the Xia Guo Guild."

"That's right! It's a good thing for us that Qingyang Guild has such a strong strength!"

"At least! We have the qualifications to compete for the first place!"

"It's unbelievable! A mythical adventurer! The first mythical adventurer in Xia Kingdom!"

When Li Yanhuo and the others were amazed by the strength of Qingyang Guild.

The Grand Council of the crooked country is also having a heated discussion.

"How is this possible! Damn it! Why did Qingyang Guild recruit the Elf Queen?"

"Six seventh-level legendary adventurers and one eighth-level mythical adventurer? It's really terrible!!"

"Xia Guo! They will once again have the strength to fight against us!"

"God! What shall we do?"

"Elf Queen! Xiba! She should belong to our kimchi country!"


The cold scolding sound of the man with gold-rimmed glasses made the audience quiet down instantly.

He pushed his glasses calmly.

He told a certain president of the Sakura National Association: "Jack has failed, and now the only one who can deal with the elf queen is yours! Chixia-kun!"

The silent man from Sakura Country slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

A hoarse voice came from his throat.

"That's right, only Shinhwa can deal with Shinhwa! Leave it to me! The sword of Sakura Kingdom will let the guild leaders of Xia Kingdom know what despair is!"

On the other side, Elise and the others have also arrived at the mission area.

Qin Yang was finally able to talk to them.

"Looking at this guy up close, it seems bigger."

Alice looked at the seventh-level world boss that covered half of the sky, and exclaimed.

"Don't disperse later, Reina, you just need to guard by everyone's side, let them use magic to attack Cancer.

Qin Yang exhorted everyone.

Leina's Lightning Fire Sword has absolutely no advantage in front of level 7 world bosses.

On the contrary, it is more appropriate for her to deal with the monster hidden in the moss.

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

Reina accepted Qin Yang's order.

This is the best solution for their team.

"Speaking of Mr. Chairman, can this giant crab really be killed?"

Diane asked Qin Yang curiously.

Its size is huge, beyond imagination.

In front of it, it looks like an ant because of family help.

"Of course it can be killed!"

Qin Yang replied.

Because he can see that there is a blood bar dedicated to Cancer on the light screen!

Its total blood volume is as high as 100 billion!

That is to say!

As long as the total contribution of the guilds in the world reaches 100 billion, this world boss will die!

"Hey! It's just a good time to test my newly acquired talent magic after being promoted to the seventh level!"

Alice smiled expectantly.

She also gained a new innate magic during her ritual with Qin Yang.

"Follow me later, don't run around."

Elise knocked on Alice's head and exhorted.

"Understood! Sister!"

"Adventurers from other guilds seem to be on the offensive!"

"Then let's go too!"

Elise and the others spread their wings, ready to fly onto the crab's shell.

Its vast crab shell will be the best attack area!

Sitting in the guild, Qin Yang witnessed everything on the scene.

He not only wants to direct Elise and the others to act, but also guards against sneak attacks from the Crooked Country Guild.

Killing so many of their adventurers, they will never give up.



Bella, who was left in the guild, flew to Qin Yang's side.

Then he lay down on Qin Yang's lap and lifted the dragon's tail.

This guy also seems interested in watching this world boss battle.

Only Xiaoli is still sleeping in Qin Yang's bedroom, and the length of her sleeping has been increasing recently.

It can be observed from the light screen that adventurers from various countries have begun to attack the giant crab.


The first to release the magic is the adventurer from the Lighthouse Country.


More than a dozen adventurers chanted magic at the same time!

In an instant, dozens of magic circles appeared in the sky!


Hundreds of fireballs emerged from the magic circle, roaring towards the giant crab!


The flames caused a violent explosion on the Cancer's body!

That explodes!

Enough to destroy a village!


These spells fell on the crab's shell, but only caused a little weak damage.

Didn't even get Cancer's attention!

[Lighthouse Country World Boss Contribution Value: +134W]

With the damage caused by magic, the contribution value of the world boss of the Lighthouse country has changed immediately!

"Worth grass! A wave of magic has harvested more than one million contributions?"

"As expected of a lighthouse country! No. 1 in the world!"

"too strong!"

Everyone exclaimed.

A wave of damage up to 134W!

With a blood volume of 100 billion, it is only a matter of releasing ten million demons......

cough cough!

It's still far from killing the world boss.


Other countries also launched an offensive.

[Black Bear Country World Boss Contribution Value: +99W]

【Sakura Country World Boss Contribution Value: +67W】

【Xia Kingdom World Boss Contribution Value: +62W】

[Kimchi Country World Boss Contribution Value: +27W]


Seeing that the rest of the guild launched a fierce offensive.

Elise and the others are already eager to try!

"Let's do it too!"


The voice just fell.

Elise and Alice released dark magic together.


Black flames condense above their heads!

The Elven Queen also immediately chanted magic.

A huge magic circle emerged in midair, from which dazzling multicolored light bloomed!

Yuemo and Diane also released their magic immediately and contributed their strength!

Only Reina and Lucini stood still.

Reina is because she wants to protect everyone.

And Lucini is waiting, waiting for the link with the power of light!

"Dark Fire!"

"Elf Holy Light!"


"Scar of the Storm!"

The chant is over!

The magic of the four hits the Cancer!



Powerful and brilliant magic erupts on the crab's shell at this moment!

And this scene was watched by everyone!

"Nest grass? What a powerful magic!"

"Is this the strength of a mythical adventurer?"

"I don't know how much contribution value will be added?"

"It should be more than a hundred thousand. After all, there are only seven of them. Even a mythical adventurer can't achieve a qualitative change, right?"

[Qingyang Guild world boss contribution value: +270W small].

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