All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1003 Ordinary and confident

He throws the cake.

Without waiting for Qiuqiu to answer, he immediately said, "You will still have a separate office to become Marquis Li An's exclusive therapist, and the negotiated remuneration will not change."

"And, I can also promise you a certain amount of healing spar after each treatment stage."

Zhao Xun felt that every action he made and every word he said were perfect.

Raise your hand to reveal the royally made gold terminal.

The first sentence, with a little royal temperament and style.

The second sentence, who knows the director of the Kishi Sanatorium, and who can get to know the director and assign her as an exclusive spiritual healer is what class, you should think about it with your knees, right?

The third sentence, pay.

Not an ordinary star coin, but a spiritual healing spar!

Isn't she a training freak? He must really want to heal the spar.

In just three sentences, he immediately expressed his connotation. Zhao Xun is confident, his connotation, worth, and his appearance, are absolutely lore.

No young woman could walk past him without a wave.

But he didn't know that after Li An lying on the hospital bed heard one sentence after another, he put the pillow over his face in pain, moved the quilt, and completely covered himself.


Shit, what a shame.

And Qiuqiu felt that there were too many words to say. She didn't want to answer this bunch of strange words, and directly mentioned the first sentence coldly.

"Have you eaten the lunch I made, sir?"

This is because I think the food I cook is delicious, and I have more spiritual power to heal. Can I talk about higher conditions? Zhao Xun thought to himself, delicious is delicious, but——

Don't be too greedy.

People can't be too arrogant, and women can't hold them too high.

After thinking about it, he hummed, "Eat, although it's not bad." He can't distort the facts too much, "But it's still worse than a real private chef..."

But before this comment was finished, it was interrupted by Qiuqiu's laughter.

And not a gentle smile, but a sneer.

Qiuqiu rarely showed such an expression. She put away the things she brought and glanced at Zhao Xun, "Sir, do you know that the porridge at noon is a therapeutic meal?"

"Didn't you hear Duke Li An say that the amount of porridge is not enough? You are a healthy and normal person, and you still want to grab a healing meal from a patient's mouth?"

"Are you embarrassed?"

Is she okay? With a sound, the contempt in his tone almost rushed out of the sky.

Zhao Xun: ...

"Also, I came here to do support therapy, not to become someone's exclusive healer." Jiang Qiuqiu was annoyed when he saw him, "You should have heard that the healing effect of spiritual healers is related to mood."

"If you are really a friend of the patient and hope that the patient's condition will get better, then please don't come when I come next time." Qiuqiu smiled slightly, "Because I feel a little uncomfortable when I see you."

The face of the proud man and the noble girl's killer suddenly turned ashen.

But Qiuqiu didn't care either.

She came to experience, not to serve people.

She is willing to be kind to Ang Lee because she admires Ang Lee who fights for the stars and is a general who returns with honor.

And this dung beetle, who was killed halfway, was annoying to look at.

A shit stick.

Passing by him, Qiuqiu opened the door and went directly to the elevator entrance, preparing to go to the fifth floor, and finally looked at Officer Wang.

The porridge served to her was slightly different.

I don't know how the power in her body will fluctuate after she drinks it.

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