All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 49: Get rich overnight! Secret record of Gu refining! (Second update, please read it later.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the stars were dim.

Outside Heishan Town, beside the Stone Creek, the sound of cicadas could be heard.

Zhou Qing climbed over dozens of miles of winding roads and finally rushed back to the town at midnight.

He jumped lightly and climbed over the earthen wall of his yard, which was more than one person high, and then quietly opened the door lock on the silkworm house.


Entering the silkworm house, Zhou Qing felt relieved when he saw the simple bed against the wall.

There are many nests, but they are not as good as your own doghouse.

It feels so good to be home.


At this time, the main hall of the main house was lit up, and the old lady lit the oil lamp, opened the door, and walked into the yard.

"Is it Ah Qing?"

"Grandma, did I wake you up?" Zhou Qing was stunned. He didn't expect that the old lady could hear such a small noise of opening the door.

"Grandma is old and doesn't sleep so much." The old lady came to the silkworm house and saw that Zhou Qing was safe and sound, and a smile appeared on her wrinkled face.

"I'm glad you're back. Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat."

"No need to light the fire, grandma. Just some leftovers will do." Zhou Qing had eaten some dry food on the way and was not very hungry, but after grandma said that, he was a little hungry.

He followed grandma back to the main house.

"I made pancakes in the evening and there are still some left." Grandma took out two ceramic bowls from the cupboard, one with pancakes and the other with radish strips.

"This is the dried radish I just pickled. Try it."

Zhou Qing picked up the pancake and ate it with the radish strips.

The freshly pickled radish strips still had a bit of earthy smell, but after being fried with sesame oil, the earthy smell was much lighter. It was crunchy and tasted good. It will taste better if it is left for a while.

Zhou Qing finished all the remaining six wheat cakes in no time.

It's a pity that eggs and green onions were not added to the pancakes as usual, otherwise it would taste better.

Obviously, when the old lady was eating alone, she must have been trying to save as much as possible.

Zhou Qing didn't say anything. After eating, he poured a bowl of boiled water and drank it. Then he took out a few pieces of silver from his arms and handed them to the old lady.

"Grandma, this is the food allowance for this month. I won't go out for the next period of time."

"Okay." The old lady looked at the silver in her hand, which added up to at least three taels. Although she was a little surprised, she didn't ask anything more. As long as Zhou Qing came back safely, it was enough.

"Grandma, go to bed early." Zhou Qing said with a smile, then walked out of the main house and entered the silkworm room.

Zhou Qing untied the two packages on his body and poured the contents on the wooden bed.

"This time's harvest"

He didn't turn on the light. The powerful vision brought by the eagle eye was also effective at night. Under the dim starlight, he could see the things on the bed clearly.

The two robbers had less than five taels of silver on their bodies. The only thing that was a little valuable was the half of the sword manual on the bull-headed masked man.

There is only one sword technique called ‘Wind Slash’, which is divided into two actions: putting the sword back and drawing the sword.

Looking at the way the Minotaur masked man drew the sword, it is obviously not a profound sword technique.

Anyway, the stance of Baiyun Palm is also applicable to general sword techniques and sword techniques, and it can be practiced with just the sword techniques.

Zhou Qing's evaluation is that it is better than nothing.

In comparison, the things on Lin Qiu are like ‘treasures’.

“I guess he didn’t expect it himself.” Zhou Qing looked grim and rubbed his chest, which was a little swollen and painful.

If it weren’t for the ability of Qingsi Gu to strengthen Qi and blood, he would probably have to stay in bed for a few days.

When Lin Qiu appeared at the beginning, Zhou Qing didn’t think of fighting him to death.

Seven Insects Corrupting Heart Pill is not a fatal thing for Zhou Qing, who has the ability to be immune to all poisons.

It’s just that he doesn’t like the feeling of being controlled by others.

Especially the gap between the two sides is not as big as it seems on the surface.

If Lin Qiu hadn't pushed too far, Zhou Qing would have been willing to play along with him and get some more useful information.

Zhou Qing picked up the booklet full of insect marks - "Secret Records of Refining Gu"

He couldn't help but sigh at the slightly blurred handwriting on it. "In short, I made a lot of money this time!"

Lin Qiu obviously didn't think he would die in Zhou Qing's hands. He probably carried important items with him to lure him to cooperate.

This time, Zhou Qing got everything for free.

Zhou Qing suppressed his excitement and opened the tattered cover of the booklet. The insect marks inside were more obvious.

Many pages were so worm-eaten that it was impossible to see what was written.

After flipping through the twelve pages, only two pages were relatively complete.

These two pages recorded the methods of refining a kind of Gu worm.

The first one was flying ants.

Larger ants such as double-toothed polyspinous ants, termites, and red fire ants were needed as the initial materials for refining Gu.

By feeding them the flesh and blood of strange beasts, monsters or powerful poisonous creatures, they can induce their ferocity, let them kill each other, and leave the strongest ones.

Then, with the method of medicine refining, the ants that have become stronger can be further strengthened.

Generally speaking, after several rounds of elimination and feeding, a small number of ants will evolve.

Like the flying ants thrown by Lin Qiu, they are the "shelled flying ants" that have evolved once.

The shelled flying ants have a relatively hard cuticle layer on their body surface, fly faster, and have a certain degree of aggressiveness.

If the number reaches a certain level, it will still pose a considerable threat to warriors.

If the shelled flying ants evolve again, they will become "iron-clad flying ants".

By then, the size of the flying ants will further increase, and the cuticle on the surface of the body will become a real hard shell, which can resist the slashing of ordinary swords and knives, and it can be regarded as a real Gu insect.

"It has the ability to fly, and its defense is mainly strengthened. If it is raised together with the golden silkworm"

Looking at the method of refining the iron-armored flying ants, Zhou Qing thought of the golden silkworm Gu.

After several months of optimization, the current ferocity of the golden silkworm has become much stronger.

Especially the six golden silkworms in the lead, their defense has greatly increased, and the cuticle has also grown on their body surface.

If the golden silkworm can also evolve along the route of the iron-armored flying ants, it should be stronger.

If hybridization is possible, what kind of Gu can be refined?

Double-winged golden silkworm ants?

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up.

However, the 'iron-armored flying ants' need to rely on numbers to win, and they cannot be refined in a short time.

And to control the iron-armored flying ants, it is necessary to feed the Gu refiner's blood and essence every once in a while, which is still a considerable consumption for warriors.

Of course, Zhou Qing doesn't have to worry about this. He can cultivate a Gu King through the [Gu Master] profession and control these low-level Gu worms that act according to instinct through the Gu King.

After reading the first method of refining Gu, Zhou Qing began to look through the method of refining the second kind of Gu worm.

When he carefully read the end, the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

"Secret method 1 for cultivating green silk Gu: wine worm. It can assist Gu Masters to open the Yuanqiao and feel the realm of 'Zhoutian Qi Gathering' in advance. It has the magical effect of tempering meridians and purifying true qi."

"Secret method 2 for cultivating green silk Gu: poisonous flower butterfly. Only the Gu King can evolve a different species under extremely harsh conditions, with..."

Zhou Qing saw the end and found that the secret method of cultivating poisonous flower butterfly was incomplete and there was no follow-up.

"What's next?!"

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