All People's Guild: Recruit Succubus Sisters At The Beginning!

Chapter 85: The Collapsed Beacon Country! The Force Of Light Link Is Complete! (Ask For Order)


"Why did she directly cross the Qingyang Guild?"

"What the hell? Are they in the same gang?"

"How is that possible? That's the Demon King! A monster! Not an adventurer!"

"Then why? Can anyone explain it to me?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that the reason why the ninth-level demon king directly passed Qingyang Guild is because she is afraid of Qingyang Guild?"

"How is it possible? Put away your fantasies! This is absolutely impossible!"

"That's right! Even the elf queens are only at the eighth level. How can they hurt the ninth level demon king?"

"I must have just missed the Qingyang Guild, after all, there are only seven of them.~"

"Yes, yes, this reason is more realistic!"

"My God! The Demon King seems to be flying towards the location where the Lighthouse Kingdom is!"

"Lighthouse Country? There is a good show to watch! Can the adventurers in the Lighthouse Country stop her?"

"I don't see it! Even if it can be stopped, it will cause incalculable casualties!"


Amid the astonishment of the crowd, the Calamity Demon King flew to where the adventurers in the Lighthouse Kingdom were!

"Damn! That guy is flying towards our position!"

When the Lighthouse Country learned that the Calamity Lord was heading towards their location, they immediately took measures!

"Quick! Evacuate first! We don't need to fight to the death with the ninth-level demon king! It won't do us any good!"

"But! She's very close to us!"

"Where is the magician? Hurry up and use teleportation magic!"

"We must leave quickly!"

"She is coming!"

"Teleportation magic ready!"

"Quick! Run away!"

With the arrival of the Calamity Demon King, the adventurers in the Lighthouse Kingdom hurriedly jumped to the newly formed teleportation array!

However, even if the countermeasures are taken in advance.

Created a magic teleportation array!

But there are still people who cannot escape the end of being killed!



Black flames fell from the sky.

The adventurers who hadn't had time to run into the teleportation array were surrounded by flames!

"It's over!"

Despair enveloped their brains in an instant!

The calamity demon king appeared in their soliloquy like a ghost.


The dark matter attached to the hand turned into a sharp blade and swung towards them!


Before they could react.

The blade sliced ​​open their bodies, and fresh water emerged from the incision!

It's just a blink of an eye.

Several seventh-level adventurers from the Lighthouse Kingdom fell into a pool of blood.

"Damn it! Hurry up and activate the teleportation array!"

The rest of the lighthouse country adventurers immediately fled into the teleportation array, hoping to escape from here by means of the teleportation array!


"Dark Barrier!"

The Calamity Demon King snorted softly!


The dark breath tears the ground and emerges from the ground!


The dark breath quietly enveloped the teleportation array!

Cut off the connection at the other end of the teleportation array, trapping dozens of adventurers inside in the teleportation array!

"Damn! We're trapped inside!"

"Quickly think of a way!"

"She blocked the space! The teleportation magic has expired! We can't escape!"

"It's okay! We're safe inside the teleportation magic! She can't get in!"

"Stupid! Once our mana runs out, the magic circle will disappear!"

"And we have to get out, too!"

"Quickly think of a way!"

The adventurers in the lighthouse country never dreamed that they would be trapped in the teleportation array one day!

The strength of the ninth-rank demon king is beyond their imagination!

"Damn it! We have to save them!"

After seeing this scene, the guild leaders of the Beacon Country were burning with anxiety!

They never dreamed that the ninth-level demon king would have the ability to seal space!

Once the magic power of the teleportation array is exhausted, the adventurers in the lighthouse country can only face the ninth-level demon king head-on!

This is the last thing the Lighthouse Country wants to see.

Although there are a large number of adventurers in the lighthouse country.

However, seven adventurers of the eighth rank and fifty adventurers of the seventh rank may not be able to defeat a demon king of the ninth rank!

That's the difference in levels!

The higher the rank, the greater the gap!

"Quick! Call the whole world in the name of the lighthouse country! Let us unite! Let's destroy the devil together!"

The Lighthouse Country immediately launched a call to all countries!

They plan to rely on the power of the whole world to deal with the devil who surrounded the adventurers in the lighthouse country!

However, this time, there are very few countries that can respond to their call!

"The Black Bear Kingdom refuses."

"Xia Guo +1!"

"Sakura Country has evacuated from the world boss area! So sorry, we can't provide support."

"Although our Kimchi Nation is willing to support, our adventurers have suffered heavy casualties, and we can't send anyone anymore!"

"Ahem! There is also a small situation on the side of Baixiang Country, you hold on!"

Countries have rejected the call initiated by the lighthouse country.

This made the guild leaders of the Lighthouse Kingdom furious!

Are you idiots? Wait until the devil kills all the adventurers in the Lighthouse Kingdom! She will attack you! And without our Lighthouse Kingdom! Do you think you can defeat the seventh-level world boss in a limited time? Idiots!"


"Is that the case?"

"Why don't we send adventurers there? Without the lighthouse country, we can't defeat the seventh-level world boss within a limited time!"

"What did you do in the past? To die? I choose to quit!"

"Yes! In the worst case, just pretend that you haven't been here! Anyway, there is no good reward for the last contribution value!"

"Participation is the key! See you in three months!"

Even if the Beacon Country talks about the hype, the rest of the countries are not willing to participate.

After all, the sense of oppression brought by a ninth-level demon king is really too strong!

0………seeking flowers… 0

Let them lose the courage to resist!

"A bunch of trash!"

"God! What shall we do?"

"If this continues, until the magic power of the teleportation circle is exhausted, our adventurers will definitely die!"

The guild leader of the Beacon Country is deeply desperate.

The last hope is aimed at the man with gold-rimmed glasses. Ten, God!

God pushed his glasses, and said in a low tone: "Escape by disconnecting the tail! At the moment when the teleportation array disappears, some adventurers will be cut off, and the others will flee quickly! This world boss battle! The Lighthouse Kingdom withdraws!"


"Okay! That's it! Let them play by themselves!"

"Without our lighthouse country! The seventh-level world boss cannot be defeated!"

"A group of idiots who only care about immediate interests!"

After God gave the order, the adventurers in the teleportation array implemented the tail-docking escape tactic!

Let some adventurers escape with their lives at the cost of their lives!


The Lighthouse Kingdom lost sixteen adventurers.

But forty-one adventurers escaped.

This number of casualties is definitely far less than the number of deaths caused by fighting the devil head-on!

But this also means that the Lighthouse Kingdom has withdrawn from the battlefield of the world boss battle!

And the withdrawal of the lighthouse country has made the rest of the countries feel the pressure!

"It's over! The Lighthouse Kingdom has withdrawn! That devil is looking for a new target!"

"Half of the country has retreated! This world boss battle is too costly!"

"Hmph! The idiots of Black Bear Country and Xia Country! Without our Lighthouse Country! Let's see how you solve the seventh-level world boss this time!"

"Hahahaha! This is the first time in decades that the world's guilds are unable to conquer the seventh-level world boss! It makes people laugh!"

"Now there are not many countries that are still in the mission area of ​​the world boss battle! I believe it will be soon! The ninth-level demon king will expel all adventurers!"

"I'm dying of laughter! I thought that Xia Guo would finally win the first place this time! But this time, he couldn't even defeat the seventh-level world boss!"

"The Qingyang Guild is really unlucky! Their combat power is very strong! But according to the current progress and the interference of the ninth-level demon king! Even they can't kill the world boss within a week!"

"It's over! I didn't expect this world boss battle to end so quickly!"

"See you in three months!"

Everyone on the World Channel is ready to watch the show.

They unanimously decided that this seventh-level world boss battle will end in failure!

Unfortunately, the ending may disappoint them.

Because, at this very moment!

Seraph Lucini opened her golden eyes.

Solemnly reported to Qin Yang:

"My lord! The power of light link has been completed! No consumption of light magic can be chanted for my lord at any time!".

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