All People’s Island: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Giant Turtle

Chapter 92 Grab it in one second! Hot! Stunned tourists! Hot!

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"Caiwei, how do you feel?"

On the edge of Turtle Island, Chu Chen asked.

"Well, Brother Chu Chen, I feel very good, and it doesn't affect my activities in the water at all~"

In the sea water, plucking flowers is crisp and raw ~ Tao.

This pair of armor is really good. After getting familiar with it, Caiwei can easily put on and remove it by herself.

Caiwei really likes this armor~

In the pool, Shanshan and the other mermaids looked at Plucking in the armor, and they couldn't help but feel a little envious.

"Shanshan, come, let me measure the size for you!"

Chu Chen called Shanshan aside again.

"Ah? Brother Chu Chen, do I have it too?"

Shanshan was surprised.

Chu Chen nodded: "Well, you have it too."

"Wow, thank you Chu Chen brother~"

After hearing Chu Chen's words, Shanshan instantly became happy~

However, when measuring the size, this little mermaid is the same as the original plucking, and it has to blush for a long time~

After completing the measurement, Chu Chen took all the size data to the forging workshop and handed it to Tang Lei.

Now the virtual gold in Chu Chen's hand is more than a dozen yuan.

Several pairs of virtual gold armors can be built.

After building a few more mermaid armors, Chu Chen is ready to create one for himself.

Well, although the drawing is a mermaid armor, but with a little improvement, Chu Chen can use it by himself.

However, this kind of improvement can only be carried out after Tang Lei builds a few more sets.

And it's not necessary now, because Chu Chen seldom goes into the water, and it's good to arm the mermaids first.

The strength of the mermaid is increasing rapidly every day.

After finishing all this, Chu Chen returned to the castle.

"Master, are you back?"

The little snake girl Tina smiled when Chu Chen came back.

This little snake girl has really liked the life in Chu Chen Castle recently.

After cleaning the castle and cooking meals every day, Tina Snake will watch some movies and TV shows.

In addition, she also likes to take care of Chu Chen's garden, and will let Chu Chen go online to help her find some gardening videos.

In addition, she will also learn to cook some new dishes.

The small days are quite leisurely.

Speaking of, Little Snake Girl's strength is also quite good. Chu Chen's plan is naturally not to treat her as a maid all the time.

If you want to come into contact with marine civilization in the future, you can also use her.

Therefore, Chu Chen actually does not have too many restrictions on her. Occasionally, when the little snake girl is curious about some of the dramas in the movies and televisions of the earth star, Chu Chen will patiently explain it to her.

"Well, Tina, what dishes did you learn today?"

Chu Chen asked.

"Boiled lion head in braised sauce will do it, but the owner, what kind of animal is a lion? Why should we braise its head in braised sauce?"

Asked the snake girl Tina.

meat ball with soy sauce

Well, there is some explanation for this question.

Moreover, when the little snake girl Tina cooks "Ants on the Tree" and other dishes in the future, it is estimated that she will be more puzzled.

Chu Chen was very patient and explained it to her carefully.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, master.. I found your language is really extensive."

In the castle, Tina the snake girl suddenly realized the voice sounded.

One night, it just passed.

The next day was the day when Turtle Island No. 2 officially opened.

Chu Chen got up early and came to Turtle Island 2.

At the highest point of Turtle Island No. 2, a sightseeing castle has been built.

This sightseeing castle is also connected to a small castle, this small castle is the management office of Turtle Island No. 2.

Chu Chen will also have an office in this castle.

Now, there are more than 100 formal employees on Turtle Island 2, both men and women.

Waiters, guides, and tour guides are mainly women, while those who maintain order and are responsible are mainly men.

For these employees, Wei Xing has conducted special training for them, and has also laid down a large number of management regulations in accordance with some management regulations of other tourist islands.

If a tourist island wants to be popular for a long time, management is naturally very important.

The employees inside are related to the image of the tourist island, which is naturally the top priority.

Therefore, when Wei Tong recruited people, the requirements were not low. Similarly, the wages of these employees are also slightly higher, and they are regular employees. After the probation period, there will be a certain bonus every month, and there will be a bonus at the end of the year. Some dividends.

Naturally, Wei Tong couldn't be too busy with these things, so a while ago, Chu Chen and his followers were busy for some time.

"Haha, there are still 10 minutes, Chu Chen's Turtle Island is open for ticket purchase, I have been waiting for more than an hour~"

"Me too, today I am going to take a family of young and old to have fun, support and support Chu Chen, after all, we are from Gaoping City~"

"I look forward to it~"

At this time, many people on the Internet have been waiting early.

The ticket purchase is naturally carried out on the official website of Turtle Island. Well, after the official account was opened, Chu Chen immediately found someone to make an official website. The content of the official website is mainly a systematic introduction to some overviews and pictures of Turtle Island 2.

Then there is one of the most important functions, which is to sell tickets.

Buy the ticket first. After you buy the ticket, you can go to the transfer station in each city to enter the No. 2 Turtle Island.

There are third-party ticket selling platforms, but for every ticket sold on a third-party platform, 20% of the third-party platform is required. If it is an ordinary tourist island, it also needs to be promoted. Naturally, a large third-party platform is the best.

For Turtle Island No. 2, the heat has already been there, and there is no need for large-scale publicity. There is absolutely no need to worry about the source of customers. Now there is no need to send money to third-party platforms in vain.The time soon came to 8 o'clock, 8 o'clock exactly, it was the time to buy tickets.

The data center of the small castle, Chu Chen, Wei Xing, and Shen Mengzhu have been waiting there for a long time, wanting to see how long it will take for 1,000 tickets to be sold out.


The data in the background jumped, and the remaining votes became "0".


Wei Tong sighed immediately.

"What's the matter, something went wrong?"

Chu Chen asked.

The probability of failure is quite low.

"Island owner, it's not that something went wrong, but that our tickets were all robbed within one second.

Said a programmer.

"Snatched all within 1 second?"

This news surprised Chu Chen.

1000 tickets, there will be no more in 1 second...

Such a thing is simply incredible for a newly opened tourist island.

After decades of development of the island world, the number of tourist islands is also quite large.

For some islands without energy mines or other resources, in addition to developing fisheries, if you want to develop other industries, tourist islands are a good choice.

If it is a newly opened tourist island that does not have any popularity or characteristics, even if you spend a few million in publicity expenses, it would be good if dozens of people can go there a day in the month before it opens.

It is also necessary to slowly do word-of-mouth activities, or simply do free island tours, first increase visibility and rely on secondary consumption to make money.

But if there are not too many features, doing free island tours may not bring much improvement.

But Chu Chen's Turtle Island No. 2 is only open for ticket sales. In 1 second, the tickets are all robbed?

This speed is also quite amazing.

"I'm going, how do you show that you are selling?"

"It's the same on my side. I didn't buy it at 8:05."

"Doesn't this mean a thousand tickets? I kept it for a long time, but it was gone in an instant!!!"

"It won't break down, right?"

At this time, there was already a quarrel on the Internet.

Chu Chen looked at it and saw a large number of posts on the Gaoping City forum, saying that there was no ticket.

On the official account of Turtle Island, a large number of netizens have also poured out.

"Brother Chen, why don't you have any tickets?"

"Don't you want to engage in hunger marketing? Deliberately not letting it out?"

"Please ask for a ticket for Turtle Island!"

Many netizens who planned to visit Turtle Island today are depressed.

Some netizens felt that Turtle Island was doing hunger marketing and deliberately did not release tickets.

In a short period of time, on the Internet, the number of netizens discussing this topic has skyrocketed, and the popularity of the entire topic has become so fast that it has rushed to today's hot search list.

After all, today has just begun, and there are no other major events.

"Don't talk about hunger marketing, don't look at it. How many people are discussing Turtle Island tickets. Especially on the official account of Turtle Island, there are hundreds of thousands of people asking about tickets. So many people grabbed it. A thousand tickets can only be a ghost if you can grab it!

"Ah, ah, I'm going crazy, I've taken a vacation, and I'm going to take my family to Turtle Island, but I didn't get the ticket!"

"What are you? I waited at the teleportation station. I just waited to buy the ticket, but I didn't get it, so I had to take the car back."

"Island owner, this is a hit~"

Seeing that on the Internet, netizens were discussing this matter everywhere, Wei Xing couldn't help being a little bit stunned.

She feels that Chu Chen has a hot search physique.

The topic of conversation with Chu Chen is hot search at every turn.

Other tourist islands, on the first day of opening, spent a lot of money to promote them, but they were not very popular.

Especially Chu Chen's Turtle Island, there was no publicity expense at all in the early stage. Selling a ticket is not only instantly extinguished, this topic is also very hot!

"Xiaoping, hurry up and send out the screenshots of the backstage to let people know that Turtle Island's tickets are sold out in one second. This topic is so hot, there must be media to report, and provide them with some material."

Wei Xing was very business-minded, and quickly called the little girls who were in charge of account operations.

Well, these little girls now belong to the "Propaganda Department" of Turtle Island 2.

In addition to the "Propaganda Department", there is also the "Operation Department", which is in charge of daily operations.

The "Food and Beverage Department" is in charge of the catering on Turtle Island No. 2.

"Hotel Department", in charge of hotels and holiday houses.

There are also "Security Department", "Extension Department" and so on.

Now, in a department, there are only a few people with fewer people, and 20 or 30 people with more people.

The operation department is currently the most, because the scope of management is also the most.

In each department, Chu Chen has appointed a supervisor. Above the supervisor, Wei Tong currently has the highest authority, which can be regarded as a manager level.

Above, it is naturally Chu Chen.

Several young girls in the Propaganda Department quickly completed the task and released the news on the official account.

As soon as the news was released, many netizens knew that the tickets for Turtle Island were actually robbed in one second!

"I'm going~"

"Is it so hot? Brother Chen, can you put in more tickets?"

"I have decided, I will launch the whole family to grab it tomorrow~"


Not surprisingly, the news of grabbing all in one second aroused fierce discussion among netizens again.

The topic is also on the hot search again.

Then, it was reported by some media and self-media.

"The tourists are here!"

At this time, tourists have already come in.

Obviously, the tourists who grabbed the tickets were waiting at the teleportation station early.

This is the first visitor to Turtle Island No. 2. No, it is the first few, because it is a family, there are a total of six people.

After the tourists entered the No. 2 Turtle Island from the transfer station, the place they entered was set on the top of the sightseeing castle.

Here, there is a big platform.

From this platform, you can see the whole picture of Turtle Island No. 2, which will give visitors a very shocking visual impact.

Well, the first impression must be good.

Then, tourists can freely choose the route to play.

At this time, the family of six had arrived on the platform of the sightseeing castle.

"Grandpa, is this the Turtle Island? Why can't you see anything, I want to see the sea turtle~"

As soon as he arrived on the platform, a child said.

"Welcome to you~~ kids, this is the highest point. If you want to see the sea turtles, just come to the front~"

A receptionist walked up and said.

"Where, I'm going to see the sea turtle~"

The little boy was so happy that he could see the sea turtle, and ran in the direction the receptionist pointed.

As soon as he ran to the edge of the platform, the little child saw the situation below.

I saw, ahead, a huge turtle's head just lifted up to breathe, and that huge head looked like a mountain!

"Wow, what a big turtle~"

The little child suddenly became too excited.

Later, the child's family also followed, and when they saw the turtle raising their heads, their eyes were involuntarily widened!

At this moment.

More tourists came one after another.

"Wow, is this Turtle Island?

"Haha, we made it. Now on the Internet, many people are saying that they didn't buy tickets. Hurry up, take some videos and upload them to make them envy them~"

Tourists began to come continuously.

The first thing some tourists do when they come down is nothing else but to take photos and videos.

In this regard, naturally no one stops them.

After the filming, the tourists came to the edge of the platform one after another, and they immediately saw the whole picture of Turtle Island.

"I'm going~"

"It's too big, it's really a big turtle!"


"Isn't it said that this is Turtle Island No. 2? I heard there is a bigger one~"

"Wow, that's great!

"Just seeing such a big turtle is a worthwhile trip~"

After these tourists arrived, even if they had already seen some videos of Turtle Island on the Internet, they were still shocked!

What I see on the Internet is only video images.

It is impossible to see it in person, and it will be shocked in person!

Otherwise, some people don't need to travel at all, and can see the scenery of the whole world directly on the Internet.

"Too shocking~"

"Yes, it's completely beyond my imagination~"

On the platform, a large number of tourists made a startling sound.

Many tourists have also started uploading videos online.

With the videos uploaded by these tourists, on the Internet, those who did not grab the tickets went crazy.

"I'm going! Don't come to irritate me, I want to fly over right away when I see it~"

"Brother Chu, put more votes~"

"Wow, the turtle is looking up, it's so big, it seems to go and see with my own eyes~"

On the Internet, many netizens are irritated, but they still watch it with gusto.

Sometimes, the official promotional videos are not as effective as the on-site shooting videos of these tourists, because the on-site shooting videos are more realistic.

On Turtle Island, with the increase in tourists, the highest platform can no longer be squeezed down.

At this time, some tourists started to go to the next level platform.

The entire sightseeing castle has several levels of platforms and can accommodate a lot of people.

"It looks like we can go to the front of Turtle Island, let's go and take a look first~"

Some tourists decided to take a look in front of Turtle Island.

These tourists hurried off the castle.

The current Turtle Island No. 2 is already quite big. From the castle to the front of Turtle Island, there are still seven or eight hundred meters away.

Some tourists have discovered that they can take a small train. This small train has only one locomotive, and a small train can take 6 people. If there are many people, multiple locomotives can also be connected to form a long train.

The fare is 15 yuan per person, which is not expensive. You can also buy a small train pass, 80 per person. Can't go on.

………Look for flowers 0…

And now you can get a 20% discount.

Some tourists looked at the price and found it not expensive, and were anxious to see the front of Turtle Island, so they bought tickets directly, and most of them still bought pass tickets.

After buying the ticket, the small train started to move towards the front of Turtle Island.

Due to the large slope of the turtle shell on Turtle Island No. 2, the track of the little train has some twists and turns, but this is just what some tourists want, because you can sit and experience it for a while.

In a short while, the first group of tourists came to the front of Turtle Island. Here, there is a lighthouse, and in front of the lighthouse, there is a large observation deck.

Well, this viewing platform is actually the edge of the turtle shell contacting the head area. From here, you can see the turtle's head.

But it is forbidden to go forward, and there are dedicated staff to maintain order.

From the viewing platform, the head of the sea turtle looks even more amazing.

A huge sea turtle has a bare neck more than two hundred meters long.

Well, the length of the turtle island mentioned earlier refers to the length of the tortoise shell, and the turtle’s head is not counted in it.

Such a long neck is tens of meters thick.

The thick skin of the turtle on the neck looks like a rock!Some tourists just saw such a big turtle head up close, all of them were stunned!

"Love fans, I am now in front of Turtle Island. You can take a look. This is the head of the turtle. Wow, it's too big. When I saw it, I was shocked."

Among these tourists, there are also many specialized network anchors. These people visit, live broadcast, or shoot short videos, attracting a large number of netizens to watch.

Soon, a large number of people came on the sightseeing platform in front of Turtle Island.

A thousand people are still quite a lot.

If you stand in one place, it still looks densely packed.

Moreover, the tourist routes of these tourists are basically the same. After coming down from the sightseeing castle, they will choose to take a look at the front of Turtle Island. Moreover, in order to save time, they will basically buy small train tickets.

For these small trains, Chu Chen has prepared a lot.

Naturally, the small train can be disassembled. Through the recruited workers and the people who come to collect combustible ice from the Star Company every day, the parts of these small trains are brought over and assembled.

The energy used by the small train is naturally electricity. The power station on Turtle Island No. 2 is enough to meet the needs of the entire Turtle Island.

On the Internet, seeing the videos posted by the first group of tourists who came in, those who did not come in were all envious.

A large number of tourists shouted for Chu Chen to increase tickets.

"Island owner, based on the current situation, adding a thousand more people should not have much impact. Netizens have such a loud voice, do you want to add a thousand tickets?"


Wei Xing suggested.

Chu Chen came to the platform of the castle. After taking a look at the situation, he said: "Okay, then an advance notice, and another 1,000 tickets will be released at 9 o'clock."

Originally, Chu Chen thought that 1,000 people would be crowded and worried about the tourist experience. However, according to the actual situation, the current Turtle Island, with an additional 1,000 people, should not have much impact.

In addition, Chu Chen underestimated the shock of these tourists when they saw the giant sea turtle for the first time.

Under this shock, tourists will not pay too much attention to other details.

Not surprisingly, as soon as the news that 1,000 tickets were released at 9 o'clock came out, many netizens yelled.

"Haha, Brother Chu, I love you~"

"I want to give you a monkey~"

"I'm already waiting in front of the computer, this time, I must grab it!"

"What is this, I have already mobilized everyone around to help me grab it~"

On the Internet, many netizens waited excitedly.

Soon, it was 9 o'clock.

Just after 9 o'clock, Chu Chen saw that the number of votes in the backstage had instantly become "0".

In other words, 1,000 tickets were once again consumed!

"What's the matter? I just belittled my eyes, and the ticket is gone???"

"I went, I had set a good time, but I didn't get it!"

"What's this? I haven't grabbed the hand speed of 25 years of being single. I am curious how the people who grabbed it usually practice hand speed?"

"No way, no way, tomorrow I decided not to do anything, I must grab a ticket to Turtle Island~"

On the Internet, a large number of netizens are depressed again.

"Haha, I'm still better at it, and I was snatched by me.""Seeing that so many people didn't grab it, I suddenly felt that I could buy a lottery ticket~"

"No, it has nothing to do with luck, it has to do with hand speed~"

There are also netizens who have grabbed tickets on the Internet, arousing a lot of envy and public outrage.

For a while, Turtle Island's ticket grabbing has also become a small hot spot!

After the second batch of tickets were robbed, soon the second batch of tourists also entered the island.

Like the first group of tourists, this second group of tourists was shocked as soon as they entered the island.

Then, they unanimously chose to go to the front of Turtle Island.

At this time, many of the first tourists were still on the sightseeing platform in front of Turtle Island, and some began to visit other areas.

For example, you can come to the beach on the right of Turtle Island.

Well, the beach on the left is still under construction. Currently, only the beach on the right has been repaired. Next to these beaches, there are a large number of holiday houses and floating holiday houses.

The beaches of the current islands are actually not too big, because there is not much sand. These sands are collected from several uninhabited islands around before.

However, because it is Turtle Island, such a beach makes some tourists find it particularly fun.

Outside the beach, along the outermost edge of the underwater part of the turtle shell, there is a circle of water plank roads, allowing tourists to walk up to the plank road up close and take a look at the turtle island from the sea.

Similarly, you can admire some fishes that belong to the island world around Turtle Island.

Turtle No. 2 is the same as Turtle No. 1. It eats a lot of fish and eats a lot of fish every day.

In theory, no matter how many fish there are around, it will be eaten almost.

It was indeed eaten quite a bit.

However, whether it is sea turtle No. 1 or sea turtle No. 2, it will attract fish from far away.

the reason is simple.

When they evolve, they will overflow with some energy. These energy can not only make the plants on the turtle island grow better and faster, but also attract some fishes.

Well, it is this characteristic that allows them to stay in one place without being starved to death, even if they are often not full, and they can still find a lot of fish to eat.

In addition, this feature can actually benefit people who often live on Turtle Island.

People who are in poor health will slow down if they live on Turtle Island for a long time.

Chu Chen plans to add another high-end nursing home on Turtle Island No. 2. Well, it must be high-end, because the fees will be very expensive and make money for the rich.

In the management center of the beach, visitors can also choose to take a small speed boat to go out to sea, and they can take a tour around Turtle Island.

This kind of project naturally requires additional charges. The current charge is not expensive, only 100 times, and today there is a 20% discount.

Not surprisingly, this project was welcomed by a large number of tourists, and there was a long queue at the speedboat center.

There are also tourists who see too many people and choose to visit other projects first, or simply play and rest on the beach.

In addition, there will be a new project in the future, which is the diving project.

Visitors can take a small submarine and go down to the water to see the turtles, or after training, they can dive on their own.

This project has not yet started, after all, it is now the first stage of business.

With the arrival of two groups of tourists to Turtle Island, there are more and more videos and photos on Turtle Island No. 2 on the Internet.

Coupled with the turmoil of ticket grabbing, Turtle Island No. 2 has attracted great attention.

What's interesting is that some small anchors who are lucky enough to buy tickets originally only watched a live broadcast by a few thousand people at most, but because of the live broadcast of Turtle Island 2, the popularity has increased. The real number of people made these little anchors so excited, they kept saying good things about Turtle Island No. 2 and Chu Chen.


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