All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1031 I won't step on it, I'm dumbfounded

Zhao Xun's eyebrows twitched, something, has anyone responded?

Soon, a link and a portal appeared on the homepage.

He was also very curious, and with the group of netizens rushed to Jiang Qiuqiu's Xingwang homepage.

Contrary to what Zhao Xun imagined, Jiang Qiuqiu did not indulge in the illusion of praise. She saw the news after class and immediately logged into the homepage to respond to the matter.

Because Qiuqiu felt that there was nothing to hide, and nothing to respond to.

[Jiang 啾啾: #picture#picture# The above news is a rumor, thank you for your attention and concern, but the training I went to the Qishi Sanatorium at the end of February in the last issue, I did not complete it successfully, so there is no such thing as 'completed than others' Training completes faster' statement.

I know that when the news comes out, there will be a lot of people wondering why I came back halfway and what happened. There were also students in the school who were curious, but I didn't say anything at that time because it was very strange. But now, in order to avoid the hype of those who are interested, and to prevent everyone from getting all kinds of news about me from other places, I decided to tell everyone about it.

1. I automatically interrupt training.

This time the training was interrupted without reaching an agreement with the hospital. In other words, I made a unilateral decision to end it.

Second, I didn't heal as many people as I said in the comments.

Went to a radiation therapy facility and I was sad that another patient assigned to me could not be cured with my limited abilities.

The third is also the most important point that everyone is most concerned about. I came back because I received unfair treatment in the hospital. I have told the school's advisor about the specific matters, hoping to get a proper reply. 】

From start to finish, it's all self-destruction.

He speaks fairly and dares to say it, and his attitude is very clear.

She blasted the fake news almost instantly.

Qiuqiu directly turned the topic around by himself. The eyes of the masses were sharp, and everyone immediately focused on the five words "unfair treatment".


Zhao Xun almost gritted his teeth.

Things changed, Yang Nuannuan didn't understand anything, she sat on the seat in the ward and looked at Zhao Xun from time to time.

She knew Zhao Xun... the second prince.

The person she could not reach in her life actually wanted to cooperate with her.

What an amazing journey.

If you put this kind of journey outside, you can say it's a lifetime, right?

Zhao Xun thought about it for a long time, and finally felt that the opportunity was fleeting, and now is not the best time... His eyes flashed, and he decided to wait.

Wait for a wave of people over there.

He still has a chance, a great chance.

After Zhao Xun left his confidence in his appearance, talent and life experience, he finally regained some sense of timing.


After Qiuqiu sent out the message, he told Xiao Qian Zong and Wan Xing in some big fan groups that he didn't need to comment so intensely this time.

Just take a look.

After the warning here, Qiuqiu came to ask Professor Mei again how the school's review was.

Professor Mei: It is still under review.

As a professor of surfing the Internet, Professor Mei has seen Qiuqiu's post: I am not afraid of being upright.

'Even if there is some objection, the school will make an announcement after checking it. ’

'At that time, you can be cleared. ’ If there is another cooperation with Kistler Sanitarium, you can also ask the nursing home to put up an apology statement.

[Thank you, Professor Mei! 】

【fine. 】

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