All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 64 It's powered up! Hot search again! Expanded group of killer whales!

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"It's bright, it's bright~"

On the front part of the turtle, on the shell at the end of the neck, a tall lighthouse lit up.

This lighthouse uses electricity from the power station.

From now on, this lighthouse will always exist as a long-bright lighthouse on Turtle Island.

The construction of this lighthouse is attributed to Shen Mengzhu's work. The entire lighthouse is more than ten meters high and has been built into the shape of a classical tower. It is beautiful and strong.

Well, the design is still from Chu Chen's hands.

Chu Chen uses the Chinese style of another world, but it is not the old-fashioned Chinese style, but the modern Chinese style. It looks ancient and elegant at the same time with a sense of fashion.

Below the lighthouse, some workers in charge of building the power station clapped their hands when they saw the lighthouse lit up.

Because, this means that the power station is officially put into normal operation!

The power station is actually not big, because the turbines are all in the small hole under the turtle.

The other equipment is not far from the lighthouse, where it is located at the junction of the turtle shell and the turtle’s neck. Under the turtle shell, there is the protection of the turtle shell, and at the same time, it will not affect the movement of the turtle.

Well, the small here means that the area is small, but the power station has quite a large amount of electricity.

According to Huang Gong, if the power station is fully loaded, it will generate enough electricity to supply millions of people.

Moreover, with the continuous growth of sea turtles, there is room for further growth in the power of this power station.

Even better.

This power station does not need other energy sources. It relies entirely on the airflow and the incidental water flow generated when the sea turtle exhales.

For the current Turtle Island, this power station is more than enough.


On the lighthouse, Chu Chen looked at the light in front of him and smiled.

In the island world, electricity is a symbol.

Only when electricity is available, the development of a turtle island will be on the right track.

If you want to comment on the star island, there is a very important point, that is, electricity!

In some dense island areas, Turtle Island has built a power station to provide electricity to other surrounding islands to make money, which is a good way to make money.

For Chu Chen, it is unnecessary.

Most of the current island owners, including some wealthy children, are unlikely to have power stations.

It is possible that some children of large families have built power stations.

Well, for large, fixed islands, there are more options for power stations.

For example, the tidal power station is the first choice for many islands, but the investment is also quite large, at least ten times larger than that of Chu Chen's power station!

Not only the investment is large, but also the islands, not all islands are suitable for building tidal power stations!

The average island owner may not be able to have a power station within a few years.

Island owners with energy can also build thermal power stations, such as using natural gas to generate electricity, and they can also use electricity, but the investment is also not small, and the cost of electricity consumption is also high.

In contrast, Chu Chen, a power station, is enough to make countless island owners envious that their eyes fall out!

Not only the investment is small, but the power is still so sufficient, and there is no continuous consumption.

At most, it is maintenance at intervals, replacement of vulnerable parts of equipment and the like.

The cost of maintenance is not large.

It can be said that this power station is a profitable business.

"Dear friends, I am Wang Xue, a reporter from the Daily News. Now I am reporting for you on Turtle Island. As you can see, Chu Chen’s Turtle Island has successfully built a power station, which is among the new island owners this year. , I’m using the power now, I’m afraid I can count it with one hand, but Chu Chen did it.”

"Netizens in the live broadcast room, I am now on Turtle Island."

When the lighthouse lights up, the reporters and anchors who entered Turtle Island today are also shooting or broadcasting live in the distance.

Well, because Chu Chen wanted to personally "light up" the lighthouse, he did not let these people approach the lighthouse.

These people had to shoot the lighthouse from a distance, but it attracted a lot of popularity.

And through the spread of these people.

Now, on the Internet, netizens who follow Turtle Island all know about it.

Chu Chen's Turtle Island, using electricity!

"I'm going. It's only been more than a month. Chu Chen has used electricity? f*ck, my island has been built for three years, and I still have other people's electricity.

"Envy, except for envy, I don't know what to say."

"Looking at it this way, it may not take long for Chu Chen's Turtle Island to be rated as a star island.


On the Internet, because Chu Chen’s Turtle Island used electricity, another wave of discussions was set off.

Moreover, the topic of "Turtle Island power-on" was actually on the hot search again on the same day.

And because the power station was repaired, on this day, many people paid 10,000 yuan to enter Turtle Island, which made Chu Chen earn several million at a time.

"I'm going, Chu Chen's Turtle Island has a power station?"

On Zhu Ziming's island, his little brothers yelled again.

There is a power station!

This news made Zhu Ziming's eyelids twitch!

As a child of a rich family, Zhu Ziming naturally understands what a power station means!

This means that Chu Chen's island has been completely on the right track, heading towards the star island!

Star island!

Zhu Ziming suddenly felt.

The distance between myself and Chu Chen seems to be constantly being stretched away!

Damn it!

Zhu Ziming was depressed again.

While depressed, Zhu Ziming secretly decided in his heart that he must find an opportunity to expel these little brothers, even if he would not hesitate to pay liquidated damages.

Otherwise, even if he doesn't want to read Chu Chen's news, so as not to be irritated, these little brothers reminded him every other way that his little heart can't stand it.

Well, these little brothers don't know yet, one day in the future, they will be expelled for getting off the boat with their left foot.

After the power station was put into use, the team led by Huang Gong successively withdrew from the island.

In the future, for the maintenance of the power station, Chu Chen only needs to recruit one or two standing skilled workers.

Chu Chen paid them a one-time fee of millions, and then hired another team to be responsible for laying the cables.

"You want to lay underground cables?"

On this day, Shen Mengzhu found Chu Chen and asked.

Chu Chen nodded: "Yeah.

Shen Mengzhu said: "There is no problem, but the sewer system must be prepared in advance, and the sewer and underground cables must be combined. In this way, if there is a problem with the cable, it is also convenient to repair, but the cost will not be low."

"What else is needed?"

Chu Chen asked.

Shen Mengzhu: "In addition to the sewer, there is also a domestic sewage treatment system. You certainly don't want the smell of your islands to be odorous at that time? You want a good living environment, these are necessary."

Chu Chen nodded: "Okay, you do it, don't consider the issue of funds, but you have to consider another factor."

After speaking, Chu Chen took Shen Mengzhu to an area and said: "My ability can not only domesticate animals, but also allow animals to evolve. Therefore, turtles are still growing. This area is the area where the turtle shells increase. , You need to think about it."

"Evolution ability? This ability is very rare, and it seems that it hasn't appeared in the Alliance of Supervisors.

Shen Mengzhu showed a look of interest.

Seeing that Chu Chen was not prepared to say more in this regard, Shen Mengzhu did not dwell on this topic, but recorded that area.

"By the way, I already have a second turtle island, and I am going to build it into a resort, are you interested?"

Chu Chen said to Shen Meng again.

These days, Chu Chen has also noticed that Shen Mengzhu is indeed capable.

If she can participate in the construction of the second turtle island, not only will Chu Chen save a lot of things, but also the second turtle island can be built even better.

"The second turtle island? How big is it?"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Shen Mengzhu really became interested.

"It's almost a few hundred meters old now."

Chu Chen said.

"So big? Your abilities are really powerful!"

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Shen Mengzhu couldn't help being a little bit stunned.

Looking at Chu Chen's gaze, it also became a little different.

"Resorts It is indeed a good idea to build a turtle island into a resort. I will take this job, but you have to pay me this time. After all, I have to support myself~"

Shen Mengzhu blinked his eyes and said.

After getting along, Chu Chen discovered that, apart from being prone to cleanliness, Shen Mengzhu has a good personality, and he doesn't mess with things at all.

On her body, there is a kind of "big girl" temperament, and the opposite of her is Wei Tong, who gives Chu Chen173 the feeling that she is a standard "chick", no, to be precise, she is a cute girl!

"no problem!"

Chu Chen readily agreed.

This matter was settled in this way.

After the power station was put into use, Chu Chen found that his business suddenly became less.

Because he is not responsible for many things.

Wei Tong has become more and more proficient in her work. In order to reduce her burden, Chu Chen asked her to hire two female assistants to help her count financial data.

So Wei Tong, who reduced his workload, helped Chu Chen share a lot of things.

In terms of construction, Shen Mengzhu was staring, and Chu Chen didn't have to worry about too much.

That's fine.

Chu Chen was also happy and leisurely.

Time was hurried, and in a blink of an eye, another week passed.

"Little Tiger, this guy is pretty good."

On this day, Chu Chen ushered in another good news.

Because, in the sea, some new killer whales swam happily.

His first killer whale, Little Tiger, did not know where another group of killer whales came from.

This group of killer whales is smaller than the killer whale group of little tigers, with only twelve killer whales.

Although it is less, it is naturally a good thing for Chu Chen.

After all, who is too much?

Killer whales are ideal contract creatures. If they are too violent, they may not be able to sign contracts smoothly. Killer whales are better.

Moreover, the combat effectiveness of the killer whale is not weak, it is also very smart, and it also means group combat. In Chu Chen's view, this is also the key.

As long as they continue to evolve, their combat effectiveness will become quite powerful!

Under the leadership of Xiaohu, the twelve killer whales signed a group contract with Chu Chen.

After the signing, Chu Chen's killer whales reached a full 28!

Killer whales are still divided into groups. Although the two groups of killer whales often play together, the concept of ethnic groups still exists.

This is due to the habits of living things.

Naturally, Chu Chen did not forcefully change. .

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