All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1018 Unpleasant experience

After Qiuqiu scolded Zhao Xun for a while, she felt very comfortable.

She got off work as usual, and on the way, she was a little curious to search for news about the imperial prince.

But what she was curious about was not that the prince was by my side, but—

There is such a prince!

It is rare to have a problem with the brain to continue to be at a high position.

The description of Zhao Xun on Xingwang is not too detailed, but there are also a few words, saying that he is gentle and solemn, and is the best of the three princes.

Jiang Qiuqiu: ?

That's it? ! The best?

Unable to complain, he talked about it when he was chatting with the little panda at night, and Mo Si frowned again when he heard Zhao Xun's name.

"You know him?"

"It's hard not to know each other." Mo Si's tone of voice sounded like he knew Zhao Xun quite well, "He is very likely to become the successor to the throne."


Qiuqiu's face was full of doubts.

Mo Si knew her question and said, "He is indeed overconfident in himself, sometimes out of character, and has a very strange personality."

"But he is very similar to the current His Majesty." The Zhao family are all narcissistic. According to the current emperor's aesthetics, he is most likely to pass the throne to Zhao Xun.

"Even such a person?" Can succeed?

"Yes." Originally, it was a choice of three, and the taller one was the shorter one.

Moreover, when doing major things, Zhao Xun has the 'virtue' that these emperors have. People in the peripheral areas can be completely impersonal, and life is nothing to him. If you can use a planet as a bait, it will probably be a dead planet. Zhao Xun wouldn't even look down at the person who was like that.

The more I listened, the worse Qiuqiu's sense of Zhao Xun became.

But fortunately, I didn't see him many times.

But what Qiuqiu didn't expect was that as soon as she came up with the idea, the next day, the head office of the Qishi Sanatorium sent her a message saying that an assistant had been arranged for her.



She had a bad feeling about it.

This bad premonition reached its peak after she met Zhao Xun, who was also wearing a white coat, at the door of the office.

That man is so shameless. Yesterday, the two had a dispute, and Qiuqiu demoted him. Today, he can stand in front of Qiuqiu as if nothing had happened, with his hands in his pockets, as if he had left the world and was independent, "Doctor Jiang, no. Think I'm still here? Please give me some advice during this time."

Qiuqiu didn't stretch out her hand.

She slammed on the door as she entered the office.

But it didn't take long for the man to open the door with the key, and seeing Qiuqiu sitting behind the table, he flung the key in his hand like a demonstration.

"Doctor Jiang's frown is also very good-looking."

He sat down and said, "Did Dr. Jiang read my information carefully after going back yesterday? I have to say, you really aroused my interest."

"I have a boyfriend." Qiuqiu got up, pushed the table, and restrained Zhao Xun, who was still trying to move forward.

"Haha." Zhao Xun laughed in a low voice, "It's more fun to win love with a horizontal knife."

Jiang Qiuqiu really started to feel sick.

Nausea, since early March.

After ward rounds, random tests, inspections, and treatment, Qiuqiu had a small tail behind him, including when he was cooking.

When the meal is ready, Qiuqiu will not share it with Zhao Xun, and Zhao Xun will automatically seize Li An's share.

This made Qiuqiu feel very uncomfortable.

After she got off work today, she immediately reported her dissatisfaction with today's assistant to the hospital and asked the dean to revoke the assistant.

The dean shied away a few words, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

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