All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 1: Raising silkworms in Miaojiang, a meal of gratitude

Southern Xinjiang, Shiwan Mountains.

East of the Heishui River, Heishan Town.

"Hua La La ~"

Beside the stream, the women got up early to wash clothes.

It was still chilly in the early morning of April.

The women's rough hands were frozen red by the cold stream water, but they did not slow down at all while washing clothes, and they could chat while washing clothes.

At this time, a young man in coarse linen clothes and straw sandals passed by the stream.

He was carrying a half-person-high basket filled with mulberry leaves, and his originally straight back was drooped down.

The boy's hair and clothes were wet by the dew in the mountains, and there were mud marks on his clothes from wrestling. His dark face was handsome, but his face was pale and his eyes were a little numb.

Judging from his frivolous and heavy steps, he had obviously reached his limit.


The boy didn't pay attention to his footing, stumbled, and fell on the gravel road beside the stream.

He wanted to get up, but was pressed down by the mulberry leaves.

"It's Ah Qing from Zhou Xian's family."

"What a sin!"

The women who were washing clothes saw this and showed pity on their faces. Some kind-hearted people came forward to help the boy up and collect the scattered mulberry leaves for him.

"Thank you, aunties." The boy's voice was weak and he uttered a few words of thanks from his cracked lips.

"Did you go up the mountain without eating? Your father is a damn thing!"

Facing the pity of the women, Zhou Qing was silent.

He only drank a bowl of porridge this morning.

He was so hungry that he had no strength to speak.

There was no rice at home, and all the money was taken away by his dead father Zhou Xian.

No family in this world is easy, and the rice and grains of the neighbors have been borrowed.

He was hungry, but the silkworms at home could not go hungry for a meal.

So as soon as it was light, Zhou Qing went up the mountain to pick mulberry leaves and dig some wild vegetables for today's rations, trying to hold on until Zhou Xian came back.

Seeing Zhou Qing's pitiful appearance, several women couldn't bear it, and reached into their arms, touching half a dry and hard cake. After hesitating for a while, they still didn't take it out.

They were all poor families, and they lived by washing clothes and mending for others.

This half cake was a day's ration. If it was given to Zhou Qing, how could they hold on for a day.

What's more, it's not about helping the poor.

Zhou Qing's family used to have a good life in Heishan Town, but after his mother died, his father Zhou Xian drank heavily and got addicted to gambling, so they couldn't even eat.

Zhou Xian had been out for half a month.

If they gave the cake today, what would they do tomorrow?

"Ah Qing, these mulberry leaves are dirty. Let us wash them for you. Sit down and rest for a while."

The women carried the basket to the stream, poured the dusty mulberry leaves on the stones beside the stream, then rinsed them with stream water, shook off the water drops on them, and put them back into the basket.

"Thank you." Zhou Qing squeezed out two words from his teeth.

He came to the stone beside the stream, scooped up a handful of cold stream water and drank it, and drank until he was full.

It's a pity that his stomach was bloated after drinking, and the feeling of hunger became more obvious.

When the women washed the mulberry leaves for Zhou Qing and put them all back into the basket, they squatted down again to wash clothes.

Zhou Qing sat on a big rock, enduring hunger and resting at the same time.

Mulberry leaves will be much heavier when they are wet.

The sun will come out soon, let the sun shine for a while, and wait until the water on them is basically dry before he goes home.

Silkworms cannot eat mulberry leaves with water, otherwise they will get sick.

Of course, it can't be too dry, otherwise it will affect the appetite of the silkworms, and then affect the silk production.

The silkworms at home are now his beloved relatives, brothers, and his real father!

He is waiting to sell all the silk and have a full meal.

'I really don't want to travel through time! '

Zhou Qing shouted in his heart.

He never thought that one day having a full meal would become a luxury.

He has been in this world for two months, and he has never lived a normal life.

In the past half month, let alone having a full meal, even two meals of porridge a day are almost gone.

Working on an empty stomach is worse than death!

His only hope every day now is to eat.

In the final analysis, it's all because of the gambling father in his previous life.

Zhou Qing sat on the big rock to rest for a while, and the women who were washing clothes soon became interested in talking again.

'It's so good to have energy to talk! '

Zhou Qing sighed in his heart, and as his eyes gradually lost focus, he seemed to be wandering in his mind, and saw a 'jade sceptre' board in his mind, with a line of words written on it.

[Profession: Silkworm breeder]

[Skill: Silkworm breeding and mulberry picking]

[Progress: Skilled (125/800)]

[Effect: Dexterous, good at spinning silk and cocooning. ]

Zhou Qing was a little dazed as he looked at the jade tablet in his mind.

Thinking back to two months ago, he had just graduated from college and volunteered to go to the disaster-stricken area as a volunteer. On the way, his car encountered a landslide, which directly sent him to this ancient world called Dajin.

Heishan Town, where he is now, is located at the foot of the outer mountain of the Ten Thousand Mountains in Southern Xinjiang, and is built beside the Black Water River.

When he first crossed over, he was still a little excited.

Especially when he found the jade tablet in his soul, he thought the plot in the novel would happen to him.

Originally, Zhou Qing had both parents. He and his father raised silkworms, and his mother reeled silk and spun.

Two months ago, his mother was pregnant, and the fetus was a little unstable.

His father sent her to the county town to see a doctor, but when he came back, she had become a corpse.

The previous incarnation was so sad that he died.

Originally, the father and son depended on each other and could still make ends meet, but unexpectedly, after the father came back from the county town that day, his temperament changed drastically. He no longer raised silkworms, but spent all day drinking and gambling, becoming a street scoundrel.

Zhou Qing tried to persuade him, but was beaten up.

He raised silkworms and picked mulberry leaves with the jade tablet in his soul, and awakened the profession of [Silkworm Breeder]. His hands became more and more flexible, and he became more and more skilled in reeling silk, but his life became more and more difficult.

Originally, he wanted to take a gamble, and while his dead father Zhou Xian went out to gamble, he sold the silkworms and two adobe houses at home, and went to the martial arts hall to pay tuition and practice martial arts.

With the ability of the jade tablet to awaken professions, plus the ability to display a progress bar, there is always a way to survive.

Unfortunately, when he went to the martial arts hall, the martial arts master touched his bones a little and let him go home.

After asking the reason in detail, it turned out that he had good physical fitness and qualifications, but he was beaten by his father Zhou Xian, and he had no money to treat it, so his internal organs were damaged and his qi and blood were deficient.

Now his injuries have basically recovered, but his vitality is damaged. Practicing martial arts will only cause the old injuries to relapse, causing all kinds of fatigue and seven injuries. Not only is there no possibility of improvement, but there is a risk of life.

Zhou Qing asked several martial arts schools, and the answers he got were the same.

In desperation, Zhou Qing just wanted to escape from here.

However, Zhou Xian knew that he was going to sell silkworms and houses.

That time, Zhou Qing took out a kitchen knife and fought desperately, so Zhou Xian didn't dare to attack him.

Zhou Qing even thought of taking a risk and killing Zhou Xian with a knife.

However, Zhou Xian was addicted to gambling and drinking, but his physical fitness was excellent, and his strength was much greater than that of ordinary farmers.

Unless he attacked by surprise, Zhou Qing would definitely not be able to beat him.

Besides, he couldn't escape far after killing someone, so he endured it.

He placed all his hopes on raising silkworms. As long as he continued to improve his proficiency in raising silkworms and picking mulberry leaves, he would definitely see a turnaround.

‘Gambler! Drunkard! Why don’t you die! ’

Zhou Qing was so hungry that he was dizzy and cursed in his heart.

At this time, a black hand as rough as tree bark stretched out in front of Zhou Qing, with a steamed bun in his hand.

‘Hallucination? ’ Zhou Qing thought he was hallucinating because of hunger, but he looked at the steamed bun for a few seconds and it still didn’t disappear.

Zhou Qing raised his head.

An old woman with gray hair who looked to be in her 50s or 60s said to him:

“I am an old woman who lives alone and has a poor appetite at an old age. I’ll give it to you.”

“Thank you!” Zhou Qing was stunned for a moment and grabbed the steamed bun that was as hard as a stone.

He carefully broke off a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

The dry, hard and bitter steamed bun tasted so sweet, better than all the delicacies in his previous life.

Zhou Qing chewed hard, reluctant to swallow it directly.

He knelt down by the stream and ate the steamed bread with the water.

He even picked up the crumbs that fell in the cracks of the rocks and stuffed them into his mouth.

‘I’m alive! ’

Although he was still very hungry, the feeling in his stomach was different.

“If you are hungry in the future, come to me at this time. As long as I have work to do, I will give you a steamed bread.” The old lady said to Zhou Qing.

“Grandma, thank you! When I sell the silk, I will…”

Zhou Qing was full of gratitude, but the old lady shook her head at him, indicating that she did not ask for anything in return.

Originally, Zhou Qing wanted to say, ‘A meal of kindness will be rewarded with a thousand gold in the future. ’

However, when he thought of the current mess,

he could only afford to give the old lady a few full meals, provided that the silkworms were strong enough.

“Go back, silkworms can’t starve.” The old lady pointed to the basket behind Zhou Qing.

Zhou Qing said nothing more, bowed to the old lady, carried the basket on his back, and walked towards home.

"Selling buns! Two big meat buns for three cents!"

"Snake soup! Freshly cooked cauliflower snake soup, extremely delicious, try it while it's hot!"

Zhou Qing entered the town, and the market was full of vendors hawking their wares.

Most of them sold breakfast early in the morning.

The aroma lingering on the tip of his nose made Zhou Qing's stomach hungry again after just ordering some food.

But the market road was the closest way back to Xin'an Lane where his home was.

'It's all stinky! It's all stinky! '

Zhou Qing muttered to himself.

After finally reaching the end of the street, a pockmarked boy ran over, shouting as he ran.

"Ah Qing, Ah Qing! Oh no! Your father is dead!"

"What did you say?!" Zhou Qing widened his eyes as he looked at Wang Mazi who ran up to him.

"Your father is dead, he got drunk and fell into the pond and drowned!" Wang Mazi said hurriedly.

"Uncle Jun, can I leave the basket here for a while?"

Zhou Qing suppressed his emotions and came to the bean curd stall nearby.

The owner of the bean curd stall was a middle-aged man, and people nearby called him Lao Li. He often boasted to others that when he was young, he was a famous handsome young man in the surrounding area, and there were so many people who wanted to marry him that they almost broke the door of his house.

"Okay! Go home and take a look!" Lao Li liked young people to call him Uncle Jun. He took the basket from Zhou Qing's back and put it against the wall.

"Pockmarked, hurry up!"

Zhou Qing couldn't wait to rush home.

He suddenly heard the bad news, and he had to see it with his own eyes.

"Ah Qing, wait for me!"

Wang Mazi quickly chased after him, but he couldn't catch up with Zhou Qing.

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