All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1007 Mo Si: I'm going to find you?

What can I say, it's normal.

The only thing that made people uncomfortable was the man with a brain problem in the ward of Marquis Li An, and the daughter of Police Officer Wang who looked a little angry, and there was nothing else.

But this annoying emotion, Qiuqiu has already been adjusted in five hours from afternoon to evening.

After all, it's a small thing.

But at this moment, when Mo Si asked, Qiuqiu couldn't help but talk about the two of them.

I just want to share it with my boyfriend, I just want to be petty.


When listening to Officer Wang's daughter, Mo Si frowned, "Do you disrespect your elders so much?"

"Yeah, I don't care about my mother's physical condition at all." She was a little puffed up.

Seeing that her mood was fluctuating, Mosi comforted her, "It's actually fine."

"Like you told her, you're just in charge of treating her body."

It is natural to cooperate with the doctor's advice, and you can't force it if you don't cooperate.

Mo Si understands the truth very well. In this planet and the universe, not everyone you have the ability to save, you can save.

"Hmmmm, I know, I'm very open to it."

"And there's another weirdo? Who is it?"

The other is the man in the ward of Marquis Li An. Qiuqiu described his appearance in a small way. The more Mo Si listened, the more frowned he became.

Isn't that just talking about nothing?

Still talking about Qiuqiu?

Adult males, that must have bad intentions!

"Do you know what his name is?" Mo Si asked.

Qiuqiu pouted, "I don't know, I didn't listen to his introduction and didn't ask."

"The people who come across inexplicably at this time are probably coming for you." Bacheng is an unknown person who saw the name of 'healer' rushing up. Mo Si said: "Keep away from those who have ulterior motives. !"


"It's you who's excited now." Qiuqiu smiled, with a big smile on his face, "I must stay away from him, there is something wrong with my brain."


After speaking a few more words, the speed of the two of them slowly decreased, and the time was getting late.

Before I knew it, the night fell again.

When we were separated by tens of thousands of light-years before, it was a long-distance relationship.

Now they are finally under the same nebula again, but they have their own personal affairs, and they have become a long-distance relationship again.

Every inch of time spent together is so precious.

He looked at Qiuqiu quietly, but it was really too late, he really had to fall asleep.

"Qiuqiu, it's time to say good night."

It's more than Mosi who is reluctant to give up. Sometimes the girl is very emotional. Qiuqiu's eyes are concentrated, and she sighs, "I'm really reluctant to hang up the communication."

"really miss you."

Although they were separated not long ago.

Although... when we meet, it's just eating, drinking and playing.

The three words are like pushing the valve of a reservoir, and the thoughts over there are like a mountain, how can I stand such a sentence.

After being silent for a while, Mo Si thought for a moment and said quietly, "Then why don't I go to find you?"

"Huh?" Qiuqiu was stunned, "Looking for me?"


"I'm going in a hover car."


So, is this hardcore?

I miss you, you come to me?

But forget it, "It's very late, it's too far from the city."


"We will continue to work tomorrow, and we can't hold back together again when you come." Qiuqiu gave another significant gift, "So in order to be more energetic tomorrow, let's forget it."

Mo Si, who was amused by this little joke, also laughed.

"OK then."

"good night!"

"OK, good night."

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