All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 68 Great development, the island rating exceeded 500 stars!

Su Bai wondered to what extent a book could be strengthened with lexical entries.

However, the Book of Luck is a consumable item with a book covering on it.

Nor can it be viewed entirely in terms of books.

This thing will bring unexpected things after using it.

From the name, it's probably a good thing.

But not entirely sure.

The concept of luck is not the same.

From the perspective of the island world, it believes that for Su Bai, luck may be trouble.

This is also the reason why Su Bai did not use it rashly in the previous battle.

Now, after he upgraded, he got a new entry fixed opportunity, and he remembered this book of luck.

Anyway, it is also a platinum-level item, as long as the entry does not pull the crotch, the effect is definitely strong.

The result is a legendary entry.

Su Bai muttered secretly.

Why didn't he show up when he was selecting the manpower before?

He went back and forth twice and took huge risks to find Du Ling, who has an epic entry, and Xuan Mengyue, who has an excellent entry.

Concentrating his mind, Su Bai looked at the orange entry.

[Extreme Condensation: Legendary, gathers the power of the Book of Luck to make it a permanent lucky blessing effect]

The effect of this legendary entry made Su Bai very satisfied.

Although it is still an ethereal thing like luck, it has changed a lot.

The original book of luck is a consumable item, and it will cause unknown events after use.

But now, if the entry is fixed, the book of luck is still a consumable item, but it has become a buff book, which will permanently increase luck.

It may not be converted into income immediately, but in the long run, it will definitely be profitable.

The importance of luck cannot be overstated.

If the gem cat didn't have the skill of a little luck, how could he travel across the ocean on a piece of wood and land on his island smoothly.

Was eaten by a shark early on the way.

Now, the platinum-level lucky book plus the legendary entry can bring a great luck boost to Su Bai.

Not to mention seeking fortune and avoiding misfortune, they are all basic operations.

The key is that his island may usher in a period of stable development for a long time.

This is what Su Bai values ​​most.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Bai fixed the entry immediately.

The Book of Luck in his hand became heavy, and a three-dimensional relief was carved on the cover, showing that it was a woman.

It's a little fuzzy, but I can feel that noble and sacred.

Su Bai guessed that this should be the appearance of the goddess of luck.

"It's pretty predictable. 99

Su Bai secretly said, and immediately opened the book of luck.

The Book of Luck turned into a stream of light, poured into Su Bai's chest, and then returned to peace.

Su Bai smacking his lips.

Is this the end?

Sure enough, the more high-end items, the more unpretentious they are.

Su Bai closed his eyes and felt for a moment.

There seems to be a change, but it doesn't seem to have.

The specific effect, it is estimated that it will take some time to see.

Su Bai didn't bother and took a shower and rested.

The island is still recovering, and it will be almost finished when I wake up tomorrow.

When the time comes to transfer the special plants in the trading center, and then receive the support materials from the special team, you can start to refresh.

Su Bai is now the black iron top, with seven times a day to fix the entry.

Looks like a lot.

But there are more special plants that need to be fortified.

He has roughly counted the plants in the trading center, and there are at least more than forty types.

Even if all entries are fixed by batch refreshing, it will take several days to complete.

In addition, Su Bai sold seven dark fruit to the special team before and still has not received the payment.

That's another bunch of special plants, of all kinds.

After such a calculation, Su Bai found that he was busy next time.

But the heart is also looking forward.

So many plants with different functions are of great value in themselves, and through the strengthening of the entry, the extent to which his island will develop, I really dare not think about it.

Anyway, this year's apprentice island owner doesn't want to wrestle with him.

With longing in his arms, Su Bai fell asleep.

After fighting for a day, he had sufficient physical strength, but was also slightly tired mentally and needed to rest to recover.

Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue joined the vigil after a short rest.

Although Su Bai said it doesn't have to be.

But Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue insisted on doing so, they felt that they had to do something for the island.

Su Bai followed them.

With the three-dimensional detection, even if there is a monster invasion, he will wake up from sleep at the first time, and use the dragon sword to give the enemy a fatal blow.

The safety of the two of them is not a big problem.

During the vigil, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue assisted the earth spirit and the splinter body to restore the island's terrain.

They know that when the island recovers, it will be the beginning of great development.

Time passed slowly.

At midnight, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue, who were preparing to hand over, were surprised to find that a little dirt fell from the earth spirit, and then it turned into a new earth spirit!

Du Ling rubbed her eyes and asked uncertainly, "I read it right just now, the earth spirit gave birth to a small earth spirit"?

Although this statement is somewhat problematic, Xuan Mengyue was unable to refute it for a while.

However, Xuan Mengyue quickly calmed down and said, "This must be the magical method of the island owner."

Du Ling nodded in agreement, "I think so too."

While the two of them were talking, a new earth spirit split body joined the work, using the innate ability to control the tumbling of the soil and restore the ground level.

Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue were stunned for a moment.

"Could it be that these little earth spirits also came this way?"

Du Ling muttered to herself, thinking on her face.

She is recalling the relevant information of the earth spirit.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't find any suitable information to explain the current situation.

The birth of the earth spirit was actually made by other earth spirits?

It doesn't seem right, but I can't find the problem.

Xuan Mengyue was quite open, and said, "I guess it's because the island owner's earth spirit has special abilities, that's why it's like this.

Du Ling thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and said admiringly, "Islander, it's really unfathomable. 99

The next morning at six in the morning, Su Bai woke up on time.

The first time I rushed out of the tent and looked at the sky.

Good, not dark clouds.

Immediately, he looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

The work of the earth spirits and the splinter was very effective, and the terrain of the island returned to normal overnight.

Now, it is time to shift the focus to island development.

Su Bai took out the Island Heart Fragment he obtained yesterday, directly fixed the [Effect Multiplier] entry, and used it immediately.


A dull vibration sounded around the island.

Large chunks of rock and soil emerged from the sea, spliced ​​on the edge of the island, and merged in without hindrance.

This vision will continue for a period of time, eventually increasing the area of ​​one square kilometer.

During this process, Su Bai was not idle, and opened the trading center of the island world.

What catches the eye is a full of special plants.

Thirty bronze rank, plus a full seven hundred and twenty-three black iron rank.

Taking these plants out of the trading center, the ground in front of Su Bai was immediately filled with piles.

Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue came over and stacked these plants separately according to different types.

The earth spirit and the split body rushed over impatiently, and it was time for them to exert their strength again!

Thirty bronze-level plants were first transplanted onto the magic field, and then black iron-level plants were planted in the surrounding vacant land.

The whole process is completely without Su Bai's hands.

All he has to do is to refresh the fix and be a tool man.

Su Bai first set his sights on the silver-level Storm Strawberry.

This is what he got from Richard.

When I got it before, I refreshed the entry, and the attributes are very general.

The refresh opportunity has been reset today, so it is naturally arranged immediately.


Three alternative entries appear.

Two white and one green.

Su Bai thought about it.

Didn't he get lucky blessing yesterday? Why didn't he show it?

"Luck goddess, not very good.

Su Bai came to the final conclusion, and then looked at the green rare entry.

[Cutting Wind: Rare level, the storm strawberry has the effect of awakening the C-level wind power, and the attack has cutting special effects, and the item level is upgraded to the lower gold level]

The base grade of Storm Strawberries is Silver Intermediate.

It is good luck to be able to be promoted to the lower gold level under the strengthening of the rare entry.

This also shows that the effect of the cutting wind should be quite powerful.

The focus is still on the cutting effect.

This effect can effectively damage heavily armored enemies and reduce the thickness of the enemy's armor.

It can be regarded as a great increase in the means of attack.

Su Bai pondered for a moment, and felt that it could be fixed. When the storm strawberries were ripe, he would let Xuan Mengyue try to awaken his powers.

If the arrow can be attached with a split effect, then when encountering an enemy like the giant pincer crab, she can give the enemy an effective blow.


"Ding! The entry has been fixed! 35

After fixing the entry, Su Bai greeted Xiaolu and began to sprinkle water.

Its condensed water flow has the effect of nourishing life, and when sprayed, the tender leaves of the storm strawberry become green and dripping immediately.

Coupled with the bonus from the magic field, Su Bai estimates that the storm strawberries should ripen within a month.

It's been a long time, but Xuan Mengyue's current strength is also guaranteed, so she's not in a hurry at this time.

Originally, Su Bai planned to wait for the dark fruit to ripen, and then find the special team to exchange for a power fruit of the same level.

But now that there are C-level storm strawberries, it is natural to use storm strawberries first.

Thinking of this, Su Bai thought of Du Ling.

Her entry can add power, and it is tripled, so it must be strengthened to the maximum extent.

The existing D-level abilities are definitely not enough.

You have to find a way to get the C-level power fruit.

While thinking about it, Su Bai came under the dark tree and refreshed all the remaining four trees.

The highest is a rare grade, and the rest are a mix of common grades and excellent grades.

[Poison of Weakness: Rare level, the poison system ability that awakens the dark fruit to D level, has the effect of weakening the enemy, and the item level is increased to the lower level of silver]

New poison effect.

Su Bai pondered for a moment and decided to settle down.

Although it is not C-rank, it is also good for Du Ling to master a new supernatural effect.


"Ding! The entry has been fixed!"

In this way, there are three dark trees to complete the entry fixed.

Su Bai reckons that before the fruit matures, the entries can be fixed, and then forty or fifty more fruits can be harvested.

That's a huge amount of money.

Although the follow-up sale, can not sell the previous high price.

But the price of D-level supernatural fruit is not much lower.

And although the storm is over, there will still be the follow-up.

The apprentice island owners will expand their armed forces while developing the island in the future.

The fruit of supernatural power is indispensable.

In addition, in addition to the trainee island owner, the senior island owner also suffered a lot of losses in the storm.

A large number of power users died in battle and need to be replenished urgently.

They also need to buy power fruits, and it is not enough to rely on the output of their own islands.

After all, there are not many plants in the entire island world that can truly awaken supernatural powers.

More of a strengthening ability.

For example, Storm Strawberry, it has the quality of silver, but it can only strengthen the ability, but cannot awaken the ability.

Whether it is a trainee island owner or a senior island owner, the demand for supernatural fruit is very large.

Thinking about this, Su Bai immediately smiled.

He seemed to see countless leeks to be cut.

Thinking of this, Su Bai walked to the side of the sunflower.

After a few days of cultivation, the young plant of the lily sunflower has grown to a height of more than ten centimeters, and the growth is gratifying.

According to calculations, these scorching sunflowers will mature in about 20 days, and at that time they will become sharp blades in the hands of Su Bai, cutting the other island owners into screaming.

This is the scorching sunflower that can awaken the E-level ability, and it has to be paid for.

Su Bai appreciates a moment and devotes himself to his new job.

There are still many bronze-level plants waiting to be refreshed.

The thirty Bronze-rank plants from the D-rank Dark Underworld Fruit that were sold before were all provided by Fitz, of the same type.

[Ink Frost Flower: Bronze top grade, plants growing in extremely cold regions, the petals can strengthen the effect of ice-type powers]

In fact, when he saw Moshuanghua before, Su Bai knew that Fitz was uneasy and kind.

This thing is of very high grade, it has the best bronze quality, and it can strengthen the supernatural power.

The problem is that this thing grows in harsh conditions and requires an extremely cold environment.

Conventional islands cannot meet growing conditions.

Su Bai knew that these ink frost flowers were taken out by Fitz to trap him.

Fitz must have been very proud at the time when he exchanged dark fruit from a plant that could not be cultivated well.

It's a pity that the guy's life is really bad, and he was killed when he awakened his ability.

As the past went, Su Bai didn't bother to care about Fitz's motives.

Besides, for other island owners, Moshuang flower is not easy to cultivate, but he is different, there is a water spirit who has been waiting for this day.

Thinking of this, Su Bai called Shui Ling, who had the entry [Condensation into Ice].

66 "Fixed!"

"Ding! The entry has been fixed!"

After the entry was fixed, the water spirit changed completely.

The body changed from flowing liquid to crystal clear ice.

On a certain level, it can't be called water spirit now, it should be called ice spirit.

However, the basic name has not changed. I think this is within the rules of the island world.

Su Bai didn't care, changed the name of the water spirit to Xiaobing, and then carved out an area to build a special ice room to cultivate these thirty Moshuang flowers.

This job is not difficult, build a mud house, and then let Xiaobing sit in the seat.

Immediately, Su Bai looked at Moshuanghua.

Thirty Moshuang flowers must be refreshed in batches.

When will this separate (Wang Li's) be refreshed?

"Refresh! 39


Three alternative entries appear.

White, green and blue, the colors are very diverse.

Su Bai looked directly at the blue excellent entry.

[Bone-piercing cold: Excellent level, so that Moshuanghua has the effect of awakening the D-level ice-type ability, and the item level is upgraded to the top silver level]

It's a pity not to be promoted to the gold level.

However, Su Bai also knew that the basic level of Moshuanghua was not high, and if he wanted to upgrade to the gold level, I am afraid that the epic level entry would not be enough, and the legendary level entry was required.

The odds of getting it out are very low.

Su Bai has already refreshed two myth-level entries, plus several epic-level entries, and the result is only one legendary-level entry.

"Good guy, the legendary level is harder to come out of than the mythical level.

Su Bai was silent.

This is too unscientific.

While thinking, Su Bai fixed the entry of Moshuanghua.

Immediately feel the oncoming cold breath.

The soil under the Moshuang flower froze.

Seeing this, Su Bai immediately asked the earth spirit to transfer Moshuanghua to the ice room.

Little Green stopped outside the ice room to sprinkle water, but before the water hit the ground, it turned into ice beads.


Little Green let out an aggrieved cry.

Xiao Bing quickly explained that the Moshuang flowers don't need to be sprinkled directly, just pile the ice beads on their roots.

chirp chirp.



After a while of encrypted call, Little Green flew away contentedly.

Su Bai smiled like an old father next to him.

These little guys have greatly increased the vitality of the island.

While thinking about it, the announcement of the island world also appeared.

【Your island rating has been improved, and it is currently 503 stars! All】

【You are the first island owner whose island rating has exceeded 500 stars this year, and the growth rate of plants is increased by an additional 5%!】

The two announcements made Su Bai smile with satisfaction.

I didn't get a bonus when I was 200 stars before, but now I have broken through 500 stars, and the bonus is finally here.

And this is just the beginning.

He just took out the plants in the trading center, and there will be a special team in the follow-up.

At that time, perhaps breaking through a thousand stars will not be a problem!

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