All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1057 I have made the most vicious oath, I will no longer use StarNet knowledge, unless——

No matter how the big mecha fights, the small mecha can still take over.

Looking handsome.

After about ten minutes of pk, the speed of the big mecha began to gradually slow down, and after a while, Qiuqiu saw a hover car flying out of Beechburg.

There were several people sitting in the car, and they surrounded Mo Si directly, and the two groups of people didn't know what to say.

Qiuqiu could only see that the people in the hover car were very excited.

One person was even dancing.

Moss is also out of the mecha.

The two parties began to negotiate. After about five minutes, the conversation stopped and the two distanced themselves.

Qiuqiu didn't know for a while whether the negotiation was done or not. Just as he was about to send a message to ask, a new batch of mechas opened in Beechburg.

This time it's not a big mecha, the model is similar to the small mecha that Mosi is driving now.

The two sides seemed to negotiate again, and then Qiuqiu saw Mosi driving the mecha and fighting the pile of mechas in front.

One vs many.

He is like lightning that breaks through the sky, shuttling through the crowd of mechas.

During the battle, it can be seen that Beechburg's mecha is trying very hard to block Mosi, but it is impossible for a real master to be blocked.

He began to stab, and the Beechburg team began to change formations.

But the difference in absolute strength made them unable to hold back no matter how they changed their formations after Mosi's real strong onslaught.


In the process of fighting, Mosi is trying his best to control his power.

The mental power is too vigorous, which makes Mosi's every blow full of absolute fighting intent, but the outside mecha cannot be broken.

After all, these are Xing Ruisi's baby bumps.

He came to help people, and he certainly couldn't get in the way.

For Mosi, in this battle, controlling power is far more difficult than venting power.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the speed of this group of robots to slow down again, and the people on the suspension car were satisfied.

Mosi came out to negotiate again.

"Why did you come to our Pirate Star again?"

"Something happened."

"What's the matter with you this time? Your legion's detector is broken again?" Xing Ruisi will also pay attention to the news on the polar side, and he has a better understanding of this.

"As the old saying goes, you pk with my little baby just now. It can only be regarded as your ticket to come here. If you want me to help you again, you have to pay extra!" It's another price.

"Are you also short of money?"

In this universe, the person who is most in need of money is the one in front of him.

"I'm not short of money, but I'm short of things. You have to send me something that I can't buy, how about it?"

"Yes." Mo Si nodded, "As long as it does not involve confidential materials, it can be delivered."

"Huh, when did you become so generous?" Xing Ruisi couldn't believe it. "Could it be that there is something wrong with your precious mecha, so you came to me to fix it?"

"None of them." Mo Si squeezed his forehead. This genius is so good at everything, but he is too talkative. "This time I came to you, and I didn't ask about mecha."

"It has something to do with Star Network."

"It has something to do with Xingwang!" Xing Ruisi immediately changed his face, he wore glasses, looked at people so seriously, and when he spoke loudly, he was full of scholar's anger, "You are still my classmate! Didn't I say it before? , I will never use everything about StarNet knowledge again in my life!"

"I do not agree to this commission."

Moss had expected him to do this.

"If it succeeds, I will give you 1,000 Stones of Destiny."

After that person heard this sentence, a burst of light and heat suddenly erupted in the thin body——

"Come on, tell me what you're going to do right now! I'm going to swear today!"

"1000 Stones of Destiny?! How big is your block, what machine did you use to cut it, and is it the standard kilogram size?!"

"You're still the same as before, you haven't changed."

"What has changed, you answer my question first!"

There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to add money.

Good night, Tweet~~~

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