All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1016: His Royal Highness the Prince's debut

Just when Ang Lee was singing loudly in his mind that you are not worthy of you, an uninvited guest appeared at the door.

Seeing the face of the person who came, Li An cursed three hundred times in his heart.

He grabbed the wheel of the wheelchair.

"Marquis Li An." Zhao Xun's voice was light.

"Your Highness." Your mother.

"Are you going downstairs again?"

"I'm scared, it's really Dr. Jiang who told me to go." Your mother.

Zhao Xun showed a very uncomfortable expression. He had sent it up before, and then he directly called Li An down...

What does this mean! She had seen him alone in Li An's ward! !

Do you think he stole it? !

His majesty, how could he steal it!

He clearly ate it openly, this is what Li An gave to him!

If Li An knew what this idiot was thinking about, he would probably explode immediately, poking his own jio into Zhao Xun's mind and shouting that your brain was flooded? Athlete's foot does not stink from your thoughts! !

Why don't these two guys talk... the time is almost up.

Li An looked at Zhao Xun, and the eyes were small and slanted. No wonder he had a bad brain. He looked at his face. There is no meat in the body, like a bamboo pole!

Just when Li An was about to find a substitute for Zhao Xun's whole body, Zhao Xun said, "Today, go down and finish your meal early and leave early."


what do you mean.

Li An asked in a low voice, "Does your Highness have anything to do with Dr. Jiang?"


"By the way, I will go to her office to find you later. You see me and call me directly, Your Highness, you know?"

"His Royal Highness?" Li An was startled, "Isn't His Highness's identity exposed?"

Zhao Xun smiled charmingly.

All you need is exposure.


Li An understands what he means, co-authoring this is a status offensive?

On the way downstairs, the middle-aged old man who lost his legs was a little worried.

Because in his opinion, the status of the prince and your highness still holds a great place in the hearts of young girls.

Although Dr. Jiang didn't look like someone disturbed by common things, he was still afraid.

So when he was having dinner with Qiuqiu today, he couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Jiang, what do you think of the status of a prince?"


"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

"Well...just want to know what you young people think about the royal family." He was a little squeamish.

Qiuqiu: ?

"Shouldn't you tell me after you've asked, that you are actually the exiled prince of a certain royal family?"


"How is that possible!" Li An spat, "I'm just a marquis." Still a low-level marquis without land.

"I don't feel it." Maybe it's because he was born under the national flag, grew up in the spring breeze, and grew up bathed in the glory of socialism. The prince is in the eyes of Qiuqiu... Uh, when it comes to the prince, her mind is the 21st century fever. The half-bald brother who broadcasts the Qing palace drama.

What to say, I don't like it.

She showed a slightly disgusted expression.

Alas! This expression disgusts the royal family. Could it be that Dr. Jiang is from the Free Alliance camp? That's how Prince Zhao Xun's identity was, and Li An felt at ease.

"It doesn't feel right." Zhao Xun said: "I have also been in contact with the royal family, and I feel that the emperor, the prince and the princess are also ordinary people."

Remove the royal halo, nothing.

Suddenly talking about political issues, Qiuqiu was about to make a joke when there was a knock on the door.

Ang Lee pricked up his ears and prepared his most embarrassing lines.

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