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Chapter 1074: Who Should Go Up Next and Get Beaten?

Ma Hongjun's martial soul is Fire Phoenix.

Although a simple martial soul possession cannot give him the ability to fly.

But Ma Hongjun's third soul ability is called Phoenix Wing Sky Soaring, after activation it can give him the ability to fly temporarily.

In the case of 1v1.

If the opponent can't fly into the air, it's really not easy to deal with Ma Hongjun's move.

"Okay, in this fat man match, we must show our Shrek's arrogance!" Tang San nodded.

"Do not worry!"


The third round begins.

When Fatty Ma came to the stage, he first saluted Night Breeze in a high-profile manner, and then directly cast his phoenix wings and flew into the air.

After the phoenix wing Tianxiang is launched.

In addition to gaining the ability to fly, Fatty Ma will also ignite his second soul skill Phoenix in Fire, which instantly increases the flame of the Phoenix by 100%, and increases the attack range by 50%, which is very powerful.

Ma Hongjun firmly believed.

He is much sharper than the birdmen of the Kamikaze Academy team.

And if the opponent wants to attack him, they can only use his long-range ninjutsu, but those ninjutsu can be seen to consume soul power, which naturally achieves their goal.

"Haha, Uchiha Madara, come on, breathe fire, let's see who can breathe fire better, I'm already burnt."

Ma Hongjun talked coquettishly in the air, stirring up the night breeze in the audience.

But Night Breeze was very calm the whole time.

The mentality is rock solid.

He walked under Ma Hongjun peacefully, his hands slowly forming seals, and then, flames burst out from Night Breeze's fingers.

"Fire escape, Uchiha flame array."


As Night Breeze slapped his palm on the ground, a fiery red barrier shot up into the sky, successfully trapping Ma Hongjun in the barrier.

"Oops! Fatty's range of movement is restricted! I'm going to lose!" Xiao Wu frowned.

Why does this Uchiha Madara's moves emerge in endlessly?

How many self-created soul skills has he developed?

"Don't underestimate Fat Master! Fat Master, my martial soul is a fire phoenix! How could I be afraid of a mere fire like you!" Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth, bathed in phoenix flames all over his body, and rushed towards the border of the Uchiha flame formation go up.


Ma Hongjun let out a scream, and the place where his body touched the barrier was obviously burned.

"It's too scary! His flame barrier can't even break through the fat man!" Dai Mubai took a deep breath.

Is this Sharingan so strong?

Even the Phoenix Fire is not as good as it?

"I think it's funny! This Uchiha Madara thinks he controls Fatty, but he doesn't understand Fatty at all. In this narrow passage, Fatty will become very powerful instead!" Tang San smiled lightly, Uchiha Madara, it seems There are times when you are careless!

"Mist Grass! It's a good thing that Brother Feng can green me later, otherwise, Fat Lord, I will lose a lot this time!" Ma Hongjun endured the pain, and looked fiercely at Night Breeze in the audience, "I'll fight you! Phoenix Firewire!"

Ma Hongjun has made up his mind to pay attention, haven't you restricted my range of activities?

Then I'll just tell you hard steel!

So he is going to use the Phoenix Fire Wire to attack from a distance first, to attract the opponent's attention, and then launch the fourth soul skill Phoenix Cry Sky Strike!

Although this Phoenix Crying Sky Strike is a rear-hand restricted skill and cannot lock the opponent, within 5 meters the opponent can be stunned and burned by the magma rising into the sky.


Although the flame array restricted Ma Hongjun, didn't it also restrict Night Breeze himself?

Boom boom boom!

Ma Hongjun's soul skill activated!

"I, the evil fire phoenix Ma Hongjun, am the king of flames!"

Flames all over the sky danced wildly in the Uchiha flame array, and magma flew, he felt that he could definitely succeed.


Night Breeze took a step back.

Then he walked out of the barrier so calmly.

"???" Ma Hongjun frowned.

That's right.

This flame array is the soul skill of others, how can it restrict him?

It was as if his phoenix flame couldn't burn himself.

How could he have forgotten this?

"Damn it! Why is the fat man still in a daze! Don't run away!" Tang San clenched his small fists. It must be said that his reaction was still much faster than Ma Hongjun's.

as expected.

Just as Ma Hongjun was standing on the ground in a daze, Night Breeze's whole body was bathed in thunder, and he rushed into the Uchiha flame array like lightning, grabbed Ma Hongjun by the neck, and lifted him up.

"You just said, what kind of king are you?"

The voice fell.

Night Breeze punched out with his left hand, and Ma Hongjun rushed down the ring with a whoosh and crashed into Dai Mubai's arms.

"???" Dai Mubai.

"So strong... This Uchiha Madara is really strong... It's hard to hit from behind..." Tang San swallowed.

so far.

Two of the Eight Shrek Monsters have already been defeated by each other.

And he beat Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu very fast.

The thinking is very clear, the means are very straightforward, and the whole process is calm and breezy, without any effort.

Tang San asked himself that he definitely couldn't do this.

Especially Xiao Wu.

When Tang San was young, before he got so many opportunities, he would often compete with Xiao Wu, and the winning rate was only around 50%.

He knew very well how powerful Xiao Wu was.

"Who should go up and get beaten next?" Night Breeze asked nonchalantly while healing Ma Hongjun.

"Let me do it next time!" Dai Mubai narrowed his evil eyes slightly, full of fighting spirit.

"Okay, then be careful." Tang San instructed.

Now there were only Night Breeze, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dai Mubai left in Shrek Academy.

They originally wanted to consume each other's soul power and let Night Breeze finish the job, but so far, it seems that this tactic has not been particularly effective.


Dai Mubai didn't plan to go up and fight for consumption either.

He is going to fight Uchiha Madara Hard Steel, to swing in the ring like a man!

"The fourth round, Evil Eyed White Tiger Dai Mubai vs Uchiha Madara, starts now!"

The host's voice just fell.

Dai Mubai has used the fastest speed to complete the martial soul possession, at the same time, the white tiger vajra transformation and white tiger protective shields are also released one after another.

Although such an approach would consume a lot of his soul power.

But judging from the previous few games, if you want to procrastinate, you may end up being killed by the opponent before you have used much of your soul power, which is not conducive to the overall situation.

"Mubai's strength is very balanced, both defensive and state boosting, capable of melee combat and long-distance, faster than the usual attack-type soul masters, stronger than the usual agility-type soul masters, and the level is also sufficient Gao, I think he should be able to bring out Shrek's aura in this match." Flender said.

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