All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 60 Spend money like water! Normally! Release the video!

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"I went, and it cost more than two million a day."

On Turtle Island, when the big construction was in full swing, Chu Chen used the island owner's watch to count his expenses today and was shocked.

Today, I actually spent more than two million yuan.

Among them, the Star Company spent a lot of money on buying power generation equipment for itself, as well as workers' wages.

Now, the number of female workers has reached four hundred, and there are hundreds of ordinary craftsmen and workers, and five supernaturalists have been recruited. Together, they have to pay almost a hundred thousand wages a day.

Moreover, the number of ordinary workers is still increasing.

After all, Chu Chen's construction scale is not small.

He planned to build the castle before the mermaid came back.

According to the construction scale planned by Chu Chen, the number of ordinary workers may have to exceed 1,000.

The scale of employment will continue to increase in the future.

Moreover, once the second Turtle Island is put into use, the mining plan, Chu Chen is ready to use male workers.

The current female workers are also useful. In the future, the planting and maintenance of Chu Chen's island will require a large number of people.

Salary has never been a problem.

The more people you can use, the more you earn.

In some large islands, there are tens of thousands of long-term employees, with a daily salary of nearly 10 million, but they earn more.

"Island owner, your salary is a bit too high. The salary per day is generally two hundred. You have to drive two hundred and fifty-six. Isn't this increasing the cost for yourself?"

On this day, Wei Tong, who was recruited, found Chu Chen and gave Chu Chen suggestions.

"Xiaotong, do you understand finance?"

Chu Chen looked at the cute glasses girl and asked.

"Finance? Of course it will. This is the breakdown of your expenses for the past two days. I have already listed it for you."

Wei Xing adjusted a ledger and passed it to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen saw that Wei Xing was quite detailed, but, perhaps it was a question of authority, and she didn't know some expenses.

Chu Chen thought for a while and said, "Okay, in addition to recruiting people, statistics and wages will also be handed over to you in the future. I will open some permissions to you."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!""

Wei Xing did not refuse.

With more people, statistics and wages are also a hassle. The island owner’s watch has some statistical functions, but they are not omnipotent and are not detailed enough. Special people are required to deal with them.

With Wei Tong, Chu Chen did save a lot of things. This little girl is still very active and full of energy. She wakes up on time at 6 o'clock every day and goes to bed at 10 o'clock in the evening. She is so regular that she can no longer be regular.

Moreover, in addition to what Chu Chen arranged for her, she would also coordinate, manage and supervise the workers, so that the workers can carry out their work efficiently.

Of course, Chu Chen still kept a hand, and did not open up all the financial authority to her.

After all, Chu Chen still doesn't know the details of this little girl.

Moreover, this little girl can only stay here for one year, and next year she will choose her own island.

Of course, Chu Chen will not treat her badly if she is so dedicated.

Time is hurried.

In a blink of an eye, it was only three days after Gaoping was ranked.

In the past three days, discussions about the ranking of Gaoping City have slowly declined.

After all, everything has its own heat.

Of course, it's just that there is no longer a wide-ranging discussion like before, and people still mention this from time to time.

Then, some people began to pay attention to the next assessment. It was still a bit long, it was a few months later.

Some of the island owners who have been eliminated have also begun to face the reality and think about their own way out.

Either continue to study, learn more professional knowledge, or work part-time, or be a gold digger.

There is no future for working in Earthstar. Most people first go to work on the island.

These eliminated island owners are young and strong, and there are still island owners willing to recruit them.

It's okay to be a gold digger, but you need to know enough about the island world.

The difference between a part-time job and a gold digger is that part-time job is to do something according to the requirements of the island owner, do a job, get a salary, if you work hard on some large islands, there is the possibility of promotion and salary increase.

Just like the supervisors of Chu Chen, the salary is naturally different from that of ordinary workers.

If you can reach the top level on a large island, and you can earn hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, your life will be much easier than ordinary people.

If you are lucky, and then accidentally awakened the ability in the island world, then life will be better.

Gold prospectors enter the island world and discover their wealth on their own. However, there are many restrictions. For example, they have discovered some energy mines. They have no right to mine, but they can sell the information to some big powers.

Some treasures and treasures found in the ocean can be taken away, but half of the island owner needs to be divided. In addition, the other half of the upper half needs to be given to the Global Federation.

Counting it down, I can only get a quarter.

But it's pretty good, after all, what if you are lucky?

It's just that when a gold digger is at risk, sometimes life is in danger, and a certain amount of capital is needed. People who don't have enough experience, experience, and courage are unwilling.

I would rather work to earn enough food and clothing.

Each has its own options.

The island owners who have not been eliminated have made great efforts to develop and construct.

In Chu Chen's class, more than fifty people were eliminated, leaving only a dozen people. Among these ten people, except for Chu Chen, Zhu Ziming, and Hong Ming, who was lucky enough to discover the natural gas field, the others, They all chose to vigorously develop fisheries.

This is the easiest.

After all, boats can be built on the spot.

If you can't build a big one, you can build a small one, a small boat, recruit a man, and you can make a lot of money in one day.

all in all.

All the remaining island owners have devoted their energy to their islands, while others are planning their own lives and ways out.

Of course, at night, the group is still quite lively, and there are many people chatting and spanking.

It's just that the difference in status is slowly manifested, and the island owners who have not been eliminated can occupy the center of the topic every time they come out.

Others can only envy, some flatter, others choose to be silent, and it may even block group chats.

However, every time Chu Chen is mentioned, the students are still very positive.

Other island owners may be able to stimulate them, but Chu Chen will not.

It's like, if you are a little richer than others, they will involuntarily compare with you.

People who are twice as rich as others will be jealous.

Two times richer than others, they want you to go bankrupt.

But, are you a hundred times richer than others?

Then you have surpassed the other party's class, the other party will never think of comparing with you, only envy and look up.

For ordinary classmates, Chu Chen is like this. As good as him, he has already exceeded the range of comparison of many classmates, and they can only look up to them.

Therefore, whenever Chu Chen is mentioned, the group chat is still very lively.

And if Chu Chen speaks in the group chat, it's even more lively.

Well, on the contrary, Zhu Ziming was completely silent.

It is estimated that I was hit a little bit hard, and I was trying my best to get back a game!

In addition to having time to surf the Internet at night, Chu Chen has no time during the day.

He is very busy.

Even if there is a guard shape, many things still have to be arranged by Chu Chen himself.

The power station has already started, and Huang Gong has brought dozens of workers.

The plan has already been set, but Chu Chen still has to cooperate with many things, such as making Xiao Hei hold his breath when it is time to hold his breath.

The mining of stone bricks is also underway. There is not much need for steel bars and the like, and now the earth star lacks steel bars, which is quite expensive.

But it also needs some. When recruiting this time, with the help of the workers who arrived, they brought a few tons of materials, such as high-strength steel bars.

As for the cement, it is all concentrated cement, with a part of the treated sand

Well, it doesn't need to be built like the traditional one.

This is what Chu Chen asked Wei Tong to recruit for the architecture supernatural powers.

After the stone bricks are built, those with architectural abilities only need to activate their own abilities and reinforce them piece by piece to make the connection between the stone bricks very good.

This is more time-consuming and consumes a lot of power for the person with the ability.

But at the same time, it can also allow the ability person to grow in the use of this ability.

This is also a common practice in island world architecture. After being strengthened by a supernatural player, it becomes stronger.

On the fourth day after the ranking, finally, Gaoping City estimated that all the materials had been prepared and began to promote Chu Chen.

The official approach of Gaoping City is quite simple.

First, on a large-scale video website, Chu Chen released the video of the turtle crossing" and "Moon" ~ Gathering.

And accompanied by an exaggerated title.

You know, during this period of time, there are many "monthly gathering" videos on the Internet.

Some of the videos recorded by the island masters are slightly interesting, and they have been watched very much.

For example, there is a video recorded by an island owner abroad. This guy locked himself in a big closed ball and tied the big ball to the island with a hadron, and passed the "moon gathering" in such a novel way.

It made this guy famous in one fell swoop and became an Internet celebrity. This guy opens live broadcasts every day, pats fishing videos, and sells fish by the way. He can actually earn tens of thousands, even more than 100,000.. It is also a kind of Ways to capture income.

The ranking of Gaoping City has only attracted attention in Gaoping City. After all, this assessment is carried out on a city basis, and each city has an assessment ranking.

"Yueju" is different. People on the Internet are still paying more attention to "Yueju". After all, whether it is eliminated or not, the impression of this event is quite deep.

I have to be profound.

For those who are eliminated, that is the most unforgettable experience in a lifetime. After all, this is how life changes.

It's like the college entrance examination before crossing.

No, it is more significant than the college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination is not good, and you can't go to university. As long as you work hard after you get out of society, you may get better.

However, you can't become an island owner. Unless you are lucky enough to awaken your ability (good for Zhao), you won't be able to compare with the island owner in your lifetime.

After all, how can the rich and powerful be eliminated?

Some 34-year-old adults will also pay attention, because they have also experienced it.

Therefore, as long as the videos of "Yueju" on the Internet are interesting, the number of viewers is not small.

Other videos are more interesting. Compared with Chu Chen's, it is Pediatrics.


As soon as Gaoping City released Chu Chen's video, some people immediately saw it.

"Huh? Who made this video, with such a big tone, dare to despise my'Yue Ju' God?"

In a city, when a person is idle and bored, when he opens a video website, he just happens to see the official video released by Gaoping City.

When I looked at the title, he didn't actually put "Yueju" in his eyes. This person suddenly became interested and clicked in to watch the double.

"Me, fuck?"

However, this look shocked him.

Because, as soon as the video comes out, you can see that a huge turtle with hundreds of people and a small number of buildings can be seen in the video.

Such a big sea turtle suddenly made this person's eyes widen involuntarily.

PS: The subscription is not bad, it will be updated every day later, and may use a chapter with a little more words~

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