All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 72 The castle is completed! The beautiful castle! The mermaid is here! (1) Seeking subscript

"Chu Chen, according to some data we have collected now, pirates are still active in the south. Many of these pirates are stowaways. They have already taken root in the island world. Some island owners who do not have too strong defense forces. It’s what they did."

When the news of the pirates was flying all over the sky, Lu Xue once again appeared on Turtle Island.

She came here specifically for pirates.

Before going to the island world, Chu Chen also heard about pirates~.

Every year, a large number of people smuggle to the island world.

Some people who couldn't live on the planet Earth, after arriving in the island world, simply stayed in the island world.

There are still quite a few of these people.

Among these people, a large part of them escaped to the island world through some underground means after the Earth Star committed something and before they were wanted.

For example, there are some island owners who specialize in the business of helping such people smuggle.

As long as the money is given, these island owners will recruit each other to the island in the form of recruitment before these people are wanted.

When these people arrive on the island, they will leave by boat.

These pirates acted in groups and were quite brutal.

Of course, they are also very smart. Under normal circumstances, after arriving on an island, they will deliberately leave time for the island owner to evacuate, including evacuation of workers.

When the island owner withdraws, they will rob all the supplies on the island.

Well, money doesn't work for them, because they are unscrupulous, and they have nowhere to spend money. They only need supplies.

If the island owner tries to resist, they will show a fierce side.

These pirates are also objects that the island owners hate and hate, but the island world is too big.

Even if all countries have sent fleets to look for them everywhere, it is difficult to stop them in such a large island world.

On the contrary, their scale is getting bigger every year.

"At present, the location of your Turtle Island is still relatively safe. It will take a long time for them to reach you, but I have to guard against if you need it, I can mobilize a group of security forces from the company to help. You defend."

Road snow road.

Chu Chen did not refuse: "Okay!"

Lu Xue added: "Each city has emergency troops that can support island owners. However, you have no right to apply before becoming an official island owner. There are many restrictions in the first year. There are also people trying to recruit. Specialized mercenaries, but in the first year, those mercenaries cannot bring heat weapons.

Hearing Lu Xue's words, Chu Chen nodded.

There are also many crises and challenges faced by new island owners.

These pirates, to a certain extent, can be regarded as a kind of test.

Although there are many restrictions, on the whole, people with more money have much less fear of pirates.

Ordinary island owners are the most afraid of pirates, because they don't have the money to hire too many security forces.

Chu Chen is not particularly worried. Let's not talk about the security forces on Lu Xue's side. There are really pirates who have grown to almost 30 meters in length, and they can drink a pot.

Not to mention, Chu Chen also has dozens of seagulls that are already level 3 in general, and one seagull that is level 4.

The combat effectiveness of these seagulls is not so powerful.


After Chu Chen paid attention to this matter, he did not worry too much.

On the Internet, news of pirates appears from time to time.

This time, pirates also came on a large scale.

In fact, every year, pirates enter the newcomer area on a large scale.

Moreover, the selection time is often the second month after the "monthly gathering", and in a few months, there may be another wave.

Because at this time, most of the newcomer island owners have already started construction, and there are already a lot of supplies on the island for them to plunder.

The rookie island owner is limited by the rules. There is no way to apply for support in the first year, and there is no hot weapon. Who do the pirates not grab the rookie?

As for the islands of the children of large families, pirates find it difficult and often give up on their own initiative.

Even if there are no hot weapons, people hire hundreds or even more mercenaries who specialize in the use of bows and arrows, enough for the pirates to weigh in.

After all, ordinary pirates do not have too strong weapons.

On Earth and Stars, some mercenaries specialize in practicing arrows, just to make a wave of money every year.

Therefore, construction is still going on on Chu Chen’s Turtle Island.

In this way, after a few more days, the Mermaid Castle was completely completed.

On the day when the Mermaid Castle was completed, Chu Chen came outside the castle and looked at the entire castle with a satisfied look.

Half of this mermaid castle is on the shore and most of it is in the water.

The mermaid can swim directly into the castle from the sea without being noticed.

There are also many rooms in the castle, and these rooms also have sea water, and the mermaids can swim in directly.

Moreover, there is a special water circulation system in the castle. Through this water circulation, the mermaids can swim to the second or even third floor of the castle, live on it, and watch the scenery.

The castle’s garden is also quite large, and flowers have been planted in the garden.

Chu Chen specially hired some plants with supernatural powers, and after transplanting these flowers, they grew quite well.

In addition, the plants on the Shanghai Turtle Island can grow better.

Therefore, the entire garden of the Mermaid Castle is also blooming and beautiful.

In fact, there are many flowers on the balconies on the second and third floors of the Mermaid Castle.

Living is quite comfortable.

In addition, the entire castle also pays more attention to privacy. From a distance, you can't see much.

Unless someone uses a drone to see from the sky.

However, drones are prohibited on Chu Chen’s Turtle Island. If someone tries to explore the Turtle Island with a drone, Chu Chen will let them know how powerful his seagulls are.

The outer wall of the castle is now covered with shells and looks very beautiful.

It's like coming out of a fairy tale.

The shells pasted by the abilities of the architecture department are not only reasonably collocation of colors, but also the position of each shell is just right.

Whether you look up close or far away, it's full of beauty, which makes people involuntarily pleasing to the eye.

"Caiwei will definitely like it.

Chu Chen thought.

Such a mermaid castle, Chu Chen is sure, Caiwei will definitely like it.

In addition, Chu Chen also left some room for transformation for Caiwei.

After all, Plucking Wei is a mermaid and a sea creature. If they like some plants in the ocean, they can also look for transplants and use them as embellishments.

In the island world, some marine plants are also quite beautiful.

Someone has long discovered that the seawater of the island world is cleaner than the seawater of the earth star, not only because of less pollution, but a very important reason is that there are more marine plants in the island world.

However, these marine plants could not be transplanted to the earth planet. Someone tried to transplant them, but they died soon after transplanting.

On the contrary, some plants from Earth Star will grow better after being transplanted.

The reason for this should be related to the mysterious energy possessed by the island world.

After the Mermaid Castle is completed, Chu Chen's castle is also completely completed and can be inhabited.

In other words, the two castles are officially completed.

Chu Chen's castle garden is also very large.

In the middle of Chu Chen's castle garden is the tree he planted.

After more than two months, this tree has grown to a height of more than 20 meters.

………………Flowers 0…

It is almost possible for an ordinary tree to grow to a height of more than 20 meters in more than two months.

But this tree is different.

The daily evolution point is enough to make it grow faster.

Chu Chen does not know the species of this tree, but this tree is quite clean.

Well, it's clean!

It gives people a clean feeling, and when you are under a tree, you will feel the air is especially fresh.

In addition, in the ocean for a long time, the humidity is actually very large.

But under this tree, the moisture was also suppressed.

Chu Chen does not yet know whether this tree has any other functions.

It is still in the "larval" stage.

Perhaps, after it has fully grown up, you will be able to know it.

After the Mermaid Castle was completed, the first phase of the construction of Turtle Island No. 1 came to an end, and the workers began to move to Turtle Island No. 2.

On Turtle Island No. 1, people suddenly disappeared.

This is Chu Chen and some female workers who are responsible for the green plants and land.

These female workers were also selected by Chu Chen. They have been working on Chu Chen's turtles for several months, and they are relatively reliable.


Chu Chen made Turtle Island No. 1 swim some distance eastward, a few kilometers away from Turtle Island No. 2.

This is to facilitate plucking back.

Avoid being spotted by some workers on Island 2 when she comes back.

"It's been two months, and there is no news from Caiwei. Is it too far?"

Chu Chen stood on a large balcony in the Mermaid Castle, looking at the sea, thinking.

"Shanshan, it's almost here, just ahead~"

When Chu Chen thought of plucking weeds, some tens of kilometers away from Turtle Island No. 1, in the sea, mermaids were swimming a few meters away from the sea.

At the front is Cai Wei, and at the back are Na Bi and the other mermaids.

Due to the large number of people, the speed has been affected. Therefore, this time it took a lot longer than Plucking alone.

After all, Caiwei is growing every day now.

She is now a lot stronger compared to a month ago.

If she were to encounter a group of sharks now, after launching a psychic storm, she would never have the pale face of the last time.

With eyes tweeting that Chu Chen's turtle island is approaching, Cai Wei's mood can't help but get a little excited.

This time, she has been away for more than two months, and has not seen Chu Chen for more than two months.

This also made her eager to see Chu Chen.

After twenty days of rushing, Caiwei was actually already a little tired, but when she was approaching Chu Chen’s Turtle Island, Caiwei’s fatigue was miraculously eliminated.

Shan and the other mermaids, no one shouted tired.

Unlike Caiwei, her mood actually has some ambitions.

after all.

This is their first contact with humans.

They are also wondering what kind of person Chu Chen really is, what he looks like, and whether he told Caiwei.

In such curiosity, they followed Caiwei and kept swimming forward.

In this way, after dozens of minutes, Caiwei put her head out of the water and saw that a huge island appeared in front of her.

In front of that island is the head of a huge turtle.

Turtle Island, here it is!

"Here, sisters~"

Caiwei pointed to Turtle Island Road.

The mermaids raised their heads from the water and saw the huge turtle island.

"Wow, why is there such a big turtle?"

Suddenly, the mermaids were attracted by the huge sea turtles. Four,

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