The wormhole portal twists the surrounding space, and a burst of radioactive light scatters from the middle of the wormhole door towards the surroundings, forming a brilliant light in space.

The space gate is naturally huge, but it has to accommodate the existence of a planet.

First of all, it was still a fighter plane that entered the wormhole gate. After the fighter plane confirmed that there was no danger on this side, the others started to depart.

The two planets passed through the wormhole through the door one after another, and Fang Yun was naturally among them.

After they got back to God again, they arrived in another star field.

Fang Yun looked at the void around him, and there were several moon-sized planets near them. In addition, farther away, a huge red sun was burning.

Brahma constellation, Pattum galaxy.

That huge red sun is the Patem star, Tang Guo and they are planning to build a base here.

The planetary engine pushes the earth star into a space. The distance between it and the Patem star is just right, which is very suitable for the survival of the Blue Star people.

After placing the earth star down, the Blue Stars immediately set about controlling the nearby space. Their plan was to build wormholes one after another on the nearby planet through the gate for short distance transmission.

Because the wormhole crossing gate has a small size and a short distance, it does not need to consume much energy at all, which allows the wormhole crossing gate to exist for a long time.

The Blue Star people work like ants. They plan their plans in an orderly manner. Seven years later, they can say that they have full control of this star field and begin to explore the space near Brahma Star Field.

At the same time, they also built a wormhole through the door leading to the battlefield of burning sky.

After another three years, the Blue Star people are ready to set off toward the grave star battlefield.

Now, the Blue Stars have a population of 3 billion, and the level of technology is also explosively increasing. Their strongest fighter warfare also appeared in the second generation five years ago.

This team of warlords also expanded, and a second squadron was established under the direct command of Tang Guo.

The first squadron is the previous group of people, plus some new members, under the command of Horner.

This time, the senior leaders of the Blue Stars unanimously decided that Tang Guo would lead a team of warlords' second squadrons to **** a group of people into the grave star battlefield, and the first squadron led by Horner was the hometown of the defending Blue Stars.

On this day, on a planet in the Brahma field, a huge device was put into operation, which made the space in its outer space have a sense of distortion, then a gorgeous aurora burst out, and then a wormhole passed through the door Appeared.

And across the door from this wormhole, there is a huge team floating quietly.

Fifty-five war fighter second-generation fighter planes surround two huge skyships. The two spaceships are about 10 kilometers in length, which is considered a Big Mac.

Now the Blue Stars have been used in miniaturized space jumping devices, and they can still be installed on spaceships.

However, they have no related routes, which makes their technology useless, but as time goes by, their forces will expand outwards and they will definitely have their own space routes.

This team is exactly the team that Tang Guo is about to enter the grave star battlefield. The two spaceships in the middle are loaded with a batch of cargo and the manpower they are going to establish a base there.

Soon, Tang Guo was directing manpower to cross.

At the end, Tang Guo turned his head to her left, only to see that there were two terrifying monsters floating in silence.

Fang Yun, big turtle.

The sea turtle and Fang Yun have been separated for a long time. The former has been on the earth star before, but Fang Yun has always been in space.

This time Fang Yun was preparing to enter the grave star battlefield, and finally brought this big guy on.

The sea turtle can also survive in space, but it does not have to worry about its safety.

"Ulobolos, let's go."

Tang Guo greeted, and then resolutely flew past the door across the door, and then Fang Yun and the turtle followed.

After a period of discomfort, Fang Yun woke them up, and their eyes were a strange star field.

"It's a strange feeling."

Fang Yun did not know whether it was his own illusion. Being in this star field gave him a sense of nervousness, and seemed to be able to smell a smoky smoke.

There are so many stars in this area, densely packed.

Near them, there are dozens of large and small planets. Of course, the true distance is certainly very far away.

But one thing can be seen, it is true that there has been a war here, because Fang Yun saw a planet that burst to only half.

If this planet is restored, its size is at least more than twice that of the Earth star.

Such a huge planet, the result was burst and opened, it is conceivable to what extent the battles experienced here at that time have reached.

"This is a annihilation-level battle."

Fang Yun couldn't help but sigh. It is a trivial matter to destroy a planet after a battle. Obviously, this has reached the level of star annihilation.

The Grave Star Battlefield is a ruin caused by a super civilization in the galaxy against the invaders. According to legend, that civilization has already disappeared in the long river of history. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Tianhe to control the galaxy.

"Professor Fu, I will give you the job of finding the base."

Behind the team, Tang Guo communicated with the spaceship ahead.

Inside that spaceship, there was an old man in his fifties looking at the computer. At the next moment, a light curtain popped out in front of him.

Above that light curtain, there was just a face.

It is Tang Guo.

Immediately, Tang Guo's voice came out.

"No problem." Fu Chunlin nodded his head. This is his job. Looking for a planet suitable for them to do bases in this area ~ ~ When Tang Guo directed the manpower to start work, Fang Yun sent a message to Tang Guo. Then, his huge body twisted and took the turtle away.

He was going to go around the battlefield of the grave star alone to see if he could gain something.

From the interplanetary map obtained by Liver from their space cargo ship, Fang Yun learned the specific map of the grave star battlefield, and knew that they were currently only on the edge of the grave star battlefield.

In this area, the maximum diameter is as high as 180 light-years, which is extremely broad.

Fang Yun set off, and the big turtle surrounded him, looking very excited, and howling from time to time.

Sound waves can't be transmitted in space, but there are waves of electromagnetic waves.

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