All People's Island: I Can Write Entries For Everything

Chapter 70 The purpose of the merpeople

After experiencing the storm, Su Bai is really a little resistant to the native races of the island world.

If this is more demonized, he will have to fight again.

It's not that they can't be beaten, but that the terrain was restored to normal last night, and the entire island was in a state of no danger.

Thinking of this, Su Bai realized that he was too optimistic.

Although the storm had stopped, he shouldn't have restored the terrain so thoroughly.

His strength is very strong, and he has two powerful subordinates, Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue.

However, if there is a large-scale enemy invasion, in the case of flat terrain, there will inevitably be omissions.

At that time, the loss is the special plant.

"It's a little off, it needs to be improved."

Su Bai secretly wakes up.

Fortunately, the area of ​​his island has been newly increased, and the subsequent establishment of fortifications on the edge of the island can also alleviate the enemy's landing invasion.

Of course, the safest way is to continue to increase the number of power users.

The fortifications are dead, the monsters are alive, and they will invade through the breach.

However, if there are a sufficient number of power users, the entire coastline can be controlled, so as to better protect the special plants on the island.

However, unlike ordinary people, ordinary food is not enough to maintain their daily consumption.

The minimum must be black iron grade rice and wheat.

The higher the level, the more energy needs to be added.

What Su Bai and Du Lingxuan Mengyue are eating now is the high-energy cooking bag given by the special affairs team.

It is enough for three people to eat until the island begins to produce steadily.

But in the future, if you want to form a larger-scale power user army, in addition to the preparation of power fruits, various food reserves also need to be in place.

Otherwise, just eating will drag him down.

This matter needs to be considered in the long run.

Su Bai gathered his thoughts and came to the shore, ready to meet the coming native race.

At the height just now, he had already seen the identity of the other party.

It's the shark people.

At that time, Su Bai's heart froze.

Is it for revenge?

During the previous storm, a demonized merman died near his island.

Although it was killed by Admiral Seka.

But the mermen are not necessarily willing to accept this explanation.

However, the overall evaluation of the sharks is relatively positive, and it should not start a fight without a word.

Besides, he is the victim, and these sharks must be reasonable.

While thinking about it, the sharks in the distance quickly approached, there were twenty in total, all of them male.

They stopped a hundred meters away, and then sent one person to approach.

I guess this is the messenger.

Su Bai relaxed slightly.

This is a sign of willingness to communicate and is a good sign.

Du Ling and Xuan Mengyue stood behind Su Bai, posing with unsmiling expressions, full of momentum.

The merman moved fast on the sea, and soon stopped more than ten meters away, and said loudly: "Humans, we come with sincerity.

Su Bai's brain was running fast, and he said, "I have heard that the mermen are peace-loving, I believe you, please come and talk.

It can be seen that the mermaid opposite is also very nervous. After hearing Su Bai's words, his expression is obviously relaxed, and then he turns around and makes a strange call to his companions.

This is the language of the mermen.

After human beings discovered the island world, they also found that although there are many races, there is a common language, which basically the native races of the island world can speak.

And this language is also listed as a compulsory course by Blue Star countries.

So the communication between Su Bai and the sharks is no problem.

This is also the key to the fact that he was able to extract information from the mouth of the demonized shark before.

However, there are native languages ​​among the native races, which is what the merman shouted just now.

And this language, Su Bai can only hear a rough idea.

It probably means that this human being has no malice and can come and talk.

After a moment of hesitation, the mermen in the distance swam over.

But instead of landing, they stopped two or three meters from the shore, looking Su Bai up and down.

And Su Bai is also looking at these sharks.

The overall appearance is not much different from that of the demonized merman yesterday, but the expression looks very soft, and there is no sign of being corroded by demonic energy.

The color of the scales on the body is also more blue.

The headed merman was burly and said: "Human, yesterday's storm, our clansmen brought you danger, please forgive me.

It seems that these mermen know that demonized mermen have appeared here.

Most of them also know that the guy has hung up.

Even so, I am willing to come and admit my mistake.

This attitude made Su Bai quite admire.

He said seriously at the moment: "He is also eroded by demonic energy, and there are more powerful demonized creatures commanding him, so attacking the island is probably not his original intention.

The sharks took the initiative to admit their mistakes, and Su Bai would definitely not be aggressive, and the sharks who said a few words had a smile on their faces.

This human being can do and do.

The mermen put their hands on their chests and bowed in salute.

This is common in the island world, expressing gratitude and respect.

Su Bai responded with the same courtesy.

Under such a tone, the atmosphere further eased.

The leading merman introduced himself: "My name is Lulu, human, what's your name?"

"Su Bai. 99

"Su Bai..." Lulu the shark muttered, and then said somewhat uncertainly: "Is it the first Su Bai to become the trainee island owner this year? 359

Su Bai was stunned.

・・・ Flowers・

Is he already so famous?

Seeing Su Bai's expression, Lu Lu knew that he was right, and said with some surprise at the moment: "I didn't expect it to be really Your Excellency."

Su Bai was puzzled and asked, "How do you know me.

After speaking, Su Bai realized his own problem.

It's not necessary to ask, it must have been told to them by other island owners.

Although the mermen spend most of their time at the bottom of the sea, they also trade with the human island owners in exchange for the required resources.

There is information exchange between the two parties.

Su Bai is the first to become a trainee island owner this year, and he is a newcomer that senior island owners pay attention to, so I have heard of his name because of this.

And Lu Lu's answer also confirmed this speculation.

Lu Lu said: "Your name, other island owners have told us.

Well, that's true.

Su Bai waved his hand and chuckled: "It's just a fake name, don't worry about it.

After a pause, Su Bai asked: "I don't know if you are here, what is wrong, I'm afraid it's not just to apologize. 99

When dealing with native races, there are not so many twists and turns, just ask directly.

The merman Lulu was also very sincere, and said: "We want to know, is the sea general Seka really dead.


Su Bai thought to himself why he was involved with that guy again, and he was really haunted.

But he nodded and replied, "Dead.

In order to increase his persuasion, Su Bai took out Seika's token from his pocket and said: "Here, Seika's token is here, I found it from the cracks between his scales.

Lu Lu checked the token carefully, passed it to his companions to watch, and finally handed it back to Su Bai, bowed and saluted, and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, for avenging our clan! We will not forget your kindness.

Speaking of which, Su Bai understood.

It is estimated that the Sekana goods had a lot of trouble with the mermen when they were at the bottom of the sea.

Now that Seika's breath has disappeared, these mermaids are here to confirm the news.

Thinking of this, Su Bai said decisively: "Don't worry, Seika is completely dead. I hacked to death with my own hands, so there is still a fake."

As soon as these words came out, the merman Lulu was dumbfounded and said subconsciously: "Don't joke, Your Excellency, you only have the strength of the black iron level, how can you defeat the silver level Seka?"

Su Bai pondered for a moment, then said: "Good luck. 35

Although these sharks have a good attitude, Su Bai knows half the truth.

He wouldn't rashly tell the story of his transfer to a Demon Slayer Warrior, and only attributed the reason for beheading Seika to luck.

I thought it wouldn't work.

Unexpectedly, after looking left and right, Lu Lu, the merman, agreed with this statement and said: "As expected of a human being favored by the goddess of luck, it is indeed amazing. 39 dry.

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