All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 67 Disciple!

"Grandma, I'm quite busy these days. Do you think you have enough money to pay the autumn tax?"

Zhou Qing walked out of the silkworm room and returned to the main house.

"There's enough money." Grandma, who was picking up the soles of her shoes, smiled and raised her head.

"Okay, then I'm going to the martial arts gym." Zhou Qing walked out of the courtyard wall.

The autumn tax is paid in early November. The standard for farmers, hunters, and fishermen to pay the tax is eight silver coins per laborer. That is, every adult male in the family must pay eight coins.

However, only official silver was collected for tax collection. The common people paid small amounts of silver, so the fire expenses would naturally be counted.

In fact, each adult male paid one tael of silver as tax.

In fact, the currency ordinary people usually use is almost all copper coins, and they only use silver when they have to pay taxes.

If you use copper coins to exchange for silver at a bank, you will be exploited again.

The exchange ratio is one thousand to one, but don't be so naive as to think that you can really exchange one thousand cents for one or two silver coins.

Zhou Qing's occupation is a silkworm raiser, and he has to pay a cocoon tax for raising silkworms, which is one or two cents of silver a year.

Fortunately, there are many mulberry trees on Black Wind Mountain. Otherwise, if you open up an acre of land to plant mulberry trees, you would have to pay the mulberry tax and an extra tael of silver.

Zhou Qing would give his grandma five to ten taels of food every month, as well as pocket money, so that she would always have a few taels of money with her.

Paying taxes is no problem.

"Finally it's the Golden Silkworm's turn to evolve."

Walking on the way to the martial arts gym, Zhou Qing felt a little excited.

After being fed with python meat, Tai Sui meat has grown to the size of a human head.

A few days ago, he saw that python meat was so effective, so he kept some python meat, plus Tai Sui meat, to feed the golden silkworm Gu worms.

Unexpectedly, the twenty-four golden silkworm Gu worms that had been living in harmony under the threat of the King of Golden Silkworms actually started killing each other in order to compete for Tai Sui meat and python meat.

The leader of the Golden Silkworm King was besieged by more than a dozen Golden Silkworm Gu insects and was eaten first.

After a fight with the remaining golden silkworm Gu insects, only the last four were left.

The four surviving Golden Silkworm Gu worms have grown in size, and have begun to spin silk and spin cocoons one after another. They have obviously begun to evolve.

"You have to use the blood refining technique before the golden silkworm Gu completes its evolution!"

Zhou Qing hurried to the martial arts hall and after showing Wei Sheng the progress of his training, he had to prepare the medicinal materials and blood food needed for blood refining.

Blood food is easy to handle, and there is still a lot of python meat left.

In addition, after this period of raising, the number of purple fire flying ants has increased sharply, reaching the point where Zhou Qing can no longer afford to raise them.

Fortunately, these extra purple fire flying ants can also be used as blood food.

Except for a few ant kings, the purple fire flying ants only have reconnaissance value to him.

There must be a sufficient number of purple fire flying ants in order to form a combat effectiveness.

In terms of individual combat power, toxin intensity, and growth potential, the Purple Fire Flying Ants are far inferior to the Golden Silkworm Gu Insects.

After Zhou Qing arrived at the martial arts gym, he said hello to the apprentices practicing in the front yard, then went straight to the backyard and found Wei Sheng.

"You have already condensed the fifth qi and blood cloud?!"

"Yes, Master."

Zhou Qing circulated his energy and blood, and five black cloud patterns suddenly condensed on his arms.

"I thought that with your bones, the ability to condense four qi and blood clouds was the limit. It seems that I underestimated your potential." Wei Sheng said thoughtfully.

As he spoke, he took out a roll of silver needles from the study and pierced the various points on Zhou Qing's arms.

After a while, a blood line as thin as a hair appeared between the acupuncture points, connecting each acupuncture point together.

Every silver needle trembled slightly.

Zhou Qing felt his arms were numb and itchy, but he managed to hold back and said nothing.

"Are your bones suitable for practicing the White Cloud Palm Technique? Why do you feel that your physical body has been refined by the White Cloud Palm Technique and is close to the best.

With that being said, there is hope that you can gather the six qi and blood clouds to make a breakthrough. Going up further, you need stronger roots and potential. "

Wei Sheng's eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

"Is my limit the Six Paths of Qi and Blood Clouds?" Zhou Qing frowned slightly.

"From what you're saying, this isn't enough? Do you know that although the Baiyun Palm Technique can easily condense Qi and blood clouds, it is almost impossible to condense more than four qi and blood clouds below the superior root bones.

The upper limit of this skill is to condense six qi and blood clouds.

Ruby can condense the eight qi and blood clouds because her bones are of the highest quality and she has taken precious medicine. "

Wei Sheng explained.

"That's it." Zhou Qing muttered.

If we talk about the precious medicine that stimulates the physical body, I don't know if Tai Sui meat counts. However, Tai Sui meat is so toxic that even the body that is immune to all poisons may not be able to resist it, so he does not dare to try it easily.

"If you gather more than four qi and blood clouds, you will be able to train your muscles. Six qi and blood clouds are enough for you to complete your muscle training as soon as possible. Chances are good, but you can't ask for them." Wei Sheng warned.

"With no one to provide resource support, your cultivation speed is only a few months slower than Hongyu. You are my second disciple."

At this point, Wei Sheng suddenly stopped and changed the topic.

"The total amount of Qi in your body is quite considerable, and it seems that you have another adventure.

In this case, I will fulfill my promise in advance and decide on the master-disciple relationship first.

After the New Year, you are ready to serve tea. "

Zhou Qing was stunned when he heard this.

Today I just wanted to let Wei Sheng feel the speed of his progress, but I didn't expect that Wei Sheng directly agreed to accept him as his disciple.

This is his direct disciple!

"What? Could it be..." Seeing Zhou Qing's silence, Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Qing came back to his senses and immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed three times.

A man's knees are made of gold, and becoming a disciple is the time to fulfill it.

No one dares to easily provoke the disciple of the great martial arts master, even in the county.

"Good! Get up! I didn't expect to gain so much from this assignment." Wei Sheng laughed heartily and helped Zhou Qing up.

"Thank you, Master." Feeling Wei Sheng's closeness, Zhou Qing also smiled, but his attitude was more respectful than before.

After being in this world for so long, he finally has a backer.

"Starting tomorrow, you can live in the wing room in the backyard. If you have any questions in your cultivation, you can come to my study." Wei Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

He had the idea of ​​taking Zhou Qing as his disciple, mainly because his eldest daughter Wei Hongyu had mentioned it several times, and secondly because Zhou Qing's character was precious and he knew how to repay kindness.

Since his second disciple caused him to be sent to southern Xinjiang, he has not accepted any disciples for several years.

Although Zhou Qing's physique is only above average, it will be difficult for him to break through the bottleneck of the Blood Exchange Realm in the future.

But with focused training, he is still expected to become a Bone Refining Realm martial artist.

If the eldest daughter breaks through the Blood Exchange Realm, she may go to the Central Plains.

The martial arts hall still needs martial artists to support the scene.

"Thank you, Master!" Zhou Qing showed a happy face. It seems that Wei Sheng wants to focus on training him.

PS: The second chapter will be updated later and will be posted before nine o'clock. I wrote a few thousand words of detailed outline last night. Tenosynovitis has occurred and my hands hurt. The recommendation has been promoted. Thank you for your follow-up reading! I can't repay you, I can only try my best to write this book, Orz

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