All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1000 Why did I choose you to treat me? Because my daughter loves it!

Li An just said it casually, but it was quickly recognized by Zhao Xun.

Maybe he was too enthusiastic.

Because of his enthusiasm, the woman miscalculated his identity.

I think he's a petty aristocrat, not--

This explains why she has no emotion for such a face.

After all, this kind of woman who has entered the society is very realistic.

Good-looking faces and knowledge can no longer attract them, they have to see financial resources and power.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xun's rating on Jiang Qiuqiu automatically dropped by another notch. This kind of woman... is really ordinary.

Li An didn't know what the Second Highness, who had some problems with his mind, had made up his mind, but he felt that the surroundings were finally quiet.


This is the last half hour at the end of the morning.

Qiuqiu rushed to the last house and pushed open the door. There were mostly double wards and multi-person wards on the fifth floor, so when Qiuqiu opened the door, she saw two middle-aged women.


She was about to look through the file to see who her patient was, when she heard one of them call her: "Is it Dr. Jiang?"

She raised her eyes, took two glances and walked towards the woman who was talking.

After a closer look, Qiuqiu found that the woman was a little tricky.

At first glance, the sixth sense detection, the radiation force is actually relatively stable.

But what is unstable is the damage to her body. According to the data, she has been irradiated for about 20 years. According to the situation of other people, in 20 years, the radiation force should have quickly entered the plateau period, and it will neither move nor disappear. time period.

but! The skin on this woman's face was festering. Not only her face, but also her body would have some white spots, and the skin on her neck was particularly loose.

At 74 years old, this middle-aged 'tail' in the interstellar space should have looked youthful and beautiful.

She frowned.

I heard a few laughs.

"I can't be saved." As the owner of the body, the policewoman is the one who can feel the loss of vitality and weakness the most, "Doctor Jiang, don't frown."

Maybe go to the hospital below to practice, in addition to practicing skills, you should also practice speaking skills.

Why is there a patient who has been injured and said with certainty that he is going to die before starting to look at it.

Also - so generous.

But the more generous and calm she was, the more Qiuqiu wanted to snatch people back from the god of death.

"I haven't started treatment yet, I haven't decided on a plan, why are you so sure?"

"I know my body... The radiation source I'm in contact with is too strong, and my body is too weak to receive too much mental power. I can feel my body empty recently."

Disappearing with the radiation is the life force deposited.

"There's no other way to save me. I'm really sorry. It happened when you came to support me at such a young age."

She is still very transparent. After she finished speaking, she didn't know what to think, and said, "It seems that all the college students you come here will leave after two months of support. Then I won't drag your reputation down, and I will try my best to finish these two things. It would be good to die in a month."

"... Officer Wang, don't talk about dead words."

"No, life and death are God's will. I don't talk about it, I just want to chat with you. There is a reason for appointing you this time."

"Huh?" Qiuqiu didn't think that at a young age, he didn't have any achievements in healing and spiritual power was so strong that it was passed down by the grandmother of the nursing home.

Sure enough, the reason for the patient, Officer Wang, was outrageous.

"Do you cook while you're in therapy?"

"My daughter is a big fan of yours. She especially likes to eat the dishes you make. She made a birthday wish some time ago to be able to eat the dishes you make."

In other words-

Daughter, Panpan, meal.

So, just ordered you.

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