All professional Gu Xian

Chapter 73: There are three major autumn taxes

"I don't even know that the Baidu Yin peach has been picked, so what's the point of keeping you?!" The beautiful middle-aged woman scolded sternly.

At this time, the girl on the side gently raised her hand.


The small cyan cauldron in the palm of the middle-aged beautiful woman shook, and there was a tinkling sound. The densely packed corpse insects stopped at the feet of the black-robed man, motionless.

"Maybe it's because a capable person came from above. No wonder he was there." The girl wore a tulle on her face, her voice was ethereal, her eyebrows were covered with plum blossoms, and her eyes were cut with autumn water.

"Thank you to the saint for not killing! Thank you to the saint for not killing!" The man in black robe kowtowed repeatedly.

"Go away!" The beautiful middle-aged woman shouted harshly, and the corpse insect made way from behind.

"Thank you, Protector Li! Thank you, Holy Maiden! I resign!" The man in black robe crawled away.

"Holy girl, is it really true that someone from the Demon Suppression Department is here? Is there any news from the leader?" the middle-aged beautiful woman asked in a low voice.

"I'm just looking for a reason to forgive the patrolling envoy." The girl shook her head.

"These great martial arts masters are restricted by the agreement and do not dare to enter the mountain easily, and ordinary martial arts masters cannot get close to this place.

If you want to pick the Poison Peach without anyone noticing, you have to be a general in the Demon Suppression Department who has mastered the magic or magical weapons.

The defense here in Heifeng Mountain is weak. Do we need to send more people here? "The middle-aged beautiful woman pondered.

"After Protector Shen's group rebelled, we no longer have enough manpower. Let's wait until the leader comes out of seclusion to decide everything." The girl said calmly, her calm eyes not wavering at all.

"What if Zhi Mu Sha's corpse is discovered before it reaches maturity? It would be a big deal." The beautiful middle-aged woman was surprised.

When the girl heard this, she said nothing, glanced at her, and then turned and left.

At the southern entrance of Heishan Town, several wooden tables were temporarily placed under an old locust tree.

The master from the county government was sitting behind a wooden desk drinking tea. A wooden dendrobium tree half as tall as a man was placed on the uneven gravel road.

A clerk was holding a roster and was calling names one by one.

"Liang Ah Si, fisherman."

Uncle Liang walked from the back of the crowd to the wooden case. Following him was Liang Chao, who was carrying two large bags of rice.

After Liang Chao broke through to the Skin Refining Realm, his cultivation stagnated and he chose to stay at Zhui Feng Martial Arts Hall to work as an odd job, fishing with his father Liang Asi while continuing to save money to practice martial arts.

Liang Chao placed the two bags of rice firmly on the ground, and two officers came over carrying the official scales, preparing to weigh them.

"Heishan Town Liang Asi paid two hundred catties of grain, and actually paid one."

The clerk in charge of recording glanced at the scale on the official scale, then glanced at the word "李" on Liang Chao's green training uniform, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Could this little brother be from the Zhui Feng Martial Arts School in town? Have you ever passed the level?"

The two weighing officers heard this and put their hands on the scale.

"It's just a skin barrier." Liang Chao smiled.

"Disrespect, disrespect." The clerk bowed his hands in greeting.

The two officers fiddled with the weight, and the clerk glanced at it and said loudly: "Liang Ahsi, pay two hundred catties of grain. Five yuan of fish tax!"

Liang Ahsi on the side heard this and took out some more broken silver from his arms to make up for it.

There is a temporary notice for this year's autumn tax. Each household must hand over at least 100 kilograms of grain according to the number of people paying the tax. It cannot only pay in cash.

The clerk took the silver, weighed it, weighed it, and recorded it in a book.

After paying the tax, Liang Chao did not leave. Instead, he ran to the back of the crowd and helped his grandmother push the cart.

"Feng Jinshui, a farmer in Shiban Village." The clerk continued to roll the name.

A middle-aged man wearing coarse linen clothes walked out of the crowd, followed by a thin boy who looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old.

Feng Jinshui came to the wooden table carrying a bag of rice that he had collected after emptying the rice vat at home.

Then, he asked his son Feng Goudan to take out a linen bag with broken silver in it.

Two officers lifted the rice bag and weighed it. The clerk looked at the scale on it and registered it while weighing it.

"Feng Jinshui, I paid one hundred catties of grain, but the actual payment was eighty catties."

Upon hearing this, Feng Jinshui looked panicked and said quickly: "Master, isn't it right? This big bag of rice is exactly ten buckets, a full hundred kilograms!"

"Huh?!" Seeing that he dared to retort, the clerk's face suddenly darkened, "Don't you recognize the word 'official' on this scale?"

After saying that, he waved his hand and motioned for the two officers to cross.

The officer opened the rice bag and poured the rice into the dendrobium.

This wooden dendrobium is in the shape of a four-sided pyramid with a small mouth and a large bottom.

When the officer was pouring rice into Hukou, a lot of rice leaked out from the edge of Hukou and fell to the ground.

Feng Jinshui's son bent down to pick it up, but was kicked down by the guard.

"Stop! These are all losses! Who asked you to pick them up!"

After the rice bag was emptied, the officer took out a wooden board, repeatedly compacted and flattened the piled rice, and then kicked the rice with several big feet.

The rice inside dropped another level, and it was far away from the standard white line of 100 kilograms.

"Feng Jinshui, there are seventy kilograms of rice. Remember!" After the officer finished kicking the official dendrobium, he took another look at the white line inside.

When Feng Jinshui heard this, his eyes turned red with anxiety and he fell to his knees with a plop. "Master! This is thirty pounds less!"

The honest man was bullied to the point of crying, and the people waiting to pay taxes were also filled with indignation.

"This scale is an official scale, and this dendrobium is an official dendrobium. The official character is as big as the sky! If anyone doesn't know the official character, don't blame the official character for not recognizing 伱!"

Seeing everyone talking about it, the clerk immediately scolded him.

"Master! We really don't have any food left at home!" Feng Jinshui saw the clerk acting like this and begged the master who was sitting behind the wooden desk drinking tea.

"Come here! Hang these two troublemakers on a tree for public display."

The master put down his teacup and said calmly.


Several officials rushed forward and pinned Feng Jinshui and his son to the ground, tied them up, and hung them on an old locust tree nearby.

"They really don't want to give us a chance to live!"

"They are even more vicious than Zhao Baopi in the town!"

Facing the angry people, the officials held their swords.

Seeing this, the voices of the crowd soon became quieter.

Liang Chao was about to step forward to judge the matter, but was held back by his father Liang Laoshi.

The tax payment process went much smoother.

Facing the situation of "shortage of weight", the people either went home to carry rice or had to make up for it with more silver. In the days to come, they had to tighten their belts.

"Yin family of Caisang Village, weavers."

As the clerk read out the name, the old woman pushed the cart through the crowd.

"Hello, sir. I have moved to the town now, changed my household registration, and raise silkworms with the cocoon farmer Aqing." The old woman stopped the cart and explained.

Weavers pay more taxes than cocoon farmers, and they also have to pay woven cloth.

"How dare you! Could the list be false? Even if you changed your household registration, you will have to pay the silk cocoon tax next year. You are still trying to be sneaky!" The clerk shouted loudly and directed two officers to carry rice and weigh it.

Seeing this, the old woman touched the silver in her arms and dared not argue anymore.

The clerk looked at the scale on the scale and said loudly: "Yin, you paid 200 kilograms of grain, but you actually paid 160 kilograms!"

"It's really too much!"

"These officials are going to be unlucky! Aqing is a warrior who has broken through the barrier!"

"They dare to embarrass me! They are just trying to make things difficult for Aqing!"

Among the onlookers, some people gloated over the misfortune and looked very happy.

They also saw that the officials from the county were more capable of stripping and tearing bones than in previous years, but they would not make things difficult for the warriors who had broken through the barrier.

Apo was alone, so she could only let these officials bully her, but Ah Qing was not someone to be trifled with.

"Master, one hundred kilograms of rice here is paid for Ah Qing."

Apo was not stupid, and she could not suffer such a big loss in vain, so she stepped forward and explained the situation in a low voice.

Hearing the discussion of the crowd and the explanation of the old woman, the clerk's face changed slightly and he reacted.

This old gang changed his account, and he had to give some face to a warrior who had broken through the barrier.

It's just that the rice has just been weighed, and he can't change his words immediately, otherwise there will be trouble in collecting taxes next time.

The clerk came to the side of the master, talked for a few words, and then returned to the field and shouted: "Come over the hu!"

The clerk who received the order had no scruples and followed the previous process to count the hu.

"Ms. Yin, you have 70 kilograms of rice. Zhou Qing, the cocoon farmer, you have 100 kilograms of rice. Remember!"

The officer called out the number loudly.

"Master, can you make up for the missing rice with silver?" The old lady took out some silver from her bosom.

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