All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1009 Reluctant to let the girl jump into the fire pit

Her schedule and things are very tight.

Li An was lying on the bed, looking sideways at the girl sitting on the sofa, struggling for a long time.

Back then, he was also an upright young man...


Forget it, although I don't know what Zhao Xun's idea was, he is a giant fire pit.

Although this girl seems to be relatively resistant at present, but since ancient times, men have been chasing women in an endless stream, and the soft can't be hard.

Little girls always have some disadvantages in this regard.

So before Qiuqiu left, Li An stopped her.

Without waiting for Qiuqiu to ask what was the matter, he kept his face secret for a long time, "Dr. Jiang, be careful in the hospital alone."

"Especially be careful not to use a man with a heart."

After speaking, he went straight into the quilt.

A waste person, it is already out of conscience to say this.

Li An didn't dare to say too much, he also has a family, he has lost money, his wife and children are too many, he can't bring them glory, and he can't...

Don't let them be affected.

People in the royal family look sideways.

Qiuqiu closed the door, stood at the entrance of the promenade for a while, and then quietly went to the fifth floor.

On the way, she thought about the recent events and the person yesterday.

So the man with a problem in his head kept saying that he was Li An's friend, but in fact the relationship between the two should not be good.

Even Li An can't stand him.

I can't stand it, but I have to cooperate...

That man is higher than the marquis?

Wouldn't it be nice for a noble to come to her in person?

Something is wrong.


Some wandered to the ward on the fifth floor, and it was Police Officer Wang with a pale face.

Yesterday's diet therapy has not yet started, and today I don't dare to perform treatment indiscriminately. Qiuqiu still uses a relatively conservative method, using the "long" mental force to increase and decrease the power of radiation.

This is also a cumbersome process.

You have to keep pulling your spiritual power into filaments, sending them into the spiritual sea of ​​others, controlling the wind direction of the silk thread, the strength of the silk thread's blasting, and controlling other silk threads...

Treating Officer Wang was more tiring than Marquis Li An.

She has the most complicated treatment steps among the ten patients.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Qiuqiu asked Officer Wang how he felt.

Officer Wang felt it carefully, "It seems... lighter?"

In fact, after being tormented by the pain for so long, Officer Wang's sensory nerves have been unable to keep up, and she cannot detect the subtle differences.

But the little girl worked so hard in order to treat her. Whether it was useful or not, Officer Wang had to say it was useful.

Otherwise people will be lost.

Thinking about it, she immediately repeated and confirmed her answer, smiling silly, "Yes, it's much easier."

From some to many.

Qiuqiu: ...

She knew that the effect was minimal.

A lot to say, it's pure compliment.

Looking at the woman in front of her, her smile, her words, it's hard not to feel pity.

The meek suffer this unjust fate.

"It's good to have an effect." Qiuqiu snorted a wave of cases, "If it has an effect, we will continue to do this treatment."

"In conjunction with the noon diet, do the first stage first." In Qiuqiu's vision, there is still a second stage. In the second stage, Officer Wang can change from one meal to two or three meals.

If everything goes the way she envisioned, she is very likely to be semi-recovered.

For a moment, Qiuqiu's thoughts bounced far away.

But soon, everything was pulled back by the words in reality.

Officer Wang asked weakly again, "Do I have to eat all the dishes for the noon diet?"

She asked, obviously embarrassed, "Can I give my daughter a share? She really wants to eat."

Speaking of such an unsatisfactory and selfish daughter, Officer Wang still had a smile on his face.

It's the kind of smile that parents bring to their children.


"Yes." Qiuqiu said, "But you have to be careful."

Qiuqiu mentioned a key word here, "It's a try, a taste."

Not to eat. Then eat it up.

Good night! Chimi!

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