All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 277: Sailor departure

The octopus monster discovered by the seashore caused a sensation in the mainland. Many TV stations reprinted relevant news. The beautiful host used the strong and calm tone to broadcast this incident. Everyone was shocked.

This huge octopus washed up on the beach by the sea, after measuring by relevant personnel, found that the diameter of the other party's head is one kilometer long, and with the tentacles, it must be more than three kilometers, which is terrifying.

In addition, the octopus monster's fangs are even more terrifying, with a diameter of 40-50 meters, and a fang is as high as a 16-story building.

This guy is not the same as an ordinary octopus. It has nine tentacles. The tentacles are similar to suction cups. Inside the suction cup are fangs, which are densely covered with petals like stamens.

According to the judgment of the experts, this big guy has been dead for many days, but the body has no signs of rot. In addition, their regular knives cannot leave scars on the body of the big octopus.

There was trouble with the handling of this big octopus. It couldn't be checked out. This guy is too big. The current production tools can't do this.

Therefore, the area was simply enclosed, and no one else was allowed to come close. Experts came to the beach and studied the octopus monster on the beach.

The research was very difficult. The skin of this octopus monster was too defense-proof, and their knives could not cut it.

As a last resort, they can only drill into the body of the big octopus, extract some tissue fluid from the body, and then analyze it. They can also enter its body and analyze it by watching its internal organs.

"This guy is not a carbon-based creature."

The expert group reached the relevant conclusion. In their tissue fluid, no carbon was obtained. In addition, they found some strange organs in the body of the octopus monster. These organs may be used to carry out some aggressive behavior. .

"This guy is the same as depicted in our science fiction."

The present continent also has this kind of thing, and most of them are fantasies about the previous human civilization.

Many of them have descriptions about the aliens that destroyed the previous human civilization.

They are different from the Blue Star people, and they have their own attack weapons. Unlike humans, they need to rely on the existence of guns and the like.

In fact, this octopus monster was not the first non-carbon-based creature discovered by the mainlanders. It showed that in the wild, they found many corpses of secondary silicon-based life.

Most of these corpses rot, leaving only bones, but there are also some corpses, and there is still flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood of silicon-based life seems difficult to rot.

However, there are no special organs found in these secondary silicon-based life bodies. They have a higher defense and then a larger body.

Of course, for the current Blue Star people, the size of these secondary silicon-based life does not seem to be very large, after all, that kind of huge creatures can now be seen everywhere in the wild.

Those findings inside the octopus monster were not announced, but mainland officials began to issue a series of decree to encourage people to go to sea to find new monster corpses.

The adventurous Blue Stars began to set off in large numbers. They took a variety of boats to the depths of the sea.


What a passionate word.

And the huge octopus monster floating ashore is also showing people that the sea is not unusual. In the deeper places, there are many magnificent things waiting for them to explore.

It seems that the islands near the mainland have been discovered one after another, even those small countries with archipelago as the main body have also been discovered.

The Philippines, Malaysia, India, and island countries have all been discovered.

They discovered humans on these islands, and the two sides clashed because of language barriers, and many mainland adventurers died.

When such news circulated on the mainland, the fiery overseas adventure trip was cooled down a bit.

Some people were lucky to find some minerals on these islands, and then informed the mainland officials, and then the army was dispatched.

The number of human beings in these island-building countries is very small, and after renewal, their own civilization has been lost, there is no text, only language.

Moreover, the language is very simple and degenerates.

With these people, they are not opponents of the mainland at all. In addition, these people cannot use the so-called minerals, so there is not too much confrontation with the mainland.

About three years later, the adventure fever set off before cooled down again, because the various monster corpses previously imagined were not found.

But there are still some people who insist that Zhao Cheng and several of his companions are such people.

A year ago, Zhao Cheng and several of his childhood friends bought a sea boat with the money earned from working.

The boat is not big, but it is only 15 meters long, sail-powered, and it is enough to accommodate seven of them.

If in the past, such a ship entered the deep sea, it was basically a death, but now the sea is generally very calm, and there will rarely be large storms.

If the ship is not lost, basically there will be no problems.

They have been out to sea for a year, and they live a happy life. They hunt in the sea every day. As for vitamin problems, they have bean sprouts, pickles, tea, and special medicines.

In addition, they will encounter islands along the way and will go to the island to rest, collect fruits such as wild fruits to supplement vitamins, and make them into dried fruits.

Although I didn't see the body of the big monster, the seven people were not discouraged at all. They were not the kind of ambitious people who liked this unrestrained life.

Along the way, they experienced many things, and also saw many things that they had never seen on the mainland before.

Even some things almost made them extinct.

It was a giant creature with a height of four or five meters, with a body length of more than ten meters, like a giant lizard. If Fang Yun was here, you could recognize it at a glance. This guy is a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Fortunately, Zhao Cheng and they ran fast, so they were able to escape their lives. Although the situation at the time was extremely dangerous, all three felt very exciting.

"Brother, our dried fruit will be finished again."

Zhao Cheng is thirty years old, with a tall body and a Chinese face. As for hairstyles and the like, a few people do not have trims at the moment. His hair is long and looks a little dirty.

However, he had a baby mole with the size of a baby's small thumb, which could clearly distinguish his identity.

At this moment beside him, a young man with a slightly thinner body reminded him, and this young man, named Du Qiu

Zhao Chengzhao glanced into the cabin and said, "Don't panic, wait two days to see if we can find a new island. If we can't do it, we will grow sprouts."

The young Du Qiu beside him nodded, then walked to the side and began to draw the corresponding route map.

Before they set off, they also had a route map, but they were no longer needed. The place they arrived in was a new area.

Du Qiu is responsible for drawing the corresponding route map in their group.

Two more days passed ~ ~ This time Zhao Cheng was ready to return to the cabin to grow sprouts, but it was at this time that Du Qiu on the deck ran in and yelled at him: "Brother Cheng, brother Cheng Do n’t be busy, there are two islands in front of us! "

Zhao Cheng, who was about to prepare bean sprouts, was shocked and quickly got out of the cabin. Then he looked at the place where Du Qiu was pointing. It was only opposite them. There really were two small islands standing there.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Although there are bean sprouts to eat, this kind of material is a little less, and now there are islands, which is undoubtedly good news for their group.

You can replenish supplies on the island, dry the fruits, and maybe even find edible plants like tea.

"Go all out!"

Zhao Cheng stood on the deck, waved his hand, and shouted.

PS: Thank you for the 100 coins of the sad ghost feather reward, thank you, thank you greatly.

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