All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 85 Critical damage! Desperate Zhu Ziming! Whale armor and battleship! (5) Seeking subscripti

"Brother Chu Chen, we are leaving~"

This morning, Shanshan set out again with a few mermaids.

After the little snake girl was captured, Shanshan decided to continue to take people to find "virtual gold" or some other treasures in the ocean.

Caiwei took some mermaids to stay on Turtle Island. On the one hand, she needed to watch the little snake girl. On the other hand, she could also alternate with Shanshan and the others.

"Well, be careful on the road~"

Chu Chen said.


Shanshan nodded and jumped into the ocean with a few mermaids.

After Shanshan and the others left, Chu Chen opened the owner's watch and took a look at the situation of the little snake girl.

The little snake girl was still locked in the water jail, sitting on the bed in the water jail in a daze, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After taking a look, Chu Chen went to Turtle Island No. 2 to take a look.

After the successful evaluation of the star island, the things that can be brought over at one time increased again. Chu Chen took advantage of this opportunity to bring more things from the earth and speed up the construction of Turtle Island 2.

Not long after, Shen Mengzhu came here specially to express his congratulations to Chu Chen.

After a while, Lu Xue also seemed to know, and sent a call request, also congratulating Chu Chen.

When Chu Chen was on the phone with Lu Xue, someone found the news that Chu Chen's Turtle Island was rated as a star island on the Gaoping City forum, and this person posted the news on the Gaoping City forum. , It attracted a large number of onlookers.

"Zhi! In just over three months, Chu Chen's Turtle Island has been rated as a star island?"

"It's against the sky. Now in the world, there are not many people's islands that are star islands, right?"


On the forum in Gaoping City, that post instantly became a hot post.

As a native of Gaoping City, Chu Chen naturally cares about every achievement he has made!

The interest in the discussion is also the greatest.

"My caviar and fish meal factories need to recruit some people. If you want to come, students can contact me directly."

"Wow, Brother Zhu, have you started to develop in-depth fish?"

"I wish you mighty brother~"

At this time, in Chu Chen's class group, Zhu Ziming just released a recruitment message, which caused a lot of flattery.

Star-rated islands are simple and easy to say, but difficult to say.

The evaluation criteria are income, environment, industry, and overall situation.

The basic requirement of a one-star island is that the island has a monthly income of more than 10 million, and a profit of at least one million. It can be self-sufficient in energy and living resources. It must have a complete industry and the environment of the island also has high requirements. .

That is to say, if it is a polluting industry, it will definitely not work.

Well, profitability also has great requirements.

This is also why many children of large families, why the investment in the first one or two months regardless of the cost is to calculate the cost in the first one or two months, so that the profit rate can reach the target in the following months.

In these respects, Chu Chen's Turtle Island is naturally all satisfied.

His combustible ice mine has been able to continue large-scale mining, and it can be regarded as a complete industry.

If it cannot be exploited on a large scale and on a continuous basis, it certainly does not count.

Now, Zhu Ziming is also making efforts in this regard.

His current focus is still on fisheries. With the continuous production of fishing boats and the rich fish resources of the island world, Zhu Ziming can harvest nearly 1,000 tons of various fish every day.Don’t think there are thousands of tons. Chu Chen’s two turtles, plus dozens of killer whales, eat hundreds of tons of fish every day.

Especially sea turtles.

This time Xiao Hei ate hundreds of shark carcasses at one time. If you counted as one piece of seven or eight tons, it means that Xiao Hei ate several thousand tons of things at once, which can make it digest for a long time.

With so many fish, Zhu Ziming's monthly income has exceeded 6 million.

Of course, it is not a net income, because workers are also paid a lot, and shipbuilding also requires a lot of money. In fact, he is still at a loss this month.

It also lost several million, because the investment was too large.


Therefore, Zhu Ziming only prepared two months to apply, because by that time, the basic investment has been completed, not only the monthly income can be increased, but the profit rate will also be greatly increased.

Now that his power station has been built, he is also planning to build several deep-processing factories to improve the overall environment and ecology of the island.

His island can meet the standard.

Zhu Ziming felt that even if Chu Chen was faster than him, it would not be much faster.

In the second stage, he can catch up with Chu Chen.

By the third stage, that is, the second half of the year, he can continue to exert his strength and completely surpass Chu Chen!

Therefore, he has become active again recently, occasionally sending a message or two in the class group or grade group, and every message will also arouse many people's praise.

Well, he almost got depression under the pressure of Chu Chen, he still enjoys this kind of flattery.

This time, after sending the message, Zhu Ziming didn't immediately close the group chat, but watched it.

There are many flattering classmates, and some have expressed that they want to come to work on his island.

Zhu Ziming watched with great enthusiasm, and his long-wounded soul was comforted.

But at this time, a new message made him stunned for a moment.

"Have you heard? Chu Chen's Turtle Island has been rated as a star island.~~

A classmate said.

This news instantly paused the lively group chat.

"Should I go? Really, star island?"

"Is Xueba such a cowhide?"

"I found it, it was indeed commented, and the result has been announced, and now the news on the forum is flying all over the sky~"


In the class group, the classmates who were just flattering Zhu Ziming suddenly forgot Zhu Ziming out of the clouds, and a lot of classmates who didn't talk came out one after another.

The topic immediately turned to Chu Chen's body.

Zhu Ziming, who was still a little proud of the spring breeze just now, was instantly dumbfounded!

"Star-rated islands, it's impossible. It's only been more than three months. I haven't heard of anyone's island becoming a star-rated island!"

Zhu Ziming's heart couldn't help but roared.

He doesn't believe it!

Even the rich second generation of his family with assets of more than one billion will take half a year to be able to determine the star-rated island.

How could Chu Chen be so fast?

In addition, his family is only a middle-class family in Huhai Province.

The big families in the lakes and seas provinces, this year, there are also one or two children who are new island owners.The children of these big families have not heard that the island is rated as a star island!

Zhu Ziming quickly opened the official website and entered it.

He wants to check it himself.

Soon, he called up the list of the most recent star islands and searched it.

Just a few seconds later, Zhu Ziming saw Chu Chen's name!

And Chu Chen's island number!


This number is much shorter than his island number, because Chu Chen is the 100th to choose Turtle Island!

"It's really him, how could it be possible?"

Zhu Ziming's heart fell to the bottom!

He didn't want to believe it.

At this time, somehow, he clicked on the forum of Gaoping City again and saw a top post.

He glanced at this post and was stunned again.

Because, the title of the post is saying that Chu Chen's Turtle Island has become the first star-rated island among the newcomer island owners of the Lake Hai Province this year!

This post immediately caused Zhu Ziming to be injured by tons of critical strikes again!

Isn't he unwilling to believe it before? I don't think anyone's island has become a star island in the lakes and seas.



Now Chu Chen's Turtle Island has become the first island in the Huhai Province to be rated as a star!

"Can I still catch him?"

After Zhu Ziming stayed for a long time, the expression on his face was already quite discouraged.

There is even more despair in his heart.

Because, he faintly felt that perhaps, in his entire life, he would never catch up with Chu Chen again!

The advantages that the family can bring are not worth mentioning in the face of Chu Chen's evildoers!


The Internet in Gaoping City has become very lively.

With tens of millions of people in Gaoping City, the hottest topic is that Chu Chen's Turtle Island was rated as a star island.

Soon, with the promotion of Gaoping City and the spread of netizens, this incident eventually spread to the entire network.

Aroused a lot of heated discussion.

It is certainly not as sensational as it was the first time Turtle Island appeared.

After all, now people already know about Turtle Island, and they also know how good Chu Chen is.

The star-rated islands now let people know that Chu Chen is even more powerful, but with the previous familiarity, it must not have been as sensational for the first time.

Of course, in the group of new island owners, they still arouse great attention.

Especially, this time, Chu Chen is actually the first star-rated island in Huhai Province.

It is said that some of the children of large families in the Huhai Province may have been stimulated. On the day the news came out, they expanded the recruitment of a large number of workers, which made a little contribution to the tense employment problem of the planet.

Chu Chen did not pay much attention to the excitement on the Internet.

Recently, he has been busy again.

Because, another blueprint appeared in the system's achievement store.

This drawing is a bit interesting, it is a drawing of a whale armor.


This drawing is surprisingly putting wrong armor on the killer whales.

Moreover, in the drawings, there is an additional drawing, Chu Chen can create a war weapon based on this additional drawing-the whale battleship.

This whale battleship is a bit like the Leviathan carriage in an anime that Chu Chen had seen before crossing.

Not only can you sit inside, but you can also install some weapons and equipment. There are long sharp horns in the front. If the killer whale carries these sharp horns into a ship, with the current size of the killer whale, the ship with insufficient tonnage will be directly hit. Gone.


The materials required in the drawings are still some seabed gold.

"" "I'm going, where can I find so much sea gold?"

Chu Chen thought.

The mermaids searched for all these days before they found two pieces of virtual gold.

The materials required by the drawings are not as precious as virtual gold, but they are also relatively rare undersea gold.

The seabed gold is not distributed in pieces at all, it is always scattered on the seabed in small pieces.

For such a large whale armor and whale battleship, the amount of seabed gold required is probably quite a lot.

But if it can be made, the value is also considerable.

Because such a whale warship can not only sail on the sea, but also go deep into the seabed.

The speed will also be quite fast, and it is simply a weapon in water combat.

(Dano is good)" Dark gold is not particularly rare. If you want to buy it, you can also buy it. However, the dark gold required by a whale battleship may cost tens of millions or even more than 100 million yuan to buy.

Chu Chen thought.

The submarine gold required for whale battleships and armors is not virtual gold, but more common dark gold. Dark gold can be seen on the trading platform of the island owner.

Some veteran island owners have a lot in their hands, but if they want to buy it, the price is not generally expensive.

At this time, he thought of the little snake girl again.

Behind the little snake girl, if there is a marine civilization, the history of this marine civilization in the island world is probably quite long.

They may have a large amount of seabed gold.

"It would be a good choice if we can learn about marine civilization through Little Snake Girl, and then find some marine literature to do some business."

Chu Chen thought suddenly.

Now, although Earth has been developing the island world for decades, there has not been any news about the ocean civilization of the island world.


This is normal.

Even if there are marine civilizations, these marine civilizations are still in the extremely remote deep sea and have no contact with human beings at all.

Of course, according to the current trend, as the island owners continue to increase and become stronger, the exploration of the island world continues to deepen, and it will be a matter of intersection with marine civilization.

However, this time is hard to say.

"Little Snake Girl, well, I'll check it out tomorrow."

Chu Chen thought.

He wanted to find a way to get the little snake girl to speak.


PS: The picture of the whale warship is attached. Click the picture on the lower right to view it.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "illustration" button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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