All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1058 Mosi, take advantage

"Oh." Xing Ruisi nodded, "I see, you meant to ask me to restore an original copy, didn't you?"

"That's right."

"Okay." He agreed without thinking.

Really, if the guy Mosi came half a month earlier, he wouldn't be able to agree to this matter immediately. He had to try the data to see if it could be recovered.

Speaking of which, this guy has to thank his goddess again. If it wasn't for the goddess... how could his business be done so smoothly.

Thinking of the goddess, Xing Ruisi sighed again.

"What?" Mo Si heard the sigh and asked back, "The reward is not enough, the difficulty is too great? What are you sighing for?"

"For private affairs, the reward is enough, and I am not a huge mouth of the abyss, so greedy, it is not difficult... But other than the Stone of Destiny you promised me, and the mecha training, I can't release water."

The two are actually old classmates.

They have also fought side by side, swayed their dreams together, and shared the same goals——

To a certain extent, Xing Ruisi represents a small period of Mosi's youth.

So Mo Si was very relaxed when talking to him, and occasionally joked, "Don't let the water at all, are you sure the mecha is still there?"

Xing Ruisi:  …

"Put it down properly, you know what I mean."

"I know." Mo Si said, "I will spare no effort."

"That's good."

"Then let's go first. The training will collect your data for about two days, and then we will slowly discuss what you want to restore."

He invited Mo Si to go in, but Mo Si did not directly get on the hover car, but pointed to the starship.

"No!" Xing Ruisi shook his head, "That's a weapon."

Weapons cannot be driven into towns.

"Don't open that one and go in." The mecha hovered and was sent back to the tail storage area. "There is someone on the ship, please come in with us."

"You brought someone else?!"

"Don't worry, it's not from the military." Mo Si was serious, "I promised you not to bring people from the system here."

"That's good."

While they were talking, the hover car of the two had already driven to the side of the starship.

Xing Ruisi looked down at the data of his mecha, Mosi knocked on the door of the starship, Qiuqiu received his look, and quickly stood up and walked down.

The door opened, and her footsteps were light. When she got to the ship, Mo Si patted Xing Ruisi on the shoulder, "Okay, people are down, you can open."

"Oh, good."

The hover car is also semi-autonomous, and you can drive it by yourself after you choose a destination, so after setting the target point, he suddenly became curious and glanced at the person who got off the car newly.

With a casual glance, the familiar face came into view, and a huge impact hit Xing Ruisi's mind, Tweet... Tweet?

On the hovering car, Mo Si and Qiuqiu were talking.

"Can it be repaired?" Qiuqiu asked Mosi.

Mo Si just opened his mouth, and before he could answer, a person suddenly jumped up beside him.


A male voice interjected quickly.

Moss: ?

Qiuqiu looked at Xing Ruisi curiously, "Mosi, is this?"

"Hello, my name is Xing Ruisi, a classmate of Mosi."

His whole eyes were shining.

After talking to Qiuqiu, he immediately turned his head and asked Mo Si: "Is it related to her that you asked me to restore the source?"

"Yes, it's my problem."

It's actually tweeting...

It seems that the military really values ​​her, and it is really great to have Mo Si take the lead in seeking help!

Tweet! Eternal God!

After the excitement, he fell into a tangle again. In fact, he only started to study the source file reply about half a month ago.

The introduction to wanting to study this matter is also because Qiuqiu was framed.

The source is missing.

As the number one fan of Jiang Chiu Chiu, Xing Ruisi could not see that the goddess suffered such grievances and immediately began to study. Fortunately, the hard work paid off, and he quickly found an effective method.

But I tweeted privately, and I didn't reply. After all, there are too many people in @啾啾, I asked the studio, and there was no news from the studio.

Originally, Xing Ruisi was going to black out a wave of new stars' computers to talk about this in the next step.

But didn't expect...

Before he did this, Chiu Chiu actually found it by himself.

And he also received such a high reward.

Woohoo, I suddenly felt that my iron fan status was in jeopardy.

No one knows, just a short moment, a face-to-face, Xing Ruisi already has a series in his mind.

He stood on the spot without speaking, obviously a little lost.

Qiuqiu was a little overwhelmed, why didn't she speak when she heard that it was her problem? She glanced at Mo Si with questioning eyes.

Moss: "He's always been like this."

"Genius, love to be in a daze."

"Oh oh."

Well, genius is always different.

With Xing Ruisi in a daze, Qiuqiu and Mosi discussed whether the process of restoring the source file needs to be on the terminal of the person who deleted the file?

"It has to be needed, right? It can't be changed out of thin air."

"I don't know about this either." Mo Si thought for a while, "Maybe he needs it, maybe he can find an easier way."

"Then the network is disconnected!"

"No." Mo Si recalled the past and recalled that Xing Ruisi once said, "The network linked by the star network has no real place of secrecy."

It means he can go anywhere.

Qiuqiu sighed in his heart, as expected of Turing alive.

Sounds so strong.

The two of them thought together, and the hovering car crossed the gate like a steel jungle and got close. Looking down at it from a high place, Qiuqiu found that it was more and more like Beechburg.

Because only SpongeBob SquarePants and Brother Octopus can be seen from the outer layer, and if you go further inside, you can see Pai Daxing and Teacher Puff...

At this time, Xing Ruisi had broken free from the TV series in his head.

"Mosi, I've been thinking about it for a long time."

"What are you thinking about?"

He looked at Qiuqiu, as if he had made the biggest decision in his life, "If the person you want me to help is her, then I won't charge you a thousand Stones of Destiny."

"Just give me 100."

"...What's the matter, why don't you even want the energy ore?" Mo Si was shocked, "It's not like you take the initiative to reduce the number."

"Why don't you look like me!"

Xing Ruisi said with a stern face, "Don't be sentimental, it's not because of you that I lowered the price."

After he finished speaking, he approached Qiuqiu again, "I lowered the price because the person you brought is Chiu Chiu."

As soon as the name came out, everyone present understood it.

Qiuqiu was surprised, "You also watch my live broadcast?"

"Yes." He nodded frantically, and said secretly, "I am level 100."

Old fan.

"Speaking of which, I can promise him to restore the data now because of you..."

Xing Ruisi eloquently recounted how he wanted to solve problems for Qiuqiu far away from the gravel star cluster.

Qiuqiu really didn't expect that he could have his own fans here too.

"Mr. Xing, you don't have to make such a big discount. You helped me solve this problem. It's justified to get paid... It would be good to give Mo Si a small discount."

She is also afraid that I will suffer!

Being watched by his goddess, Xing Ruisi, an engineering man, moved his lips, and his face suddenly flushed a little, "No, no."

"I didn't make a big discount either. Originally, 100 was enough. Anyone who paid 1,000 was taken advantage of... I didn't know it was you at first, I thought it was Mosi."

Mo Si, who was standing on the side, said: I was angry.

It was difficult for Qiuqiu to answer these words, so she glanced at Mosi.

"Take it."

"Paying 1,000 not only represents me, but also the military."

A question mark slowly appeared on Xing Ruisi's head.

Moss: "Let's talk in the afternoon."

I can't stop the update...for a while, I'm dying

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