All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 44 The tide is coming! (4) Ask for flowers

"Do you usually work hard? How much does the island owner pay you?"

After being surprised by the news revealed by the female worker, Su Rong took the opportunity to chat with the female worker.

Her chat skills are good, but she has learned some information, but the female worker doesn't say everything.

It can be seen that the female worker feels that there are some things unsuitable for outsiders to know, so she won't say it.

This is spontaneously maintaining the "secret" of Chu Chen.

Although some "secrets" are nothing in Chu Chen's eyes.


"I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going to work."

The female worker quickly entered the busy work again.

Lu Xue and Su Rong continued to turn around on Turtle Island.

"Lu seems that I misunderstood Chu Chen... I didn't expect these workers to believe him so much."

After walking along Turtle Island for a while, Su Rong couldn't help but say.

Next to him, Lu Xue's expression was somewhat puzzled.

"What's wrong, Lu Xue?"

Su Rong asked.

"How do I feel... This island is much bigger than the last time I came."

Road snow road.

"Isn't this island a sea turtle? Although I have never seen such a big sea turtle in my entire life, the sea turtle must is normal to grow bigger."

Su Rong said.

Lu Xue shook his head: "No, I feel much better... it may be related to Chu Chen's ability, or it may be my illusion."

Su Rong's eyes showed a hint of curiosity: "I don't know what level Chu Chen's ability can be rated. My ability is an E-level rating, which is too low."


While talking, the two women returned to the tent.

At this time, the sky was already dark.

The number of moons in the sky has reached an unprecedented eighteen!


"It is estimated that there will be more than 20 moons."

At the highest point of Turtle Island, Chu Chen stood there, looking up at the sky, thinking.

Tonight is the last night.

Tomorrow afternoon, the tide will begin to come.

This evening, the female workers did not rest until late at work.

Because it will stop work the next day.

After one night passed, the female workers got up early the next morning.

They have put away some of the nets in the previous work area. These nets used to prevent them from falling into the sea.

Then, they put away all the tents.

The warehouse has already been emptied.

In short, they spent half a morning moving everything to a high place, and then they all gathered in the high place to watch.


Affected by the increase in the moon, the waves in the sea are already quite high. Such waves may not be able to withstand even 10,000-ton ships.

However, on the turtle's back, there were not too many bumps.

"Lu Xue, you're right, this turtle is too big...too big."

After the daytime, Su Rong finally saw the whole picture of Turtle Island, no, only half of it, because she couldn't see it on the other side.

But that's it, this turtle island is also terribly big.

Lu Xue's feelings have also become stronger. She feels that Turtle Island has come to her once, and I am afraid that it has increased by at least one third... and it may even be more than doubled!

Of course, she didn't dare to be too sure, after all, she didn't use a ruler to measure it last time.

"If the changes in Turtle Island are related to Chu Chen, isn't Chu Chen's powers terribly powerful? Such a power might be A... No, it might even be an S-level power. ?"

Su Rong couldn't help thinking.

For Chu Chen, at this time, she also has a lot of curiosity in her heart.


"Huh, there is something in the sea."

At this time, Su Rong saw that in the sea, there seemed to be huge fish swimming around from time to time.

Lu Xue's expression became a little solemn: "When the moon gathers, the huge waves brought by the tide are the biggest threat, but there is another threat, that is, some fierce fish will also be brought."

Su Rong nodded: "Well, in case of danger then, let's spend more money, open more channels, and evacuate all these female workers."

At this time, she couldn't think of the huge fish she saw...It was Chu Chen's killer whale.

After so many days of evolution, these killer whales have all been upgraded to level 3, and each killer whale is a circle larger.

The growth rate of their body size is not as exaggerated as the turtles, and now the killer whales have grown to about 15 or 6 meters.

However, other aspects of their changes are not small, for example, their teeth are sharper, and for example, their skin is tougher.

Now, with the power of an adult, giving this person a sharp knife, this person may not be able to pierce the skin of a killer whale!


At the highest point of Turtle Island, Chu Chen stood there, staring around silently.

He had already arranged everything.

All the giant prawns have already dived to the bottom of the sea to avoid being washed away by the huge waves brought by the tide.

The Little Mermaid Plucking is on standby in the hut.

Chu Chen is also looking at some information in the island owner's watch.

"My God, the waves on my side are more than ten meters high. This time the huge waves brought by the tides are likely to be more than 60 meters high!"

Someone posted a post on a national forum.

Chu Chen clicked on the video in the post and saw the situation inside.

That is an island with some mountains, it should be a single island.

At this time, the beaches of the island have long been invisible, and the waves have rushed to the hinterland of the island.

And the island owner had already hid at the highest point of the island.


There are quite a lot of such videos and posts on the Internet. Chu Chen opened them one by one, and some of the tides this time can be judged from them.


In the sky, dozens of seagulls flew around and would fall from time to time, staying on Turtle Island, and some seagulls staying around Chu Chen. The changes in the sea water naturally made them unable to escape the eyes of these little guys.

In this way, soon, the time came to noon.

After noon, the waves got bigger and bigger.

However, even in such a big wave, the turtle still floats steadily on the surface, and now its limbs and fins have been moved.

Well, it is already actively floating so that it can stabilize its body.

There are not many bumps on Turtle Island!

"It's so stable..."

Su Rong couldn't help sighing as she watched the huge turtle island remain so stable in such a big wave.


"Fuck, who said the waves are only 60 meters high, come out, so I'm eliminated!"

"Me too... more than a dozen people in our class have been eliminated."

"Ahhhh, my island..."

In the afternoon, overwhelming news of being eliminated began to appear on the Internet.

Some of the eliminated island owners have collapsed.

After being eliminated, they basically have no possibility of a comeback.

Now the Internet is full of crying and crying!



In some areas, the tide has already started!

Chu Chen has not seen the tide yet.

However, at five or six o'clock in the afternoon, a white line appeared in the distant horizon!

That white line, now it seems, seems to be just a line!

But Chu Chen knew that it was not a line.

That represents a huge wave that swept over from a distance!


Chu Chen whispered softly.

The huge waves brought by gravitational tides are here!


Ask for flowers


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