All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1052 Turing in the 53rd Century

Everyone, one sentence and one sentence.

Suddenly, a new voice joined the conversation.

Xiao Qian always choked, "Qiuqiu, is your boyfriend by your side too?"

"Ah, yes." When Zhao Xun ascended the throne, the workload on Mosi's side has increased sharply. Recently, there have been endless communications. These confidential matters cannot be handled outside, so recently, he has been in the army. department.

Qiuqiu was fine, so he accompanied Mo Si to the military department.

"Things aren't going down."

"It's just these two days." Mo Si knew that Zhao Xun would not give up this opportunity. "The lawsuit with them is settled."

"Everything is going as planned."

"Oh, Mr. Mo, do you have any inside information?"

"No, but it won't stop."

Well, since it can't be avoided, go with it as is.

Wanxing is also desperately investigating Yang Nuannuan's ID in the circle.

The amount of tasks is also large. After the regulations are in place, the joint communication is suspended there.

After the communication hung up, Qiuqiu became curious, "What's the matter, do you know any first-hand news?"

"Why can't you sink?"

"It will be a little complicated." Mo Si stood up. "To put it simply, this is no longer an involvement between a certain school or an organization."


The man touched Qiuqiu's hair, "This is a war between the military and the royal family."

His Majesty has passed away.

Mo Si was also a little sad. This majesty had hugged him before. When he was young, Mo Si was often called into the court. The humorous majesty also brought him a lot of happiness.

Later, Mo Si was able to serve as the expedition marshal, was promoted to general, and took charge of the legion. There were also some figures of the old majesty in it.

It is also such a monarch who can truly sustain the tripartite confrontation.

Everyone is in the same situation, but no one wants to disturb this kind of water and fire and affect this majesty.

But now he is dead.

"It's really going to be a mess."

"We have to win this lawsuit."

The Federal University belongs to the royal family, Qiuqiu and the military court represent the military, and the trial is open, and this win or loss represents the face of both sides.

"The thing about the source?"

"We're going to a place tomorrow." Mosi looked at her, "There's someone there who can solve this."

"Can someone fix it?"

"Didn't it say that the transfer and deletion cannot be restored?" Qiuqiu had also done a lot of homework before.

There are thousands of technical posts and technicians on, and the company is full of great gods. After everyone knew about this incident, she said that she would recover. No one commented on the difficulty of this incident. Everyone said that it was basically impossible.

It seems that no one thought about recovering this.

"The rules that belong to StarNet are determined by the people who founded StarNet."

"As a participant, naturally you cannot change the rules of the game."


"Are we going to find the initiator!?" Turing? Turing in the 53rd century!

"Does it count." Mo Si's mind constructed the appearance of the person, "It can only be said that it is 1/10 of the initiators, but even if it is only 1/10, it is enough."

"Sounds great."

"He's at the cutting edge of the star-net field."

Someone can solve it, Qiuqiu is not so worried.

Anyway, the active parts, the battle with the strange stone sanatorium, can definitely win.

In the evening, Mo Si was going to attend the meeting. Since his return date was uncertain, he let Qiuqiu go back to the starry sky first.

"Send me a message when you arrive."

"Yeah! Send me a message when you're going back!"

"it is good."

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