"Master Royberg, we have to leave here as soon as possible. This python is not something we can deal with anymore."

On one side, King Khan of the Star Blue Empire, after a moment of stunned god, suddenly recovered, and said to Roy Borg beside him.

Roy Borg suddenly realized, "Yes, yes, we have to leave quickly."

"Start the hyperspace engine immediately, turn on the limit state, and leave here immediately."

Under the limit state, the tower figure can enter the hyperspace in just three or four seconds, and then realize the hyperspace shuttle.


The entire ship was trembling at this time, and immediately, around the Tatum, the space suddenly became distorted, and the Tatum ’s hull began to faintly. Is the performance when entering the hyperspace.

"Want space shuttle?"

Fang Yun's eyes noticed the tower figure, and he threw it directly at the "Extreme Gravity". The entire ship shuddered suddenly at this time, which was originally hidden in the space, but now it suddenly came from him. Flying out of a state of hyperspace.


Inside the control center of Tatuk, King Zahan, Roy Borg, and John, Murray, were suddenly affected by this effect at the moment, all yelled.

The spaceship was suddenly pulled out of this hyperspace state, they also suffered a huge pull, and even some people spewed blood from their mouths.

"How is this going?"

Roy Berger was really panicking this time. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and glanced around the control center. At this time, inside the control center, all kinds of warning lights were made, and the sound of the alarm was endless.

Obviously, this is because some parts inside the spacecraft have been damaged, so the police started crazy.

"Damn, Tatuk can't escape."

Roy Borg's heart suddenly became clear, but he still panicked, but at least his mind was sober.

"I have to leave here, I don't want to die here."

Roy Borg yelled in his heart, and then left in one direction.

"Master Roy Borg, Lord Roy Borg."

King Zahan on the side saw Roy Borg suddenly leave, the whole person was stunned, and even after yelling twice, he wanted to chase out, but suddenly, the whole ship There was a fierce tremor, and he was staggering again, almost falling.

Roy Borg, who ran away, was missing.

Royberg stumbled towards a secret room, where an escape device was blocked.

"Huh, fortunately this escape cabin was installed on the Tatuk."

Roy Borg said this in his heart, and then immediately got into the escape cabin, and then activated the escape device.


This device is still operational and has not been damaged in previous wars.

The hatch behind the escape cabin opened at once, exposing the dark space, and then the escape cabin flew out suddenly, then disappeared into space.

This escape cabin, just a second or two, is the completion of the space shuttle.

Fang Yun in the distance felt this change, but he did not react, and Tatuk was bombarding him.

"Something seemed to have slipped away."

Fang Yun thought this way, but then he shook his head and threw those misunderstandings into his mind, devoting himself to the huge spaceship in front of him.

He did not take the initiative to attack the opposite, but was consuming their energy.

Before he heard the system's prompt, this star destroyer can provide him with 1 billion bioenergy, which is terrifying.


Fang Yun once again bombed a Norton-class star destroyer. So far, all Norton-class star destroyers have been bombed by Fang Yun. Now, only one Tatuk is left.

And some of the other fighters fled into the depths of space after seeing that something was impossible.

But where can their fighters fly in this vast space?

In the previous battle with Fang Yun, each fighter has a large consumption. For such a fighter, the energy carried is not much. Previously, after consuming a part of it, now only one is left. A small part.

These energy sources simply cannot support them in long-distance space shuttles.

The space here is extremely desolate, and it is very difficult to find a supply planet.


Another laser cannon flew towards Fang Yun, but Fang Yun dodged flexibly, and now this piece of space became extremely empty again, and Fang Yun could gallop at will.

But he was also getting closer to the Tatum.

"Master Royburg, Lord Royberg, he, he escaped ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Inside the control center of Tatuk, the message about Royberg escape has been passed, because before At the time, the system gave the corresponding message, which surprised everyone.

Especially King Khan, who was extremely panicked at the moment, also had a kind of resentment.

"Why not take me with you?"

King Zahan was furious in his heart, "I'm the King of the Star Blue Empire, I don't want to die here."

However, how angry, desperate, and resentful he is now is of no avail. The resources of the star destroyer they are riding on have already begun to panic.

"Damn, our energy is almost on the alert."

A soldier yelled in this way, making the atmosphere in the control center even more flustered.

"Don't rush, don't rush."

"Damn, let that guy come, even if we are dead, it won't make it better."

"Yes, let that python come over."

"No, don't let it come over."

At this time, King Zahan, after hearing the words of the soldiers, started yelling wildly, "Give me all the bombardment, don't let that guy come over."

However, no one listened to him in the control center.

Seeing such a scene, Zahan was even more angry. He looked to Murray, John, and Payne. "Murray, Murray, hurry, you let them stop the big guy."

But Murray on the side just stood there, silently.

At the moment, he looked sullen. His heart was already desperate. They had nowhere to go, and this khan made him order those people to stop the big python.

Not to mention if he could stop the giant python, he simply did not have the ability to command these soldiers.

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