All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 79 Show your superpower! Look at the stunned mermaid! Crush! (3.4) Seeking subscription

"Love Sea Snake?

In the telescope, Chu Chen has seen that some slender sea snakes appeared on the sea.

These sea snakes are quite long, each one is about ten meters long, and their bodies are somewhat thick, but not too thick. Each snake is as thick as a human arm.

This kind of sea snake was once discovered by island owners and recorded in the database of the island world.

The name of this sea snake is similar to the pronunciation of it in the language of mermaids. Translated, it can also be called Love Sea Snake.

If this kind of snake is encountered in the sea, it would be quite difficult.

Their toxicity is several times more venomous than the most venomous Taipan snake on Earth!

To poison marine creatures like blue whales, they only need 0.1 grams of venom to enter the whale’s blood.

If you want to poison humans, 0.01 grams of venom is enough!

Of course, under normal circumstances, they will not attack large marine creatures, because they do not need them, they are poisoned to death, and they can't finish eating.

Love sea snakes are not only highly toxic, but also quite flexible and quick to respond. Moreover, the most difficult thing is that they appear in large groups!


These love sea snakes are coming at the same time as the sharks!

Moreover, the quantity is quite a lot!

Hundreds of sharks are spread out densely on the sea surface, and the dorsal fins of the sharks are densely covered on the sea surface. It looks quite spectacular!

"Caiwei, Shanshan, what's the matter? They are here to chase you?"

After seeing these love sea snakes and sharks, Chu Chen didn't panic, but asked Caiwei them.

Because, from Shanshan's words, it can be heard that these Love Sea snakes and sharks are very likely to come for them!

Caiwei nodded and said: "Well, yes, we have been chased by them many times. After we broke through more than a month ago, we have already dumped them. Unexpectedly, they chased them again, Chu Chen, Behind them, there must be an intelligent marine creature!"

Shanshan also gave a quick and simple explanation.

Chu Chen understands.

These sharks and sea snakes are here to chase the mermaids!

These guys are quite persistent.

After chasing for so long, the distance chased is also quite terrifying!

No, it should be said that the intelligent marine life behind them is very persistent!

I don't know why it wants to chase these mermaids!

"Your Excellency Chu Chen, I'm sorry, it has caused you trouble, let me take the sisters to distract them, they are here for us."

Seeing those Love Sea snakes and sharks getting closer and closer, Shan Shan said.

However, she was interrupted by Chu Chen before she said anything: "No, some sharks and sea snakes are just a matter of course. You don't have to go, just watch the show here, just leave it to me!"

Chu Chen's voice is not loud, and there is no special tone in the words.

However, the content of the words 27 moved Shanbi and the other mermaids quite a bit.

Especially the phrase "Leave it to me", let the mermaids feel the masculinity from Chu Chen's body.

"Your Excellency Chu Chen, there are too many of them."

Shanshan knows that Chu Chen has killer whales, but the number of sharks and love sea snakes is not average. Even if Chu Chen's killer whales are big, they may not be able to beat so many sea snakes and sharks.

This is where Shanshan is worried.

"Don't worry~"

Chu Chen said.

Plain words, simple three words, but with inexplicable power, made Shanshan's heart calm.

"Brother Chu Chen, I can help you. These sharks are controlled by that marine creature, and I can offset its control, and these sharks will be much easier to deal with."

Plucking volunteered.

Last time, the mermaids were able to break through, relying on the mind storm after Plucking broke through level 4.

Now, more than a month later, Plucking's soul storm is much stronger than before.

It is more than enough to offset the control these sharks are under.

However, the marine creatures behind these sharks suffered a lot last time, and this time since the other party dared to drive the sharks to come, what else should be prepared.

I just don't know if Caiwei's growth this month can exceed the other party's preparations!

"Okay, but don't worry, Plucking, you follow my orders to take action.

Chu Chen said.


Plucking nodded heavily.

In the moment of talking, the sharks and Love Sea snakes in the sea have rushed to the distance of only a few hundred meters from Turtle Island.Chu Chen's two dozen killer whales have also gathered, and seagulls are also circling in the sky, preparing to attack.

"Little tiger, kill them all~"

Seeing the shark and Love Sea Snake came, Chu Chen finally gave the order.

Long after the orcas were bound for a long time, Chu Chen has now been able to issue some simple commands through the system, such as attack, retreat and so on.

Following Chu Chen's order, the little tiger rushed out with a leap, and behind it were other killer whales.

Chu Chen's more than two dozen killer whales, faced with enemies dozens of times as many as his own, were absolutely not afraid of them!

Moreover, their aura is no weaker than the other party.

On Turtle Island, all the mermaids came to the edge of the pool. Seeing Chu Chen's killer whale rushing towards the densely packed sharks and killer whales, there was some worry on their faces.

After all, Love's Sea Snakes and Sharks are too numerous.

Many mermaids are already ready to fight, just wait for Chu Chen to speak, they can jump directly into the ocean from the pool and join the fight!


On the sea, when the killer whales attacked, Chu Chen's seagulls had already attacked first.

There are now more than sixty of these seagulls.

The speed of more than sixty seagulls is also surprisingly fast.

The speed of flying in the sky is obviously faster than the speed of the killer whales.

Xiao Hong is at the forefront.

I saw the little red wings flap, a dive across the sea, and then quickly stretched from the sea.

When it flew out of the sea, there was a slender sea snake on its claws!

This guy caught a Love Sea Snake with just one blow.

Its power is also quite great.

You know, a Love Sea Snake that is more than ten meters long is tens of kilograms, but the speed of Xiaohong's claws has not been affected by it!

Moreover, Xiao Hong grasped quite accurately, and the two paws grasped the head of this Love Sea Snake!

The head of the snake was firmly grasped by Xiaohong, and the Love Sea snake had difficulty even opening its mouth.

The long snake can't help struggling, but it has no effect at all.

Next second.

The little red paw, which was pulling up into the sky, slammed hard.

I saw that the head of the Love Sea Snake was directly caught by Xiao Hong's claws!

As soon as the snake's head was caught and exploded, this Love Sea Snake immediately separated its fart, and Xiao Hong's claws loosened, Love Sea Snake

Good guys!

After Xiaohong evolves to level 4, she is really awesome!

Regardless of its small size, it is only a circle larger than before.

However, its evolution itself is not a huge route, but a short and concise.

The power that its claws can exert is really terrifying!

Not only Xiaohong is awesome, but the other seagulls have also benefited from this attack!

Seagulls are actually natural hunters.

After all, their usual food is hunted from the sea.

After gaining evolution, their hunting skills have naturally become more powerful.

Therefore, this time, their choices are the same!

That is attacking Love's Sea Serpent's head!

Because of their amazing speed and accuracy, we can see that when dozens of seagulls pass by the sea, the love sea snakes that are more than ten meters long are directly lifted into the sky by them.

A few seconds later, these love sea snakes were directly thrown down by the seagulls, because their heads were all caught and they couldn't survive at all.

The seagulls' attack directly solved dozens of Love Sea Snakes.

After they rushed to the sky, they flapped their wings, turned, and rushed to the sea again.

However, when they dived again, the Love sea snakes had already dived under the sea, making this wave of seagulls' attacks return without success.

The marine creatures behind these love sea snakes must be directing these love sea snakes.

do not know either.

Where is that sea creature hiding.

Even the mermaids don't know what that marine creature is now.

The other party seemed to be a shadow hunter who was very good at lurking.

Lurking in the dark, directing the attack of Love Sea Snakes and Sharks!


When the seagulls' second attack failed, the killer whales had already rushed over.

In front of the killer whales, hundreds of sharks also rushed in densely.

Sharks and killer whales, if they meet in the sea, they will not fight each other, but will stay away from each other.

Their battle, if not affected by external forces, is only for predation.

But now, one is Chu Chen's killer whale, and the other is the shark of the secret marine life, so whether it is killer whales or sharks, they rush towards each other.

At the forefront is Xiaohu.

When he was about to rush, Xiaohu's body of more than 30 meters leaped fiercely and rushed out.

It is now three times longer in length than before, but its weight has increased by at least two or three times!

There are still some areas between killer whales and blue whales. If it is a 30-meter-long blue whale, it may weigh one hundred and fifty-six or even two hundred tons.

Blue whales have little offensive power, while killer whales are hunters in the ocean. The direction of evolution is also evolving towards more powerful combat power.

Therefore, even if the weight reaches dozens of tons, Xiaohu's agility is still quite terrible.

I saw the little tiger rushing over a distance of more than ten meters with a leap. The big mouth full of sharp teeth bit a shark with one bite, and with a click, the front part of the shark was bitten off abruptly.

This guy, the current bite force is also terribly strong!

Beside it, other killer whales also rushed in, one by one, and directly solved more than 30 sharks.

As soon as it was solved, Xiaohu's fish tail strenuously swung, not only got an acceleration from this, but also slammed away the sharks that were trying to rush over!

Its fish tail is equally hard.

After all, the main thing that can leap dozens of tons of body from the water to the sky is the fish tail!

Therefore, the swing of the tiger fish's tail directly smoothed the sharp beak of the closest shark!

Then, the shark, along with the few sharks next to it, were all swept away by the tiger's tail, and even two sharks just couldn't do it!

Such a tiger is also a fierce one!

Not only Xiaohu is so fierce.

The other killer whales are not bad at all!

The killer whales who signed the same contract with Xiaohu are naturally more fierce!

Killer whales get a little bit less evolution points every day than turtles, even if the group contract will be thinner, but after so long, killer whales of the same race as the tiger are basically level 4 now!

Their combat effectiveness is also fierce!

Dealing with sharks is also one by one!

Sweeping the tail of the whale can also sweep the shark into a dizzy way, and if it is swept to the head, it will die!

The killer whale group that joined later is a little weaker, and they are all Level 3 now.

However, their strength is not what these ordinary sharks can resist.

"Ha, it's fierce.

In front of the pool, Chu Chen looked at the holographic screen in front of him and said.

Yes, in order to better grasp the situation of the battle, Chu Chen released a drone with multiple high-definition cameras and shot it above the battlefield.

He from Earth Star, it is impossible to put high-tech products without use.

In front of the holographic screen, the mermaids all gathered around, looking at Chu Chen's holographic screen with big curious eyes.

This is the first time they have seen something in another world.

For the mermaids, they all felt quite amazed.

Seeing that Chu Chen's killer whale is so ferocious, the mermaids are also a little bit stunned!

In the ocean, the killer whale is actually the same tonnage player as the shark.

In the past, they occasionally saw the fight between a school of killer whales and a school of sharks, and the two sides were at best 50-50.

But now, these sharks have no power to fight back in front of Chu Chen's killer whale!

In the first round of confrontation, dozens of sharks were killed directly!

The mermaids can't help but be a little curious, how did Chu Chen get such a fierce killer whale?

Moreover, these killer whales still listen to Chu Chen's words quite well.

In front of Chu Chen, one by one was like a beloved baby who couldn't be better.

But in front of the enemy, they are the most ferocious predators!

The battle continues.

After the killer whales killed dozens of sharks in the first round, they didn't stop at all. When the fish's tail swung, they rushed into the dense group of sharks.

These sharks were also ferocious and did not retreat. However, in the face of the larger, more powerful, and quite flexible killer whales, their number has not played much of a role.

After all, no matter how large the number is, the sharks that can rush up at a time are also limited.

Moreover, the killer whales are too aggressive, rushing into the shark school fiercely, without giving these fish time to besiege.

Before the sharks started the siege, they were directly broken up by the killer whales!

In the seawater of that battlefield, hundreds of sharks were killed in a short period of time, and even the seawater had been stained with blood from the sharks a little red!

If these sharks are not controlled, some confusion will already occur at this time.Of course, if it is facing a too strong enemy, the sharks can sometimes restrain their bloodthirsty desire/hope.

They can still tell who is the biggest threat.

"Caiwei doesn't have to shoot."

Chu Chen thought.

Although the battle is still going on, there are still a lot of sharks, and Love Sea Snake is about to join the battlefield, in Chu Chen's view, there is not much suspense in this battle.

These killer whales of his, after months of evolution, deal with ordinary sharks, there is not much challenge, even if there are more than one enemy.

"Love Sea Snake is here~"

Shanshan's voice sounded.

Chu Chen also saw it.

In the sea, those Love sea snakes also mixed in the sharks and joined the battlefield.

There are many Love Sea Snakes that can be seen on the sea surface, and there are only more Love Sea Snakes that can not be seen under the sea surface.

"These Love Sea Snakes are very toxic. They must not be bitten."

Shanshan has some concerns.

There are too many Love Sea snakes. As long as one bite and the venom enters the blood of the killer whales, the killer whale will die.

"Do not worry.

Chu Chen comforted.

The evolution of the killer whales did not blindly develop in the direction of hugeness.

There is a certain area for the evolution of each creature. At level 4, turtles can grow up to 190 kilometers long. One important reason is that the turtles in the island world are themselves giant turtles.

When Chu Chen first chose Turtle Island, the turtles at that time were more than ten meters long. If this turtle can grow for more than a hundred years, maybe it can grow naturally to 20 to 30 meters long.

On the earth and stars, the most turtles are only two or three meters in length.

If Chu Chen chooses to evolve the turtles on the earth, it can also evolve very much, but it is estimated that it will take a higher level of evolution.

Therefore, the level 4 tiger is now only 30 meters.

The size is not large, but other aspects of it have been comprehensively strengthened.

Its skin is not necessarily penetrated by a rifle now.

And its surface skin is very thick, which is equivalent to having a layer of defense.

Even if the Love Sea snake bites its skin, even if their sharpest fangs can bite through their skin and inject the venom into it, it will have no effect.

Because, there are no blood vessels in the surface of their skin.After the venom is injected into it, it can't enter the bloodstream.For such a huge killer whale, there is no slightest threat!

Therefore, Chu Chen didn't have the slightest worry.

On the surface of the sea, as Chu Chen's voice fell, those sea snakes had already rushed in densely with the sharks.


I saw that more than 20 killer whales started diving at the same time, rushing into the sky one by one.

This scene, it seems, is quite spectacular!

After the fish jumped into the sky, they fell at the same time. At the same time they fell, more than 20 sharks were bitten off by them.

Then, their fish tail slammed!

I saw that the sea snakes that had rushed past densely before were hit by the huge force of their fish tails.

The sea water there was directly emptied by the tails of the fish, and the sea snakes were directly swept up by the tails of more than 20 killer whales!

The fighting wisdom of the killer whales is not covered, they actually used this method to kill hundreds of Love Sea snakes in one blow!

Seeing the mermaids one by one, their eyes widened, and they were a little dumbfounded!

The killer whales jumped into the sharks again after their first blow worked. The mouths full of fangs kept attacking, and the tails of the fish kept swaying. From time to time, they jumped out of the water and entered into a jumping attack.

Those sea snakes are more killed by their fish tails!

Chu Chen knows the reason why they chose this attack method. The toxicity of these love sea snakes is not small. If killer whales eat them in one bite, they will also eat the venom glands in their snake heads.

So, they use their mouths to deal with sharks and their tails to deal with Love's sea snakes!

Their diving ability showed great value in this battle.

When their bodies weighing tens of tons jumped out of the sea and fell heavily at an extremely fast speed, even without the fish tail, they were often able to kill a lot of the Love Sea Snake below.

In this process, seagulls also attacked from time to time, killing some Love sea snakes on the sea.

The seagulls even launched an attack on the sharks. Some sharks that exposed their shark fins to the surface of the sea are not to mention terrible, because of the impact of the seagulls, their shark fins will be caught to pieces!

With the cooperation of the seagulls, the battle entered more and more smoothly.

The entire battlefield has completely become a stage for killer whales!

Even if the number of sharks is still a lot, Love Sea Snake is also constantly participating in the battle, but in front of the fierce killer whales in Chu Chen, it is simply vulnerable!

In front of the holographic screen, the mermaids opened their mouths slightly, and the expressions on their faces were somewhat dull.

They didn't expect that the sharks and Love Sea snakes, which were raging and raging, would be crushed so thoroughly in front of Chu Chen's killer whales, there was no way to fight back!

PS: The future update will focus on the big chapter!.

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