All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 63: Demonize the Mermaid! The Storm Comes!

This is the fifth batch of monsters that have appeared. From the beginning to the present, the time span is four hours.

Mainly with three hours of free time in between.

Su Bai also didn't know why the monster would suspend the offensive.

But that doesn't matter anymore.

A new round of offensive appeared, and it was a big move.

Monsters appear in both the ocean and the sky at the same time.

The giant pincer crabs in the sea are all armored vehicles, and the thickness of the carapace is a natural fortification when hanging on the wall.

But when it appears on the monster, it is very annoying.

It's not over yet.

The giant-winged crow in the sky is trickier in a way.

Although the turtles they were carrying had no rank, they were just ordinary creatures, but they were big and heavy. They fell from a height of tens of meters, and the impact was terrifying.

It's a big hole when it hits the ground.

Not to mention flesh and blood, even the steel plate will be smashed into a hole.

Su Bai immediately gave the order.


At the same time, he turned on the walkie-talkie and said quickly: "The priority is to kill the giant-winged crow, and I will let the rock soldiers delay the giant pincer crab's pace.


Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue's answers came from the walkie-talkie, not panic, but full of calmness.

Su Bai calmed his mind and took advantage of the opportunity of the giant-winged crow to get dizzy and stepped forward to make up for it.

Horizontal slash, vertical slash, slash, thrust...

The Longyin Sword seemed to have life in Su Bai's hands, and every time it was swung, it could kill the giant-winged crow on the ground.

As for the turtles that had been thrown down by the giant-winged crows, they had been gathered together by the Earth Spirit Split.

More than half of these innocent guys were killed or injured, and the rest were also injured.

However, Su Bai can feel that they are not malicious, they are normal creatures in the island world.

For these turtles, Su Bai didn't want to kill them, so he moved them aside and released them into the sea after the battle was over.

As for the unfortunate ones, they can only boil with tears.

The giant-winged crow was slaughtered for the price, and Su Bai looked at the giant claws that were rolling on the ground.

These big guys have developed eyesight and stick out eye stems, giving them an all-round vision without blind spots.

It also suffered more damage.

One flash and they're all blinded.

Naturally, Su Bai would not miss such an opportunity. Before the other giant claw crabs landed in the sea, he stepped forward with the dragon yin knife, first chopped off the pair of incomparably huge pliers, and then stabbed with the long knife. Destruction of nerve tissue in giant pincer crabs.

For the first time, the giant pincer crab did not die immediately, and the sharp claws were swayed indiscriminately.

The sharp toes are like spears, nailed into the ground.

If this is stuck on the body, it will definitely be chilling.

As for the giant pincer, a sweep can blow up the armored vehicle.

In order to avoid risks, it was a wise choice for Su Bai to cut off the giant pliers in advance.

As for the other legs, cutting them all off is a bit of a hassle, so it's not necessary.

To be honest, with Su Bai's current strength, it is not difficult to kill these giant pincer crabs and giant-winged crows.

And thanks to the ability to absorb the battle of the god of death, Su Bai has already killed dozens of monsters, and still maintains plenty of physical strength.

Even better than the beginning.

On the other hand, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue were not so relaxed.

The giant-winged crow incarnated as a bomber caused a certain amount of trouble, but under Su Bai's instructions, the two of them turned on their firepower and shot down all the incoming giant-winged crows within half a minute.

Especially Xuan Mengyue, every time she draws a bow and arrow, she can shoot down a giant-winged crow.

The heads of these raptors were pierced.

One hit kill.

Not to be outdone, Du Ling increased the power output, and the dark green venom ball flew out, melting the flesh and blood skull of the giant-winged crow in an instant.

The headless corpse tumbled to the ground.

Then, the two turned to the giant pincer crab that was blocked.

These big guys were limping forward with their joints broken by the stone arrows of the rock soldiers.

This is the weakness of the giant claws.

Their carapace is tough, but the joints are fragile.

A single volley of rock soldiers can make a giant pincer crab incapacitate.

When Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue dealt with the giant-winged crow, the two immediately switched their firepower.

Facing these big guys with strong defenses, Du Ling took the initiative to ask Ying, and said to Xuan Mengyue: "Let me come, my attack can reach the flesh through the cracks in their carapace""

Xuan Mengyue nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Sister Du."

She won't be competitive here and insist on being in the limelight.

As a candidate for a power user who has undergone rigorous training, Xuan Mengyue knows that her attack method is a bit difficult when facing these giant pincer crabs.

Although the oblique moon bow in his hand is powerful, the arrows are only made of ordinary alloys.

It is very difficult to penetrate the carapace of giant claws.

At most, like the rock soldiers, it breaks the joints of giant pincer crabs and makes them incapacitated.

But that doesn't make much sense.

It is better to let Du Ling take action.

No matter how hard the shells of giant pincer crabs are, there are always gaps, and the venom penetrates into them, which can disintegrate their vitality from the inside.

While she was recovering her physical strength, she was on guard against the enemy in the sky to prevent Du Ling from being attacked.

While on guard, Xuan Mengyue also looked at Shui Ling next to her, with joy in her eyes.

The island owner really cared about them, and even sent such a powerful partner here.

A turtle fell just now, and Du Ling could not dodge in time.

But this little water spirit raised his hand, creating a shield of clear water, blocking the impact of the turtle, and bouncing it aside, leaving Du Ling safe and sound.

It is clear that the island owner is in a more difficult situation, but he still cares about them.

This kind of kindness can't be repaid, you can only swear to guard the island, and kill all the enemies who commit it in the future!

And Du Ling also thinks the same way.

She looked at the giant pincer crab with a rather unkind look, and when she turned her wrist, a dark green energy ball flew out, completely blocking the giant pincer crab's mouthparts.

Then, the venom penetrated through the gap in the carapace.


The white smoke floated along the carapace of the giant pincer crab.

This kind of pain that goes straight to the soul made the giant pincer crab unable to hold it any longer, and fell to the ground and rolled around, dancing with its pointed feet.

Their struggles were futile, and after a few seconds, there was no more breath.

After losing the support of flesh and blood, the carapace collapsed.

Meow meow meow.

Under the command of the gem cat, the rock soldier took back the back armor of the giant pincer crab, and with the assistance of the earth spirit, created a new fortification.

On the other side, Su Bai felt relieved when the red dot in the distance disappeared.

At the same time a little happy.

The fighting strength of Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue was somewhat beyond his expectations.

Ordinary black iron monsters can't break through their defenses at all.

Glancing at the news from the island world, Su Bai became more and more satisfied.

[Your kill count is 113, and the current reward is a gold-level treasure chest]

Gold tier treasure chest is here!

The value of this thing, Su Bai knows better than anyone else.

Because he just drove one.

Three items were obtained from it.

Blood Spirit Fruit Tree Seeds, Earth Spirit and Magic Field Contract.

All are treasures that money can't buy.

Now, before the storm comes, Su Bai's stage rewards have accumulated to a gold-level treasure chest.

"By the way, can I take it first, and then accumulate the second golden treasure chest."5

"So back and forth, always exchanging?

Su Bai was quite moved, thinking about the possibility of this kind of card bug.

There seems to be a lot of room for manoeuvre.

Because as long as the number of kills reaches 100, it will reach the exchange standard for gold-level treasure chests.

This is a benefit exclusively for trainee island owners.

Like the official island owner, their requirements will be higher.

Island World is also very considerate and separates the two sides for statistics.

So if Su Bai wants to get stuck in bugs, he has to do it early, otherwise he will not get this treatment if he leaves the novice village.

But Su Bai hesitated.

Because he found himself with a great deal of confidence in hitting a platinum-level treasure chest!

Before the storm came, his number of kills would break 100. Once the storm really came, breaking through 500 would only happen in an instant.

And the value of platinum-level treasure chests is several times that of gold treasure chests.

Coupled with the blessing of the entry, it will further expand the advantage.

The blood spirit fruit tree seeds obtained by Su Bai at the beginning are the basic quality of the top gold grade, and the excellent entry has been added to promote it to the low grade platinum.

And if the basic quality has platinum level, then after refreshing the high-level entry, Su Bai can't imagine how it will be improved.

I think diamond grade is stable.

The quality of diamonds is a top resource in the entire island world.

Su Bai reckoned that even the entire special team would not be able to find many diamond-level items.

That is the cornerstone that will truly bring Su Bai's island to its glory!

Thinking of this, Su Bai put down the idea of ​​getting stuck and decided to wait until the kill count reached 500.

Maybe, he can settle two platinum-level treasure chests.

Thinking about it this way, Su Bai found that the world was much brighter.

No, not his illusion, but the truth.

Lightning flashed across the sky just now, bringing a brief light.


The sound of thunder swept across the earth a few seconds later, so loud that it even made the beach come alive.

bah bah.

Su Bai vomited up the flying yellow sand and looked at the dark clouds that kept pushing down, feeling a little depressed.

A storm is coming.

By the way, the storm is stormy, what about the wind?

Even if it doesn't rain, it's a little windy.

How come the monsters are only seen, and there is no wind and rain at all.

As soon as this idea came up, Su Bai noticed that the sea in the distance was rolling, and the waves crashed.

Accompanied by the whistling wind.


The wind roared and the waves crashed on the sand, bringing with them the hapless critters.

Palm-sized fish, shrimp, turtles, and crabs all jumped on the sand.

The violent wind made Su Bai almost unable to stand.

The big tree on the island was instantly tilted, and the leaves were flying all over the sky.

If it weren't for the elevation of the terrain on the north and south sides, which slowed down the wind a little bit, I'm afraid there would be a scene of tree trunk breakage.

"It would be nice if there were two wind spirits to control the wind.

Su Bai thought to himself.

Immediately put away his thoughts, he charged with the Longyin Saber.

Along with the giant wind wolf, a new round of monsters also arrived again.

But the good news is that, perhaps because the wind was too strong, the annoying giant-winged crow did not appear, only the giant pincer crab emerged from the sea.

Su Bai keenly found that the newly emerged giant claws held up their big claws and blocked their eyes.

Obviously, they were impressed by the previous flash, and they also found a certain restraint method.

Su Bai, however, had some different doubts.

Is this really the method that Giant Claw Crab came up with.

Are there any hostile races behind them?

The island world is very vast and there are many races.

Su Bai is now in contact with the elemental creatures such as earth spirits and light spirits.

And there are more races that he has not been in contact with but has heard of.

Elves, orcs, goblins, dragons...

Basically, it is any race that can be imagined, and it exists in the island world.

It's just that in most cases, these races and humans do not interfere with each other.

In addition, among the races in the island world, there are some who love peace and are willing to contact human beings and communicate with each other.

But there are also some races with tyrannical temperaments, who not only go to war with the native races of the island world, but also invade the human island.

If it weren't for the inability to leave the island world, it is estimated that they would have to invade Blue Star.

These races, in large numbers, are collectively referred to as hostile races.

There are also called dark tribes.

They regard human beings as enemies, and they will pounce on them and take two bites when they get the chance.

The point is, they have the same intelligence as human beings.

Know how to arrange troops and know tactics.

What Su Bai was worried about was whether those hostile races would be involved in this storm.

That's a big problem.

With only monsters, Su Bai can completely defend.

They are simple-minded, they only know how to rush, and they don't care whether there are traps or not.

But the hostile races are different.

They would watch in secret, find weak points in defenses, and then launch thunderous slams to unleash endless slaughter.

Su Bai gathered his thoughts, and while beheading the giant pincer crab, he also reminded Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue through the walkie-talkie to be careful of the existence of hostile races.

The giant claw crab that came in quickly became a corpse.

Although they hold their pliers to cover their eyes, their offensive capabilities are limited in this way.

Su Bai went up and slaughtered the giant claw crab with two knives, which was easy and freehand.

During the battle, Su Bai's eyes swept across the sea from time to time.

Unfortunately, nothing gained.

The light was so dim that even if there were hostile races hiding in the sea, he couldn't find it.


Another thunder flashed.

Su Bai's sharp eyes noticed that a black shadow was rapidly approaching in the sea.

"Be careful, there are new enemies!"

Su Bai turned on the walkie-talkie and shouted, then slowly backed away.

Although he (Li Li Zhao) was blessed with the entry of killing gods, he did not dare to despise any enemy, and he would die miserably.

The retreat is to leave a buffer zone.

Hostile races that come from the sea will be much slower on land.

Can have more coping time.

However, the shadow stopped after approaching the edge of the island and slowly floated up.

This is a humanoid creature covered with dark green scales.

At least if you look at the upper body, that's it.

His face was grim and his eyes were scarlet.

From a distance of dozens of meters, Su Bai could sense the crazy killing intent in his eyes.

Su Bai quickly recalled and determined his identity.


A generally peaceful race.

Completely out of touch with the item in front of him.

【Name】: Magical Mermaid

[Level]: Bronze Lower

[Skills]: 1. Water Arrow 2. Dark Water Shield 3. Siren Phantom Song

[Description]: The merman who was eroded by demonic energy has only enemies in his eyes

Su Bai's heart sank.

The enchanted merman of the bronze inferior level is a daunting challenge.

Just as Su Bai was thinking about the battle plan, the demonized merman on the opposite side spoke up.

"Human, your life breath is very strong, eating you can make me gain stronger power."

"My luck is really good, the target assigned to me has an existence like you."

"Praise the darkness!

The demonized mermaid floated up and down in the waves with a frenzied expression.

Behind him, countless scarlet light spots appeared.

Those were the amphibious murlocs who came with him.

It is a subordinate race of the merman, and its strength is at the advanced and top level of black iron.


The demonized merman raised his head and roared, and the amphibious murloc behind him howled and rushed forward.

They broke the waves, waving their hands, feet and fins at the same time, slicing through the water like sharp arrows.


Thunder exploded.

With dense raindrops.

It landed on the skin and hit it painfully.

Storm is coming.

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