All People's Island: Start Fishing For A God-Level Mermaid

【86】: Median God Fishing Spot! Ripples From The Bottom Of The Deep Sea!


The chessboard shattered!

The handsome bat man's face was stiff, and his smile was frozen.

Received the shocking good news from his subordinates.

He hasn't recovered from the excitement yet!

The prompt sound from the island in the ear is like a needle prick!

Very ear-piercing!

"Lakas is dead!"

Batman rolled his eyes.

The flame creature in front of him also became irritable.

Like dynamite, it will explode anytime!

"Toomo is dead too!"

The atmosphere instantly became frozen.

The two dispatched 5 lower true god heroes each.

Among them is Lakas who is about to enter the mid-level god, the lower-level peak!

When avoiding surveillance and shutting his subordinates into the sea area where the enchantment was opened.

They never thought about it.

Nearly half of this huge lineup was lost in just a few days!

In the sea of ​​God's Domain.

Never before has such a serious loss been suffered.

"There are mid-level creatures!"

Batman's pupils exude substantial red ripples.

An inexplicable sense of crisis struck.

"Let the others come back first, and we will transfer the God War Island there in advance."

"Use the God War Scroll when necessary! Be sure to capture that World Tree!" The Bat-Man said with a bloody heart, gnashing his teeth.

"it is good."

The flame creature also knows, but now it doesn't know the details of the other party.

Can't act rashly.

If the opponent's island master is too strong, he can also use the god battle scroll to initiate a god battle with the opponent.

Faced with the invitation of God War, if you refuse, the island owner and all units under his command will fall into a one-year weakness period.

Strength reduced by 35%.

They can easily kill each other!

It would be even better if the other party accepts it.

The two parties involved in the battle of gods, the island owner and the hero, will all enter another space.

The subordinate units of each other's islands are left behind for a life-and-death duel, and the winner is determined.

The loser will lose all the resources of the island, and their strength will be reduced by 4-city.

And the island owner and the hero will have a second decisive battle in a different space!

It can be said that once the war of gods starts, it will be a death battle of either you or me!

With the affiliated groups they have accumulated for many years.

Isn't it easy to deal with the subordinate of a sea island master who has just entered God's Domain?

[Do you want to consume 200 million island gold coins to upgrade the quality of the world tree to the true god-middle level? 】

See tips.

Lin Yi looked at the pile of space rings in front of him.

With tears in his eyes, he confirmed the choice...

They are all family property!

This is gone!

[The quality of World Tree is being improved, it is expected to take 48 hours!]

Silently took back the empty ring.

Walked towards the Real Illusion Practice Field in the rear.

at this time.

Nako, Ya'er, Sauron Fia and others are also here.

After upgrading.

It can generate creatures of the upper true god level.

If you can defeat enemies with the same level of characteristics and skills.

Even if there are quite talented people on the island!

If you can leapfrog the battle.

That can almost be said to be a monstrous level existence!


Unfortunately, no such person has appeared on the island so far.

Whether it's Sauron Fia or Albetha.

"Let's level up!"

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

After opening a practice room, I found someone with slightly stronger attributes to start a battle with my training!

time flies.

24 hours passed in a blink of an eye!

The fixed-point teleportation scroll came into play.

After the island was shrouded by a white light curtain upside down, it took less than a breath.

It disappeared into the sea.

"It's here!"


Lin Yi took out the sealed perception gem, frowning to see the difference between the sea below and other places.


As the name suggests.

The so-called heart of the ocean is by no means a simple item or equipment.

Under the 100,000-meter deep sea.

There must be some kind of living thing or substance.

"Let's go down and have a look!"

He greeted the other three women.

Jumped into the blue water together.

Na Ke transformed into the main body.

The red tail flicked slightly.

It looks very cute.

Lin Yi manipulated divine power and covered himself with a water barrier.

Can't help but touch Na Ke's gleaming tail scales.

Mmm, silky smooth too!

Each scale has a glassy texture.

Very comfortable to paddle!


Na Ke covered her flushed face.

The feeling of her tail being touched made her almost faint.

"Er... sorry!"

When Lin Yi touched the last fish tail with his fingertips, he realized that his fingertips lost his composure.

"It's okay big brother!"

Na Ke's voice was as thin as a mosquito's moan, if Lin Yi hadn't been promoted to a true god.

Might not be able to hear it.

Albetha and Sauron Fia next to each other showed different expressions.

The former looked joking.

The latter seemed to be thinking about the feasibility of something.

The four of them went deep into the bottom of the sea.

Until the vision becomes more and more blurred.

The whole environment was plunged into darkness.

"Holy Light!"

Sauron Fia casts Holy Light directly.

The skill enough to kill the next god was used as a torch.

under her control.

The brightness of the pure white light has been attenuated.

Not too eye-catching.

With vision.

The four of them dived faster again.

Come here for a while.

A blue light spot appeared in Lin Yi's line of sight,

"It should be there!"

Lin Yi started to accelerate.

Until that spot of light gets brighter and brighter.

Only then did I see its true appearance.

It was a blue gemstone floating on black 'glass'.

The black glass takes the gemstone as the center of the circle and spreads towards the Fang Ping pavement in all directions.


Not even the holy light of Sauron Fia can shine in.

【Heart of the Ocean】

Durability: 100/100

Type: sealer

Quality: main god level

Effect: Enhances the sea enchantment barrier and reduces the attributes of shadow creatures within 10 kilometers.

Remarks: As the resistance of the sealed item intensifies, the strength of the seal will gradually decrease until the durability value is lost.

"Master God level!"

Lin Yi's pupils shrank slightly.

Currently, he only knows three levels above mythical level,

They are the lower, middle, and upper true gods.

There are no more sources of information.

At the main god level, there is really no concept.

"Is there something down here?"

Lin Yi frowned.

Take out the long spear weapon captured from the undead master before.

Cautiously stabbed towards the 'glass' under the heart of the ocean.

Unexpectedly, the spear seemed to pass through a layer of membrane.

Nothing stands in the way.


There was a crisp metal collision sound.

When he picked up the long gun, half of the gun body was eaten away!

The remaining fracture was also stained with a layer of black mucus.

"(Wang's) shit.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched.

After all, this is a low-level artifact!

Although there is a time limit, it is too bad to be eaten up like this.

"My lord, this place is cut off! Can't feel anything below.

Sauron Fia doesn't know if it can be resurrected by relying on it, people with high skills are bold.

He stretched out his bare hands towards the bottom.


No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't penetrate the 'glass' with her hands


Very weird!

"Don't touch it yet..."

"Wait until you figure it out, then think about how to deal with it."

Lin Yi is not careless either.

The island world is extremely mysterious.

No one expected what would happen next.

Just when he thought he was going to return in vain.


He actually received a notification from the fishing system!

【Supreme Fishing System reminds you that it has detected the appearance of a real god mid-level fishing spot! Please choose the host as soon as possible!】

"Fishing spot?" Lin Yi instinctively turned on the fishing mode and found out.

It has ripples with two white rings.

It's actually right under the heart of the ocean!.

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