All-round Athlete

Chapter 637: Rain War Master (1/20)

Chapter 637 Rain Fighting Master (120)

It started to rain. This also shows that Ferrari's strategy is correct.

The rain came quickly, and the track was wet almost in the blink of an eye. At this time, the cars running on the track had not had time to go back to change the rain tires, and the cars running on the wet ground with dry tires began to skid uncontrollably. Even as strong as Alonso, almost slipped off the track.

The maintenance station was very busy, changing tires and refueling. As soon as the first car left, the second car came in, and the maintenance technicians seemed to be in a hurry. All the racing cars have put on heavy rain tires to welcome the upcoming rain battle.

"It's raining, here's your chance!"

"Rain fighting! Zhang Guan must not be good at rain fighting! Just take this opportunity to catch up."

"This is Zhang Guan's first time running in the rain, maybe he will make a mistake!"

The minds of the drivers behind were floating.

Rosberg of the Williams team is in second place at this time. He played very well today. He has been in the second position since he surpassed two Toyotas at the start. It's just that the gap between him and Zhang Guan is a bit big, reaching 18.1 seconds.

"How far is the difference between me and Zhang Guan?" Rosberg asked the team just after running past the timing point at the finish line.

"The gap between you and Zhang Guan is 18 seconds! To be precise, it is 18.133 seconds!" The team's voice came from the radio.

"18 seconds? Well, I will try to catch him within fifteen laps!" Rosberg said.

Rosberg was born into a racing family, his father Keke Rosberg was the 1982 Formula One world champion. In European and American countries, many drivers from this kind of racing family first learn to drive a car and then learn to run. Rosberg, who is only 23 years old this year, grew up on a racing track.

As a German driver, although Rosberg is not as brilliant as his compatriot Vettel, he is absolutely top-notch in terms of driving skills, and since Schumacher, German drivers are more good at rain. Berger also fully inherited this.

The Williams car driven by Rosberg also used an improved rear diffuser, which was eye-catching in the race, which also gave Rosberg greater ambitions, and he even felt that today he might be able to win To the first Formula One race champion in life.

Rosberg became extremely focused, all his attention was focused on the track, he carefully completed every detail, every corner, he was careful, and he did not dare to take it lightly.

At the end of the long straight again, Rosberg stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and at the same time relaxed a little. In the lap just now, he was very satisfied with his performance. He did not make any mistakes, and there were several corners Turned perfectly.

"The lap just now, I may have caught up to two seconds! If you run like this, it will take less than fifteen laps, maybe ten laps, to catch up with Zhang Guan." Rosberg thought a little excitedly , he pressed the radio button, opened his mouth and asked, "How far did I catch up in the last lap?"

"Uh..." No one answered at the other end of the wireless transmission, but a hesitant voice came.

"Which guy on the other side is answering the radio, mathematics is taught by the physical education teacher! It takes so much time to count." Rosberg thought to himself, and at the same time he said: "Tell me directly, how far is the difference between me and Zhang Guan?" Seconds!"

"Well, just at the last timing point, the gap between you is 19.041 seconds." Such a reply came from the radio.

"What? How much?" Rosberg asked in disbelief.

"19.041 seconds!" The data was repeated again on the radio.

"The gap between us in the last lap was 18.133 seconds, but now it is 19.041 seconds. How could this be? The gap between me and Zhang Guan has not narrowed, but has widened by 0.9 seconds! How is this possible!" Rosberg thought in his heart Like ten thousand horses galloping, the feeling of excitement just now was swept away.

"Could it be that Zhang Guan is a master of rain fighting?"


There are many drivers who are good at rain fighting in Formula One, and there is one person who is named "Rain God" and is recognized as the strongest in rain fighting.

This person is of course the car king Michael Schumacher!

In the 1992 Belgian Grand Prix, Schumacher defeated Senna in the rain and won the first F1 championship in his life. Since then, Schumacher has started his own legend of "Rain God".

Four years later in Spain, Schumacher got into the red Ferrari. The Ferrari F310 he was driving was hailed as the worst Ferrari car, but Schumacher was still in the rain and took him to Ferrari. The first champion in the future began his five consecutive championships.

Schumacher's rain battle can cite countless more classic examples. His career has also been accompanied by countless championships in the rain. The rain battle is a race for other drivers, but for Schumacher, it is more like walking in the rain and dancing in the rain. It can be said that no one can compare to Schumacher in terms of level and experience in rain battles.

Zhang Guan learned from Schumacher's experience book and also brought him all the game experience about rain battles.

Rosberg is indeed a very good driver, and his Williams car is also very competitive in this race. If compared with the average driver, Rosberg won the race in the lap just now. The performance is good enough, but compared with Zhang Guan who has the experience of Schumacher, it is really a lot worse.

The TV broadcaster gave a data comparison of three laps. Zhang Guan was 0.9 seconds, 1.1 seconds and 0.8 seconds faster than the second-placed Rosberg in the last three laps, which can be said to be a crushing race. data. Of course, the speed of the racing cars in the rain race is slower than that on the dry ground, and the gap between them seems to be larger.

"It seems that Rosberg is not good at fighting in the rain!"

"Yeah, the three laps are nearly 3 seconds slower than Zhang Guan. I think there are many cars behind that are about to catch up!"

People were talking, and the screen showed the gap between Rosberg and third place Barrichello every lap.

"0.2 seconds, minus 0.3 seconds, minus 0.1 seconds, Rosberg and Barrichello, the difference between the three laps is only 0.2 seconds, which seems to be a reasonable number!"

"Wait a minute, look at Zhang Guanchao's slow movement, so skillful!"

"Yeah, the slow car didn't even have time to give way, and was directly overtaken by Zhang Guan using continuous bends. In the rainy battle, he was able to exit the corner with such a good speed."

"The braking point just now was controlled just right, and only a small amount of speed was lost when entering the corner, and the slow car was obviously worried about skidding after braking with a big foot, so the direction was too big, and the speed of the corner was affected as a result. .”

Audiences who understand racing began to discuss from a professional perspective.

"Wait a minute, I remember someone told me that new drivers are not good at fighting in the rain!"

"Zhang Guan has never even driven a karting before. This is only his second race."

"It was a rain fight in the second game, which is really unlucky!"

"Unlucky? Can't you see that on the whole track, only a few crowns are the most handy! He seems to be very adaptable to the rain, and he drives better than everyone else!"

"What the hell is going on here? How can a new driver be the strongest in the rain on the track?"

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