All Stars Are My Food Fans

Chapter 1061 throwing out an olive branch

Mosi came this time to convince Xing Ruisi to join the military.

"No, I'm not going."

He had just sent out the invitation, but Xing Ruisi immediately refused.

Maybe I was a little embarrassed, I felt that what I said was too absolute, Xing Ruisi added his own reason, "You know, I am willing to share some technology to let you in Polar Star, I have been thinking about it for a long time."

The Xing family had a feud with the previous His Majesty.

Once Xing Ruisi's father, the great genius who created the entire Star Network and linked tens of billions of people, was put in the hands of His Majesty Zhao Yiran.

Although it can be said to be an accident... but the life that has passed cannot tolerate a pale explanation of the word accident.

Therefore, Xing Ruisi did not have the slightest affection for the Federal Empire.

Even though he holds a lot of technology in his hand and has the means to change the pattern, he has always been silent in Pirate Star, with a few side branches of the Xing family, and the people who migrated with them at that time, living a life of nothing. life of struggle.

About twenty years ago, at that time, Mosi had not yet fully grown up, and the frontline battle was tight. He had been to Pirate Star once. After tangled, Xing Ruisi quietly gave some innovative technologies about mecha.

The advancement of science and technology has enhanced the combat strength of a large number of mid-tier mecha soldiers, and the war with the Zerg has gradually eased.

"I know your grievances with the Empire."

"It's good that you know, I will never fight for the federal empire."

He sounded to understand his own thoughts, Xing Ruisi breathed a sigh of relief.

Mo Si sat, standing here like a mountain. He was not frustrated by Xing Ruisi's refusal, but once again launched his own reason: "But this time, there is no empire."

As soon as he finished speaking, the person inside immediately raised his head.

But Xing Ruisi looked up and saw only one side of thick glass.

What did Moses mean? There was no time to think, I just felt excited, and adrenaline drove Xing Ruisi to rush out of the small laboratory.

He ran to Moss.

"You, what do you mean?"

"Literally, the time has come. We will continue to implement the theory put forward by the first His Majesty, uphold his legacy, and follow the path that our ancestors had to take."

"As we said in school twenty-four years ago."

Many years ago, Mo Si and Xing Ruisi went to the Federal Military Academy together.

Just like the Federal University, there are not only pure classes there, everyone will practice, they will also go to remote planets, and they will go to the real battlefield.

A good soldier is made of blood and tears.

They have seen the devastation together. They have seen the other side of high-rise buildings, galaxies and mechas. The ground is full of yellow sand, and there are many people dying of hunger. Countless people make a living by picking up garbage.

The teenager at that time said: After the abolition of slavery, the interstellar is still unfair.

Fairness has become a constant thought hidden in the heart.

"Do you really want to draw a line? Reform!?"

The eyes under his spectacles had begun to twinkle.

Mo Si nodded, "Everyone in the military knows that the victory of the front-line war is not only due to the merits of the soldiers, but also due to the merits of a young anonymous scholar."

"If you come, we will give you the highest treatment. The samples, energy, mecha, and ore you want will be given priority to you."

What researcher doesn't want to grow in fertile soil?

Without hesitation, Xing Ruisi was moved.

The blood seemed to ignite suddenly.

"I'll think about it again."

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