All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 312: Swallow directly

On the broad sea surface, a small and large sound of water suddenly sounded, like in such a naval battle, this sound could not say what attracted attention.

However, there was a huge ripple on the sea, so the attention of all the ships fell on this surface.

The war stopped temporarily, and the lens of each sea boat was pointed at this side, aiming at this rippling sea, only to see below this ripple, there was a huge shadow.

"God, what the **** is that."

Among the pirates and their fleet, the most marginal sea ships startled, and their captain instinctively let the sailors on the ship aim the attacking weapon at the shadow that was swimming towards them.

"That is definitely a sea beast."

One of the captains shouted like this, "Damn, we can't let it come close, fire me, fire!"

That shadow was too big, so the pirates were given unparalleled pressure, and the cannonballs blasted towards the opposite side like meteors, and then bombarded Fang Yun.

The power of these shells is not bad, but it's not a little bit worse to break Fang Yun's defensive power. The big guy went directly to the big ship he was staring at in the rain.

"Pang team, what do we do now?"

In the command room of the big ship at the center of the Mitty Sea Trade Fleet, Luo Hai looked at the scene displayed in the screen in front of him, and asked Pang Ming next to him.

"Let's watch it change."

Pang Ming took a breath and stared closely at the screen in front of him. The image above showed that a terrifying sea beast swam towards the pirate fleet.

The size of this sea beast must be huge, because the water ripples it swells are several kilometers long.

"Oh, Luo Hai, give us the rest of the sea boat orders, all give me a slow retreat."

There was a faint expression of excitement on Pang Ming's face, maybe they were going to have a good show, he was already desperate, but he didn't expect that a huge sea beast appeared at the critical moment. Seeing that the pirate's attacks don't work for him now?

What's more important is that this sea beast, the straight pirate attacked the past, and there is no tendency to turn around.

"Hah, it feels like tickling."

Fang Yun wanders in the sea, and now the explosive-filled shells have absolutely no effect on him. I am afraid that only energy cannons can threaten him slightly.

"Go on the energy cannon."

On the sea boat stared at by Fang Yun, the captain yelled at this time, he had a feeling that this giant sea beast was directed at their ship.

No way, their sea ship is at the edge of the fleet.


A white light flew towards Fang Yun. This is an energy cannon. In the blink of an eye, he came to the top of Fang Yun's head and then exploded.

At the same time as a loud noise, a terrifying white light spread out, and the surrounding space began to distort, and then a white mist evaporated, which was evaporated seawater.


Fang Yun pretended to take a breath, "It hurts a little."

That's all.

Fang Yun could feel that there was a place on his back with a little injury, but this injury was healed within two or three seconds after it appeared.

"This energy shell is still weak."

Fang Yun said in his heart that the defense is high and the blood is quick. This pirate ship can't take him completely, because the energy cannon in the opponent's hands is not particularly advanced.


Just in Fang Yun's delusion, another energy cannon flew towards Fang Yun, exploded on Fang Yun's back, and then there was another energy cannon flew over.

This time it was not only the sea ship he was staring at that fired energy shells, but even other pirate ships, the other party's cloud also launched an attack.

Obviously, the pirates have understood that Fang Yun is different from other sea beasts, this time they are in big trouble.

"Damn, what kind of sea beast is this?"

On top of the huge sea boat in the middle, the white beard looked at the light curtain in front of him, screaming, "So many energy cannons haven't even killed this shit."

In the light curtain, the endless water vapor diffused slightly, and under the sea surface, a huge black shadow was still floating, as if not affected by Ding Dian.

"Fry me, blow me fiercely!"

White Beard shouted at this time, "Don't let that guy come over!"

All pirate ships are attacking Fang Yun. No matter underwater or in the air, there are bombs flying towards Fang Yun.

"The worms generally resist."

Fang Yun laughed in his heart, "At this time, he was the nearest sea boat, but only about a kilometer away, so he suddenly raised his head from the water."


A huge python, suddenly withdrawn his head from the water. The huge head like a mountain stood in the water. The pirates were able to see Fang Yunzheng, and all of them were scared.

"Oh, **** ..."

Above the sea boat closest to Fang Yun, the captain stared at the horror beast in front of him. After a while, he suddenly shouted, "Run!"

They are completely incapable of killing this beast, and now there is only one option left, that is to escape, even if the chance of escape is very small.

The captain got on a motorboat, and then flew out of the smoke to head forward. As for the other sailors, some of them grabbed the motorboat and fled crazy. If they didn't grab the motorboat, they all jumped into the sea ~ ~ Then one by one swam forward to the front.

Fang Yun ignored the pirates, and the huge body swam to the front of the sea boat. The current sea boat is one kilometer long.

According to the system's prompt, this sea ship can provide him with 500,000 points of bioenergy.

"Not bad."

Fang Yun was satisfied, but also had a little doubt, "I don't know if the biological energy provided by the sea boat is based on size, or there are other criteria for judging."

When thinking about it, Fang Yun directly coiled this sea boat. Under the frightened eyes of everyone, this sea boat made an overwhelming voice of "click", and it became a piece after a while. "Twist".

Fang Yun swallowed this sea boat bit by bit from the beginning.

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